5 Tips To Melt Your Crush’s Heart Effortlessly

– [Presenter] Are you hoping
to ask your crush out, but maybe wanna get them to
like you a bit first, but how? Well, here are five tips
to melt your crush’s heart. Number one, talk about both
your passions and theirs. People love to talk about
what they’re passionate about. Instantly, they light up the room with energy about what they love. Wouldn’t you wanna discuss the passions that take up your mind? What do they think about doing? What is their passion project? Having an engaging
conversation with someone about what they love is a great way to start a date or hang out. Talk about yours, to
put you in a good mood and listen and let them
discuss their passions, so their mood is brightened as well. Number two, work on building confidence. Confidence can be a great
way to attract someone. Many people admire confidence. We all wanna be confident and comfortable with who we are and what we do. So dig deep inside you and bring out as much
confidence as you can when you talk to your crush.

It may take some time to
build up your confidence. One way could be to start
talking with your crush more and getting comfortable
around the little things that make you uncomfortable. Or rather focus on taking care of yourself and brightening up your
spirits by being your best self and doing the things you aspire to do. It may just build your confidence. Number three, have good eye contact.

One way to melt your crush’s heart, stare deep into their
dreamy eyes on a date. Well, not in a weird way. Just keep up a good amount of eye contact and don’t be afraid to
look into their eyes during the silent moments
too, if it feels right. They may just take it as
a hint that you like them, especially if you reveal
a blush and a smile. An article from Your Tango
and The New York Times points to research that has
found that prolonged eye contact between two people can improve the odds that those two people will fall in love.

Arthur Aron, the social
psychologist behind the research said that the two biggest
factors to falling in love through eye contact are, that the
other person is reasonably appropriate and desirable. And there is also a reason to think they might be genuinely interested in you. So good eye contact is a
good idea with your crush, but it could be a better idea to increase the eye contact
after a date or two, once you’ve gotten to
know each other better, and you know you both like each other, it may make them like you even more. Number four, don’t shy away
from making the first move. Remember how confidence is
often seen as admirable? Well, making the first move can often take a bit of confidence. So your crush may just admire
you if you make the first move and it may just melt their
heart to see someone so confidently asking them out as well. You don’t wanna be cocky,
but confident and respectful. Also, it’s like ripping a bandaid off. You’ll finally have a hint
as to whether they’re like you or not with a bit of flirting and if you ask them out, hopefully, a date.

Number five, casually
and subtly touch them. If you’re having a flirty
or fun conversation with your crush, a subtle and
playful touch here and there may make them feel more
comfortable around you. As long as you’re not strangers or if they look extremely
uncomfortable around you. If you’ve been talking
to someone for a while, give a playful touch on the arm or a hug when you say goodbye. They may just feel closer to
you, more than just physically. So talk about your passions, look in their eyes, touch their hand and it may just melt their heart. So, what tips would you use
to get your crush’s attention? Will you make the first
move and talk to them? Ask them out. Feel free to share with us in the comment section below.

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