As Romney gains buzz, Team Hillary still awfully sore about that Vanity Fair ‘knitting’ video
Rumblings that failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney might be running for a Senate seat in Utah have really gotten to Team Hillary, who aren’t at all feeling the enthusiasm bubbling up around Romney. After all, it wasn’t long ago that a writer in a snarky Vanity Fair video suggested that Hillary Clinton take up knitting — or any hobby, for that matter — rather than consider another run.
Vanity Fair apologized for posting that video, saying it “missed the mark.” However, the video really seems to have left a mark. We thought we’d noticed a trend, but The Free Beacon’s David Rutz was kind enough to compile the tweets for us:
Team Clinton's messaging is awfully bitter. Maybe take up knitting, it'll calm you down
— David Rutz (@DavidRutz) January 2, 2018
The writer who spoke that “take up knitting” line locked down her account in the ensuing backlash, which was enormous. Team Hillary still hasn’t gotten over it — check out these three tweets from campaign alumni, all posted within a half-hour of each other.
Strange how losing male presidential candidate Mitt Romney is being immediately discussed as a replacement for Orrin Hatch’s senate seat and isn’t being told to take up knitting!
— Nick Morrow (@NRMorrow) January 2, 2018
Mitt Romney may run for Senate? I thought failed presidential candidates were only allowed to take up knitting.
— Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) January 2, 2018
Mitt Romney lost and the media is begging him to run for office. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and they told her to take up knitting. Sexism at work.
— Kaivan Shroff (@KaivanShroff) January 2, 2018
Somebody hit a nerve.
Such butthurt.
— JWF (@JammieWF) January 2, 2018
This may be the squealiest tweet of all time.
— Walker Bragman (@WalkerBragman) January 2, 2018
This ignores so much.
— Adlai Deisler (@Mr_Deisler) January 2, 2018
She’s welcome to go back to her home state and run.
— Just Brad (@bradcundiff) January 2, 2018
lol one woman at @VanityFair made the knitting comment, and "the media" were the ones who decided Romney was the biggest idiot of all time for saying Russia was our top foe, but sure, run with that
— David Rutz (@DavidRutz) January 2, 2018
Yes, the media is always rough on Democrats. I don't know how they ever get their message out.
— Carl Gustav (@CaptYonah) January 2, 2018
Can I like HRC, dislike Romney, and still acknowledge these two facts: Mitt's favorable/unfavorable ratings in Utah is +47 whereas HRC's underwater nationwide at -25.
— Jeff Labrecque (@JeffLabrecque) January 2, 2018
Not having a 30% approval rating post campaign also helps.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) January 2, 2018
Yeah, maybe because Romney hasn't tried to crowbar his way into every national election since I was in middle school to the point that it was a detriment to his own party? Just spitballing here.
— Richard David Smith III (@RDS3attle) January 2, 2018
Then again, he didn't write a book blaming Bernie Sanders for his loss. Knitting would have been wayyy better.
— Beverly Mann (@BeverlyMann19) January 2, 2018
I think once you look past "he's a man and shes a woman they must be sexist", you'll find that there's an actual reason for it: Hillary stinks. She just stinks. It has nothing to do with her vagina or chromosomes. Shes just a horrible human being.
— Andrew Westcott (@Andrew_Westc0tt) January 2, 2018
No, she's a real shitty candidate…sad but true. She's the reason
people broke their necks to go vote for Trump… Mitt, on the other hand, does not have so much filthy baggage… Let's just call her A HORRIBLY FLAWED CANDIDATE!— Mary Ann Johnson (@NotTheHelp) January 2, 2018
No. Hillary was one of the worst canidates to ever run and that has nothing to do with her vagina.
Stop trying to make Hilary happen.— Auni Berger
(@AunieCS) January 2, 2018
Nah. People just really don't like Hillary Clinton.
— RBe (@RBPundit) January 2, 2018
One lost to the media's new messiah, the other lost to Donald Trump.
— Pjörnrachzarck (@pjornrachzarck) January 2, 2018
Only candidates that lost to a reality TV star, not JUST Barack Obama
— cuervo (@excastilloiii) January 2, 2018
accepting this ridiculous narrative for a sec, she lost to Trump and should go live in the forest
— Christine (@cmdeb) January 2, 2018
I'm absolutely shocked that these people lost an election to a reality TV star.
— Joe Pontillo (@JoePontillo) January 2, 2018
Clinton people are deeply unwell.
— Ian Brickey (@IanBrickey) January 2, 2018
What color is the sky in your world?
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) January 2, 2018
A quote that stupid would almost have to come from someone who worked for Hillary herself. Oh wait.
— Jared Monroe (@NotGayJared) January 2, 2018
You’d think a hack/shill for one of the worst failed Pres candidates of all time would know better than to poke fun at another Gen elex loser who at least had some class and dignity.
— Nathan Nickell (@nathan_nickell) January 2, 2018
It is shocking to me that this man helped to lose an unloseable presidential race.
— il rosso (@ilrosso_) January 2, 2018
Hillary fans are the most aggrieved wusses from your middle school that think their minor professional careers have entitled them to an infinite revanchist campaign of condescension and otherwise being a complete fucking dunce
— Resentimental (@2sy_Juunee) January 2, 2018
And then there's this. Clintonistas, that's nowhere near what the video said. It was a suggestion ONLY for your "queen," mostly because she's annoying and a historically bad politician and candidate. But do feel free to push her for 2020. You'll hand Trump a second term.
— Connor Mighell (@cmigbear) January 2, 2018
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