Tag Archives: YouTube audio library

Dying for Ideas

What do Socrates, Hypatia, Giordano Bruno, Thomas More, and Jan Patocka have in common? First, they were all faced one day with the most difficult of choices: stay faithful to your ideas and die or renounce them and stay alive. Second, they all chose to die. Their spectacular deaths have become not only an integral part of their biographies, but are also inseparable from their work. A “death for ideas” is a piece of philosophical work in its own right; Socrates may have never written a line, […]

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Wormwood Forest

When a titanic explosion ripped through the Number Four reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant in 1986, spewing flames and chunks of burning, radioactive material into the atmosphere, one of our worst nightmares came true. As the news gradually seeped out of the USSR and the extent of the disaster was realized, it became clear how horribly wrong things had gone. Dozens died – two from the explosion and many more from radiation illness during the following months – while scores of additional victims came down with […]

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Алексей Пивоваров о «сливе» Захаровой дебатов с Навальным, проекте «Редакция» и YouTube-журналистике

В гостях у Тихона Дзядко и передачи “Еще не вечер” Алексей Пивоваров. Алексей Пивоваров – журналист, медиа-менеджер, автор и ведущий Youtube канала “Редакция”. Алексей Пивоваров рассказал эксклюзив о подготовке дебатов Марии Захаровой с Алексеем Навальным, о коллективе проекта “Редакция”, YouTube журналистике и ее перспективе, почему не берет интервью у Кадырова, карантине и самоизоляции. 0:00 – Алексей Пивоваров – гость передачи «Еще не вечер» 0:58 – О самоизоляции 4:10 – Как шли переговоры с Марией Захаровой о дебатах? 6:32 – О дебатах Собчак и Соболь 8:54 – О […]

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I Like Him, He Likes Her

Find a Penny pick it up and all day long you’ll have good luck…except, of course, if that Penny is charming and pretty and funny, and the person picking her up just happens to be your boyfriend. Alice McKinley’s freshman year is not as “lucky” as she was hoping it would be. But she’s is trying to look on the bright side. There are worse things than being single for a semester… for a school year…for the whole summer…. At least Alice can count on her best […]

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6:00 AM – Daily Current Affairs 2020 by Ankit Sir | 18 May 2020

Current Affairs 2020 वार्षिकांक by Ankit Avasthi Sir | 18th May Current Affairs | Daily Current Affairs in Hindi Music Used in this video: News Theme 2 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…) Artist: http://audionautix.com/ Subscribe Our New Channels: ✿ wifistudy Bank Exams: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrTbT0Zf95Q4HI5IOlrfxsw?sub_confirmation=1 ✿ wifistudy SSC Exams: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_-EHaC_RePrZjRVd4lqdjw?sub_confirmation=1 wifistudy 2.0 is a part of the Unacademy Group. ✿ We’re Hiring: 👉 Apply Here: https://wifistudy.typeform.com/to/XZIYVc 🔔 Subscribe Unacademy Brands Channels: ✿ wifistudy: https://www.youtube.com/wifistudy?sub_confirmation=1 ✿ wifistudy 2.0: https://www.youtube.com/wifistudy2?sub_confirmation=1 ✿ wifistudy Studios: https://www.youtube.com/wifistudyStudios?sub_confirmation=1 ✿ […]

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My Hitch in Hell

My Hitch in Hell is an inspiring survivor’s epic about the triumph of human will despite unimaginable human suffering. GBS_insertEmbeddedViewer(“xyk256lPlHIC”, 500,400);

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Philosophy in the Garden

Why did Marcel Proust have bonsai beside his bed? What was Jane Austen doing, coveting an apricot? How was Friedrich Nietzsche inspired by his ‘thought tree’? In Philosophy in the Garden, Damon Young explores one of literature’s most intimate relationships: authors and their gardens. For some, the garden provided a retreat from workaday labor; for others, solitude’s quiet counsel. For all, it played a philosophical role: giving their ideas a new life. What unites the authors–Proust, Woolf, Colette, Rousseau, Orwell, Emily Dickinson, Kazantzakis–portrayed in Philosophy in the […]

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The future of fact

The future of fact GBS_insertEmbeddedViewer(“dD52AAAAIAAJ”, 500,400);

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Medieval Saints and Modern Screens

This ground-breaking book brings theoretical perspectives from twenty-first century media, film, and cultural studies to medieval hagiography. Medieval Saints and Modern Screens stakes the claim for a provocative new methodological intervention: consideration of hagiography as media. More precisely, hagiography is most productively understood as cinematic media. Medieval mystical episodes are made intelligible to modern audiences through reference to the filmic – the language, form, and lived experience of cinema. Similarly, reference to the realm of the mystical affords a means to express the disconcerting physical and emotional […]

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Holy Silence

“Presents the Quaker practice of silence and expectant listening”–Back cover. GBS_insertEmbeddedViewer(“CJ8xDwAAQBAJ”, 500,400);

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