‘F*ck Steve Scalise’: HuffPost writer wishes political violence were more ‘organized’

this is a ridiculous thing to tweet — Dino (@dinok1975) June 14, 2017 Annnnnd the hot post-Scalise-shooting takes just keep coming: For violent resistance to work it'd need to be organized. Individual acts can be understandable, but likely counterproductive/ineffective. — Jesse Benn (@JesseBenn) June 14, 2017 Uhhh … This lefty is ahem stepping up to the plate. Yikes. https://t.co/6wlibO51lt — Cuffy (@CuffyMeh) June 14, 2017 HuffPo writer's main beef w/ today's attempted mass murder of Republicans is that it was poorly organized. https://t.co/I6ejb3StFQ — Sean Davis (@seanmdav) […]
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