6 Physical Symptoms that Might Be Anxiety

Presenter, Have you ever experienced physical symptoms and not known why It could be that you’re experiencing anxiety without realizing it. So what exactly is anxiety Experiencing occasional moments of anxiety is normal, such as when facing a problem at work or before taking an exam where you may feel your heart beating, rapidly sweaty palms, or nausea, But these symptoms of nervousness dissolve over time.

While you may have experienced these symptoms at some point, anxiety is more than temporary, worrying or stress, Worries, and stress arise from external triggers, such as an upcoming deadline or an argument are persistent.

Anxiety, on the other hand, is persistent, worry in the absence of stressors.

The American Psychology Association defines it as an emotion characterized by apprehension and somatic symptoms of tensions in which an individual anticipates impending danger, catastrophe, or misfortune.

Aside from its mental symptoms, anxiety also produces a roster of physical symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, and muscle tension.

Most people pay more attention to the physical symptoms, as they’re easy to identify and, as a result, tend to treat the symptoms rather than the underlying cause.

So with that said, here are six symptoms of anxiety that can help you discern if it’s an illness or anxiety, Number one is irritability.

Yes, this symptom may seem vague because we? If you’re unwell, who wouldn’t be a bit irritated?

However, if you find yourself getting worked up over the slightest things, that fight-flight of anxiety, Anxiety triggers our fight-flight or freeze response.

It also makes you believe that you’re constantly in danger, which reduces your tolerance to stress. As your stress tolerance decreases, you become more susceptible to snapping at someone, According to statistics, only a small percentage of you who watch our videos are subscribed.

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The result of anxiety and not a sickness is if you experience frequent bouts of derealization or depersonalization.

Both symptoms disrupt how you perceive yourself and the world Derealization is a sensation of being outside of your body and is a frightening thing to experience.

One minute you can be walking down the street and suddenly everything feels two-dimensional or unreal.

Depersonalization is usually described as an out-of-body experience Most times.

You feel,  in real-time, watching and hearing yourself in your mind, but your actions feel distant.

Like you’re, not the person doing them and your limbs or body can appear distorted and foreign to you.

Reports show that stress and anxiety are the primary causes of derealization and depersonalization, because your fight or flight response to stress floods, your brain with adrenaline, which redirects blood from the brain to the larger muscle groups and core Because your brain has less blood. You may feel more lightheaded and, as a result, you may experience derealization and depersonalization.

If this happens to you, it helps to breathe.

The adrenaline usually takes two to three minutes to metabolize, but you may take 20 minutes to calm down physically and mentally Number.

Three phobias and coping mechanisms – Another sign that you’re experiencing anxiety and not a physical illness, is if you notice that you’ve developed new and unexplainable phobias.

We all have phobias, whether they developed during childhood or are the result of a bad experience.

Phobias are our brain’s way of trying to keep us from harm.

However, some phobias are the results of anxiety and can become obstacles in your daily life.

Technically, phobias are categorized as anxiety disorders and fall into two groups.

Specific and complex.

Specific phobias usually stem from a bad experience, but complex phobias stem from mental or emotional distress. Specific phobias, usually don’t need treatment, but complex phobias like agoraphobia, the fear of being in busy places, and social phobia.

Do These phobic opioids affect self-esteem More alone and can also affect your self-esteem.


Four attacks trouble breathing A telltale sign of anxiety is experiencing a panic attack or anxiety attack, Though both terms are used interchangeably, they’re different.

A panic attack is a sudden, overwhelming surge of emotion such as fear and discomfort.

You may feel your chest tighten as your breathing has stopped.

You may also feel dizzy or lightheaded.

While anxiety attacks have similar symptoms, they’re a bit different as they’re.

The result of symptoms that have been gradually buildinGastrointestinalgastrointestinal disruptions.

Gastrointestinal issues are another sign of anxiety, but can also arise independently of your mental health, While anxiety and gastro illnesses are mutually exclusive. There is research supporting the theory that anxiety causes gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable, bowel syndrome and studies have shown the comorbidity between a notoriety and irritable bowel syndrome.

There’s lot of research that treatment for some gastrointestinal disorders may involve therapy And number six physiological strangeness.

A final sign that you’re experiencing anxiety is, if you feel, tingling or numbness, usually in your face and limbs, which is the feeling of blood rushing to your extremities as your fight or flight response kicks in, While blood rushes to your extremities areas of Your body can feel weak Tingling and numbing can.

Also, be caused by, hyperventilation which indirectly, happens when you are 39, reIn thesis, Along with, the symptoms listed.

In this article, there are other ways, anxiety, can, manifest itself Despite its symptoms anxiety is manageable Please.

Reach out.

To a medical, health, professional, or therapist for help, Do you recognize any of these symptoms in yourself? Let us know when the comments below And remember to like and share this video with those who might benefit.

As always, the references and studies used are listed in the description below Take care, and thanks for watching See you next time.

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