ADHD and Anxiety Tips: Internal Family Systems

In this video, we will be discussing a relatively new type of. The treatment you may consider trying if you suffer from anxiety ADHD or experience other persistent emotional struggles, Hi I’m Lynette, from PanicAttackRecovery com We’re a collaboration, of former, sufferers.

Helping people: with panic: attacks – and stress.

Anxiety, depression, and ADHD Today we want to discuss Internal Family Systems, Therapy or IFS, and how it can be helpful, for you, IFS, is a treatment created by Dr Richard Schwartz.

According to the website of Dr Schwartz IFS views a person as containing an ecology of relatively discrete minds, each of which has valuable qualities and each of which is designed to and wants to play.

A valuable role within These parts are forced out of their valuable roles.

However, life experiences can reorganize the system in unhealthy ways, A helpful characteristic of IFS is that it is a self-driven process driven by the client.

As we have said in previous videos, you need to be proactive when it comes to your mental health.

You need to be in the driver’s seat when it comes to recovery, That’s what Internal Family Systems allows, But you may be wondering how can learning about this treatment help you In a podcast episode with Neil Sattin, Dr. Schwartz, explained that the key towards healing Is to build a Self to parts relationship in which your parts can begin to sense that there is a Self-present, As protective parts begin to be acknowledged by the Self.

They can begin to trust more and step to the side which allows the Self to be even more present.

A key question to ask to build the Self to part relationship is How do you feel towards this part? The more self-led we are, the more healing can happen, because we will be able to connect to the knowing that we do know how to take care of exiled parts. The bottom line is that, by understanding that we have these different influencers in our daily lives, we can learn to recognize them and ultimately make decisions about what to do about them, whether to release them or give them other things to do The information about this treatment Likely sounds very abstract, the first time you hear it, but it may be a treatment you wish to try or learn more about For more information.

You can visit Dr Schwartz’s website or seek out a professional with expertise in this area In most jurisdictions.

You can find a list of providers from an association or other entities such as Psychology Today that list information about members.

These options will allow you to locate a professional whose practice includes IFS.

We hope that you have enjoyed this video and look forward to presenting another one next week To make sure that you don t miss out on any of our content.

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