10 Signs Your Mental Health is Getting Worse

[Upbeat Music] Hey Psych2Goers, have you ever thought about
joining our team of animators or writers?   Or perhaps you want to start an
animation channel of your own?   Are you looking through as many YouTube
channels as you could for tutorials and tips,   but wasting a lot of time on some not-so-helpful
ones? Skillshare is a great place where you can learn new things with their online classes,
and they have animation courses as well!   Click the link in the description below to
get your free trial of Skillshare Premium! Hey Psych2goers and welcome back to our channel! This video is suggested by one of our
viewers, Army & Blink! Thanks for the suggestion! Now, let’s get started.

Have you been wondering if your mental
health is possibly getting worse?   Mental health, just like physical health,
affects everyone whether you are suffering from a mental illness or not. Your mental and
emotional health can fluctuate from time to time depending on the stresses going on in
your life. So, it’s always a good idea to check in with yourself and try to gauge the
direction your mental health is going in.   With that said, here are ten signs that
your mental health is getting worse. NUMBER ONE. You’re losing interest in the little things. Do your favorite activities suddenly seem meh
to you? If you’ve started to lose excitement for life’s little things, then this is a sign that
your mental health might not be at its best.   You might be feeling this way because
of an overload of stress in your life,   or you’re feeling overwhelmed with all
of your responsibilities and to-do lists.   When you lose interest and don’t enjoy the hobbies
and activities that you once did, this could also be a warning sign of depression.

If you think this
could be what’s happening to you, know that you are not alone, and that help is just around the
corner. Talk with a trusted friend a family member, or a mental health professional to get the
help you need to navigate these troubling times. NUMBER TWO. You get overwhelmed more easily. Do you find that you’ve been getting
overwhelmed more often than normal?  When you have a to-do list for two
or three tasks, does it feel more like you have ten things to do? When you start to
get overwhelmed easily with everyday things,   this could be a sign of worsening mental health.
According to Psychotherapist, Sheri Jacobson,   feeling mentally overwhelmed could be an internal
reaction to excessive outside stress. To help cope with this overwhelming feeling, you can
journal, meditate, or practice mindfulness. NUMBER THREE. You don’t feel like
socializing that much anymore.  Does it feel more exhausting to
interact with people nowadays?   Regardless of whether you’re an introvert,
extrovert, or somewhere in between,   we all have a standard comfort level
when it comes to social interaction.   If you feel yourself slipping below your comfort
level, pay attention to this.

Remember that   even if it doesn’t feel that way at the moment,
interacting with people can help boost your mood! We want to mention that we’re happy to have Skillshare as a sponsor today because they promote the idea of a self-made you. Are you planning to learn a new skill, perhaps in illustration, animation, or writing? It would be great if everything you need is all in one place, right? Well, Skillshare has thousands of catered courses across all kinds of topics like design, business, tech, and more. There is truly something for everyone. Skillshare has a great intro class on animation that we recommend. The course is called “Creativity Unleashed: Discover, Hone, and Share Your Voice Online” by Johannes Fast. If any of you are interested in learning basic animation, I recommend you go check it out in the link below! The first 1000 people will get a free trial of Skillshare Premium and after that, it’s only around $10 a month.

Let us know what Skillshare courses you’re taking in the comments below. FOUR. You don’t have a consistent sleep schedule. Have you developed a seemingly random sleep
schedule? Despite wanting to get up at a certain time in the morning, do you wind up sleeping all
day? When you have an irregular sleep schedule,   this could signify increased stress in your
life and a decline in your mental health.   If you’re struggling to regulate your sleep,
you can try setting up a routine to wake up and go to bed at the same time every
day. This will get your body back into its regular rhythm of sleep and wake cycles,
therefore no longer causing sleep disturbance. FIVE. You always feel drained. Despite getting enough sleep and eating well,
do you constantly feel exhausted or drained?   According to Healthline, mental exhaustion
can set in when you are under long-term stress and this type of exhaustion can make it feel
like you are trying to move up a mountain.   More than just feeling tired, when you are this
drained and constantly exhausted, you might struggle to get anything done.

suggests practicing gratitude, relaxation,   and yoga, as well as talking to a mental
health professional to provide medication for you if it’s needed. Treatment plans will
look different for everyone, but regardless,   there is a way that will work best for you to help
pull yourself out of this state of exhaustion. SIX. Your anxiety seems to be increasing. Do you wake up in the morning with a crushing
sense of anxiety that stays with you all day?   Does this anxiety cast a cloud over your
daily activities? Worsening anxiety can often coincide with worsening mental health.
Anxiety affects us all, whether or not you happen to suffer from a particular anxiety

It’s important to monitor your anxiety levels because a noticeable change
can tell you a lot about your mental health.   Anxiety is a stress response and it can cause
a variety of psychological and physical symptoms.   When you feel overly anxious, you might
notice that your heart rate speeds up your breathing rate increases, and
you might experience a bout of nausea SEVEN. You feel mentally
and emotionally shattered. Do you feel like there are so many things
happening around you, but you can’t focus on any of them? If so, you’re not alone. From
time to time, it’s normal to feel this way,   especially when you are going through
higher amounts of stress. However,   if you are feeling scattered and like things are
spinning out of control, this could be a sign that your mental health is under strain. According to
Psychologist Rick Hanson from Psychology Today,   you probably feel scattered because you are
struggling to find your center. This means that for your brain to feel more organized, you
need to feel at peace within yourself.

Practicing mindfulness, such as yoga and meditation, are
great places to start on the road to inner peace. EIGHT. You can’t seem to pay attention. Do you have a harder time
focusing and staying on task?   When you’re reading, is it hard to comprehend?
Do you have to reread the same passage over and over again? Though it could relate to
potential psychological disorders such as ADHD,   depression, or anxiety, it is also likely that
a lack of focus can be due to stress or poor self-care. It can be frustrating to start losing
focus so frequently and those feelings are valid and normal. Remember to take care of yourself
and, as you recover, know that help is available. NINE. You might be struggling
with your impulse control. Are you acting more on impulse? Are you
possibly indulging in things you shouldn’t?   Whether it’s retail therapy, bringing all of
your shows, or playing video games for hours,   when you act more on impulse like this, it
can signify worsening mental health.

You might pick up some unhealthy habits
as a way to cope with life stress,   fulfill yourself, or distract yourself
from a major issue going on in your life.   Journaling, mindfulness, and therapy are great
ways to start uncovering some of these issues! TEN. You are struggling to feel grounded. Similar to feeling centered, when you
are grounded, you are feeling confident and balanced within yourself. According to Irene
Langeveld, an energy worker, and meditation coach,   grounding starts with the root chakra at the
base of the spine, known to help you feel secure.   Activities that connect your body with
the world around you– such as hiking,   meditating, or walking outside –are all great
ways to help you find your sense of grounding! Can you relate to any of the points made in
this video? Do you think your mental health could be slipping? If so, know that
there is help you can reach out to.   You can talk to a trusted friend, family member,
or a mental health therapist for support.   Please like and share this video if it helps
you and you think it can help someone else, too!   The studies and references used are listed
in the description below.

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Thank you for watching! We’ll see you next time! Video by Psych2go.

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