Destiny 2 Showcase 2023 – Livestream


thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we called it The Traveler and its arrival changed us forever great cities were built on Mars and Venus Mercury became a garden world human lifespan tripled it was a time of Miracles we stared out at the Galaxy and knew that it was our destiny to walk in the light of other stars but the traveler had an enemy a darkness which had hunted it for eons across the black Gulfs of space centuries after our golden age began this Darkness found us and that was the end of everything but it was also a beginning [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is it possible there you are green Guardian eyes up Guardian what you’re live you don’t know how long I’ve been looking for you I’m a ghost actually now I’m your ghost and you well you’ve been dead a long time this has fallen territory we aren’t safe here to get you to the city [Music] [Music] there was a time when we were much more powerful but that was long ago until it wakes and Finds Its voice [Music] I am the one who speaks for the trouble you must have no end of questions Guardian in its dying breath The Traveler created the ghosts to seek out those who can wield its light as a weapon Guardians to protect us and do what the traveler itself no longer can what happened to it I could tell you of the great battle centuries ago how the traveler was crippled I could tell you of the power of the darkness its ancient enemy there are many tales told throughout the city to frighten children lately those Tales have stopped now the children are frightened anyway the darkness is coming back we will not survive in this time armies surround us the Fallen are just the beginning what can I do you must push back the darkness Guardians are fighting on Earth and Beyond join them your ghost will guide you I only hope you chose wisely I did I’m sure we’re in this together now [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] for centuries we feared the forces of Darkness massing against us we sought to hide and cower beneath a broken God no more these Guardians show us what we are what we have always been and what we will be again we are what remains of the light and we will not be stamped [Music] it’s a day for pretty speeches and medals but we know the real fight takes place out there [Music] take this [Music] there’s so much more Guardian I’ve seen Terrible Things born out in the Darkness every moment brings them closer [Music] we’ll end the beginnings will fight as far from [Music] far more [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I remember everything about the day I was born [Music] still bear the scars the awoken are my family now and I am their Queen [Music] thank you we fought to keep our beautiful creation safe and now this Beast has come claiming to be king [Music] marasov bows to no one oh [Music] [Music] you and I know how this ends we’ve known since you escaped from that they awoken have played their part [Music] this was a whole part of the plan guide them my hidden friend it is all up to you now [Music] ah [Music] [Music] my queen you were right the guardian was the key For the First Time The Whispers are silent it is [Music] [Music] [Music] I have accepted my fate [Music] I will not fail [Music] thank you foreign if you tell me this is a practical joke well it kills me to say it but I would be really impressed impressing UK is the easiest thing I’ll do all day let’s get serious people Isabella this is my serious face can’t you tell ikoro what have you got someone or something has sabotaged the skyline defense systems and comms have been spotty for the last few hours every sensor Beyond the Wall has gone dark hmm maybe it’s just the storm maybe it’s what are the set feeds telling us nothing that’s good right no I mean they’re not there there are no satellites and that’s not good [Music] Battle Stations everyone with me now that’s it hang on [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] ah never felt better ah you see that petrol Petra you already must have knocked out the [ __ ] realized with that spectacular Landing and cue the ominous music okay everybody back in your cages I said back in your cages yeah that hurt sorry not sorry thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that’s it [Music] now I’m pissed [Music] [Music] I’m pissed oh is that really all you got they help me out here though buddy [Music] thank you [Music] foreign what’s up [Music] ah well this is awkward hey hey you got a gun I can borrow no but I do have a bullet with your name on it ah any second now my partner is Gonna Roll in here and kill everyone [Music] and you my man this is going to hurt any last words [Music] how’s your sister [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you made it [Music] we have heard your cries for help and soon we will answer [Music] who are you [Music] don’t you recognize us we are not your friend we are not your enemy are your salvation [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] this is what I brought you here to see [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] by the separation from my power I’ve been in these final moments I looked hello [Music] I’ve chased chase you for a long time first as an enemy then as a collector [Music] finally now a supplicant [Music] what is this the Guardians say devotion inspires bravery bravery inspires sacrifice and sacrifice [Music] here we are [Music] wouldn’t it be clear of you if after everything he simply let me die what a trick elegant [Music] is that it [Music] if there is an answer I don’t hear it because now the world begins to fade [Music] [Music] [Music] so you sing sabathum was dead good almost devious adversary the one who nearly decimated the last City from within was dead and the traveler resurrected her I wouldn’t have believed it either but but why would she need us to recover her memories if she never lost them in the first place has to be another trick and lie to fullness into surrendering The Traveler without a fight [Music] this has been the Traveler’s approach from the beginning the books of Sorrow detail many civilizations it blessed with the light then abandoned I propaganda the Fallen tell the same story when the witness and its black Fleet came to call the traveler moved on to our system for it sacrificed itself to save Humanity from the same forces forces which included the hive after all that why would the traveler give our worst enemy the light it doesn’t matter I don’t know why the traveler gave sabathum the light maybe it has changed its mind about Guardians maybe it’s not as infallible as we once believed I don’t know and it doesn’t matter because I’m here to protect Humanity and if sabathune takes the traveler we lose our light along with any hope for surviving the witness’s return so whatever it takes to stop this Heist we will do [Music] I’m not sure yet but I know where to find out [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] isn’t this interesting calculated [Music] your travel traveler and let me keep it safe for the witness is coming the game is yours to play now yours to win or lose [Music] just don’t say I didn’t warn you [Music] [Music] know no where does your ghost go Guardian I just got the message The Traveler is back in the last City is it done is she’s dead but her ghost got away good enough Hold Your Position the hidden are coming to secure the remains good work Guardian you did the right thing now what we prepare for the witness and stop the next collapse [Music] please [Music] the children of Soul cry out for salvation you promised them life but deliver only death as you have for so many before enough enough life you have no pieces left to places the game is over do not be afraid your pale heart this time there is no Escape [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you all right [Music] it’s happening again the Whirlwind don’t worry the great machine will never abandon anyone again it’s leaving the traveler is leaving the war stats please do not do this if you care at all for our people if there is anything left in your heart [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Anna look [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you there are too many of them Vanguard 12 units to the enemy away from The Traveler at all cost [Music] [Music] what is that the witness whatever that thing is we gotta take it down [Music] [Applause] here going down foreign [Music] they found a veil we’re in no position to engage the enemy we don’t have a choice we’re out of time Osiris [Music] no more running away rest now are the uglier they are the harder they fall right come on we finally found you [Music] what’s wrong Osiris finality takes shape it’s creating the link [Applause] destroy it [Music] beautiful [Music] [Music] what what just happened we just lost [Music] come in thank you the Earth makes us a victims in America nice infinite cruel day [Music] thanks be free [Music] [Music] thank you the witness has moved beyond our reach [Music] all attempts to follow it [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I’ve seen Terrible Things born out in the darkness every moment brings them closer oh my gosh where are we the Music Ready Chad are you ready well in the beginnings Battle Stations all right game over credits oh my God [Music] holy crap about time we are your salvation the line between light and dark is so friendly Let’s cross it together Cora it’s got me feeling things oh my God what is he doing no way oh my god boss [Music] [Music] thanks for tuning in y’all like many of you I’ve been playing games as long as I can remember their core part of what makes me who I am I believe there’s this deeply rooted often unstated mission of games to keep Adventure alive in 2014 bungies set out to start a new adventure Heroes awakened on a desolate planet silent God set in our sky and it wouldn’t be long before an ancient enemy shrouded in darkness showed up at Humanity’s door to destroy us over the years Our Heroes which tape a story far greater than anything we could have imagined players would explore deep into the depths of Venus hunting a machine God that controlled time itself they’d invent ways to combine their Mythic weaponry and their pure causal abilities to stand alone against monsters that took others an entire Elite Squad they’d race alongside their friends far into the early morning into Halls of an ancient city where only a select few emerged Victorious at dawn clutching the heart of a dragon but most importantly they bring their friends and their family into this world and together meet new faces on this adventure who would become lifelong companions now together we approach the final shape we’re about to embark on the last expedition of Destiny’s first Saga so let’s be clear about the stakes in the final shape you will go inside the traveler the journey will be difficult and what awaits you on the other side of this Trek is nothing less than the deadliest entity we have ever faced there will be no open betas there aren’t going to be any guides on the internet telling you how to handle what’s to come whether you’ve been with us from the beginning joined us somewhere along the road or looking at Destiny for the first time anybody who shows up on launch day is going to be greeted with this same Uncharted World a vacuum sealed experience begging for you to be the first person to peel it open so today is your invitation to go forth and adventure [Music] thank you [Music] after all these years we never talked about it why I brought you back why you were chosen the truth is I didn’t know them it was just a feeling but I know that after all we’ve seen all we’ve lost this fight might be our last so I’m asking you one last time to rise [Music] this is a momentous time in Destiny history we’ve been building to this moment for the last 10 years the final shape is the conclusion to that Journey this is a moment in gaming that as a developer you just don’t get very often Guardians and allies are finding the biggest threats that the Universe has ever seen in this big culmination of the light in darkness Saga when we were thinking of what the final shape could be it had to be a lot of different things it needs to pay off this epic confrontation with the witness that we’ve been setting up for years it has to bring you closer to your allies in the Vanguard it has to be this place that like makes you feel nostalgic for the entire Journey you’ve been on when we were resurrected by ghosts at the very beginning of the story we didn’t know why but it was for this The Traveler is asking us for help and it’s our responsibility to protect every living thing in the universe from what the witness intends to do when we first start the final shape we are finally able to go through the portal that the witness opened in the traveler at the end of lightfall inside is the pale heart the traveler that is the stage for a showdown with a witness the darkness it is always out of connection to it the pale Heart Of The Travelers what it’s trying to use to gain connection to the light so with both it can enact its final shape the witness looks around and sees a lack of purpose no meaning it wants to fix all that so it’s trying to put the universe into this Frozen Perfection where everything’s just exactly how it thinks it’s supposed to be that is the final shape if we’re going to defeat the witness it’s going to take everyone failure is not an option we’re going to need the Vanguard all of our allies and all the Guardians to Rally together and be brave in the face of Oblivion in the final shape we’re going to answer questions at the grandest scale but what I find really interesting is that it’s also a very personal Journey where we deepen our relationships with these characters that we’ve known for so long Zavala ikora our ghost get to reconnect with cade6 so like while there’s this great conflict and everything going on around us and Stakes of just unimaginable Heights it’s still at the end a story told around campfires by a bunch of companions who have been fighting together for hundreds of years [Music] in the final shape we’re going through the portal that the witness has opened up to confront it and stop the final shape outside the traveler is this infinite Edward leaning on the pale heart which is a fraction of really what is inside the traveler the heart weird it’s a little strange it makes you feel a bit uncomfortable and it is also just so cool and artistic in the best way [Music] the witness entered well ahead of any Guardians and so it’s had time to kind of shape what’s there when our Guardian enters the rest of the pale heart starts getting shaped also around what we’ve experienced this is the traveler recreating the world in front of you as it saw on your journey one of the most memorable locals from Destiny’s past is the D1 Tower it’s really a labor of love from the destiny team the final shape means so much to everyone who’s building it and I think players are really going to be able to see that the pale heart is our very first linear destination that we’ve ever done I would love it if players felt that they began their journey in a place of safety and feel it escalate in danger in surrealness because there is this beautiful evolution of the space they see things that are more and more wrong as they begin to go towards the witnesses monolith it’s kind of this omnipresent foreboding thing off in the distance the weirdest things happen as you get closer to the monolith in the form of reshaping kind of like deconstructing things and putting them back together just wrong the sense of scale you get out there like as you’re exploring these space and you’re jumping on these reshaped cuboids of Earth you feel tiny as a guardian you feel alone you feel like you are not the force to be reckoned with that you have been you’re not the god Slayer right now you’re just this little person jumping from these massive pieces to massive pieces foreign to also capture is that the witness keeps throwing everything it has at you and so we’re going to fight these new enemies the subjugators subjugators are the new unit you’re going to be facing in the final shape they have an enhanced power set they’re performing stasis powers and strand powers to face the guardian while in support of all the other enemies you’re fighting to they bring something entirely new to the battlefield which is kind of this element of control they’re back there hanging away with Stacy’s abilities throwing Crystals at you freezing you in place tangling you up good we’re focusing you on the campaign and only the campaign it’s the most important thing in the universe at that moment you have to stop the final shape from happening and for that we do need the help with our allies and so we’re going to make sure that the core Vanguard team gets back together Zavala and nikora and Kade the campaign is just the start of the pale heart after you’ve reached the monolith and finished the campaign we open up the entire destination and so the entire pale heart is going to react to you and what you are doing the campaign in the final shape doesn’t really end with the final mission the raids are where you defeat like the big bosses so it’s only natural that when you are going to confront the witness you’re going to do that in the race but that might not be enough this is a moment where we need to Rally all Guardians to be able to overcome the final shape and the witness in the final shape we are inside the traveler very close to this energy this allows us to have new supers Arc solar void we want to create something that turns you into an offensive Powerhouse but also can benefit your allies in a support capacity there is this thread of team play and like working with your friends to overcome the odds foreign expression of solar energy coursing through your guardian this solar warlock super is a callback to Radiance from D1 other than Golden Gun this is the only other first person super in Destiny right now your melee’s oh like all these these projectiles going off doubling the amount of projectiles your grenade almost being sentient as it searches around and then it hits a character and bounces off and goes to another one and you’re so overflowing with this energy that you are also giving it to your allies allowing them to have their solar weapons supercharged applying Scorch when they’re shooting the new solar warlock aspect when I cast my Rift it is going to create this little solar soul that when it sees an enemy it launches part of itself out and hits the enemy and explodes and scorches them it just feels very alive Twilight Arsenal it’s a layered super this is the only ranged one-off offensive super for Titans in the game the Titan jumps up into the air summons this giant void ax throws it summons another one throws it summons another one looks at a different group of enemies throws it and when these axes fly through the air they stick into the ground or an enemy do their void gravity thing where they suck a bunch of energy and enemies in and then explode but that doesn’t destroy the ax the ax sticks around and you and your allies can go and pick up that ax and start wailing on enemies with it this super is insane to me the boy Titan aspect I press and hold my grenade button to consume my grenade and turn it into the shield the more damage it takes the more it charges up and then I can release that and it creates this blast that deals massive damage the hunter Arc super Arc is all about finding the shortest distance between two points a hunter kind of rears back takes this knife and throws it across the world and then is able to Blink to its position do the slash that just decimates anyone nearby one really great thing about that is not just you do it once but you’re able to do it three times along with devastating attacks each time you do it the hunter has an aspect we take our staff we twirl it in the air which propels US upward it creates this burst which amplifies you and any allies near you it almost makes it feel like you’re playing a fighting game right like these combos that you’re chaining together to do these different moves it like takes that that sandbox to the next level the more aspects we have the more capable we are to do that it feels like you’re like riding the lightning you know like that instantaneous like that was good but I think it’s more like you know I like it I like it weapon team has been working on all sorts of goodness we’ve got Exotics we’ve got legendaries we’ve got perks we’re always cooking up stuff we’re always playing with stuff that we think is like really interesting or taking inspiration we have tessellation which is this exotic pyramid Fusion rifle it has the really intriguing property of adapting your guardian’s current damage type this will be the first time that you can run a weapon that can adapt to be strand or stasis in the energy slot so you’ll be able to run an entirely strand or entirely stasis cancellation has the additional property that you can special reload to reshape your grenades and suck it into the weapon and then fire out a super destructive single projectile it’s a really special weapon what’s the one specific exotic that I can make that’s like really zany that you would like right now what if golden gun was a sniper rifle what if you could harness the the might of the traveler you know we had a moment where we saw that traveler beam cut scene I know people on weapons went I kind of want that you’re like that is Incredibly Dope so we’ve got this opportunity to bring back these iconic Destiny 1 weapons but really turn it into something that feels unique in Destiny too we have to bring kavat stuff into the fold the Red Death exotic pulse rifle and dragon’s breath burn the world burn it all in the final shape we have new weapon subfamilies coming broadening what existing weapons can be really like bordering on exotic functionality so for example we’ve got a rocket pistol sidearm subfamily we always liked the Special ammo sidearms this fires tiny slow-moving Rockets they hit very hard do a bit of AOE damage they have a mixture of regular weapon and rocket launcher stats we’re also doing a new support weapon subfamily the support Frame Auto rifle is a type of legendary Auto rifle it’ll let you switch seamlessly from firing at enemies to Healing your allies I’m really excited to bring it to Dungeons and keep my team alive honestly weapons team is always coming up with new ideas we’ve got a ton of new cool stuff coming over the next few years and some new and really wild ideas which we’re pretty excited about come on take a load off we’ve got a lot to cover this place is only big enough for one dashing hero attack and that’s me so I’m back hey YouTube give me a sec I was magnificent this is great anyone want to hug get your rock off my map worst case scenario you die but who knows maybe you won’t [Music] well better get back to it in this moment where we’re driving to the end of the light and darkness Sago it’s great to see Kade like return to this world at this moment with all this change about to culminate with this confrontation with the the long-standing enemy the witness Kade is the quintessential Hunter his presence cast such a long Shadow over the story of Destiny whether it was when he was alive or when he was dead what Kate goes through in this journey how he serves as a catalyst for the other characters the events that are uncovered to have brought him back this is how the story had to end there was no end to the light and darkness Saga that didn’t have Cade here alongside his friends to finish the job once we started digging into the nature of the pale heart I think that crystallized Cade’s role as a guide Kate is Virgil and he’s our guide through this other place Kate is the one who is the most appropriate person to be the God because that’s his job that’s always been his job it just feels so natural for Nathan to be back in the booth it felt amazing to just see him slip back into the role like without missing a beat instantly In the Flesh or metal as it were page the glue that’s always held in Zavala and icora together having him back puts them a position of questioning where they’ve been and what they’ve done without him if you think about the journey that Zavala has been on and how he’s been taken down this dark path and you think about the weight that’s been on ikora having to hold the Vanguard together having Cade’s voice of levity and brightness that he brings to that group that I think is going to be great for them well at least we have each other we want people to take away that sense of reunion and that that idea of like the gang being back together for this moment I’m here now [Music] wherever the hell here is [Music] [Music] Guardian the witness poses a dire threat and the witch queen holds the answers we seek only if we contend with her sister [Music] with me do not be afraid you now wield Hive magic and have entwined it with your light salt the Spire guardian and open the way to our tides [Music] let them know fear the deck of Whispers And they do whisper fight in my name Guardian every opponent you defeat strengthens me all right let’s Rises for your brutal frequency let us show her the hive you have found the Horn of battle you are deserving of the greatest death I can bestow [Music] the Season of the Witch Is Our opportunity as players we’ve been annihilating and breaking Hive spells and now we finally get to cast them at the end of season of The Deep we learn that sabathune has the key to getting into the portal that we need to go into that means we have to go find imaro her ghost Amaro is like not so fast we’ve got a bigger problem first and that bigger problems name is evil or wrath if we fight her she only gets stronger Eris has an idea it’s a really it’s really good it’s a wild ass idea yeah she determines like well the best way to fight fire is with fire we are channeling all of that energy that we’re creating by going through by eliminating enemies and we’re tithing to our friend aerys bring me your time what does that mean for the characters the player to kind of like be like Sabbath and that’s where we went down the path of having Hive heiress we want to extend that magical fantasy into the player then that ability to have overwhelming magical power that risk and reward into all of our activities and systems experiences and so that’s what led us to come up with things like deck of Whispers this magical deck of cards that creates amazing synergies with your BuildCraft meta and with Buffs and the activities they can then choose these cards at will whichever ones they want and then that really leans into the build crafting you actually are getting cards that you can then use the place on the battlefield and change the way you play I am such a sucker for deck building like being able to like bring that element into Destiny Gameplay has just been like oh yeah it’s really fun yeah so we’ve got two brand new seasonal activities coming with Season of the Witch we’ve got altars of summoning and Sabbath Inspire Sabbath Inspire is our new three-player offensive you’re doing a lot more with the loose and Hive magic but it’s got a high amount of combatant density it’s got additional Random Encounters that you can come across the witch Aspire itself Sabbath to inspire was like her reliquary for all these different magical experiments as she was learning the light you’re there in order to learn as much as you can in order to become a master spellcaster right to become like sabathune the altar of summonings activity is really exciting because you can spend like 20 minutes in it or you can spend two hours in it it’s a three-player experience that you can hop in and hop out of as you’re going through this activity you’re filling the tithing bucket as that tithing bucket is filled up you’ll get progressively more rewards and then finally at the end it’ll cash out and you’ll get a whole mess of Rewards we really wanted to make sure that there was a home for any exotic Mission content coming in Seasons after the year has passed and so we developed what we’re calling the Exotic Mission Rotator right away we’re getting pressage Vox obscura and operation serif Shield this is some of the most fun content the team has making at some of the content the fans and players of Destiny love the most the most exciting thing outside of just the missions themselves is that every time we put a mission inside of that Rotator the Exotic that comes alongside of it will become craftable the Season of the Witch we have a brand new Vex Lo-Fi PvP map coming it’s really exciting it’s got a bunch of really tight gameplay experiences we wanted to make sure that we focused the combat a little bit more with the new Vex Network map we really wanted to make sure we hit is like hey your shoulder shoulder more often there’s not as much deep sight lines that you’re interacting with and a lot of the flow of the map is actually built around this like kind of central pillar of the Vex Network that you’re you’re orienting around and there’s also some modes coming to you right we’ve got a new PVP game mode coming that’s all about relics it’s about multiple relics so it’s not just one like The Scorch game mode from the past so we’ve got the shield coming from Vault of Glass we’ve got the spear back from season of the Risen and we’ve got the Scythe from season haunted yeah so you’re going to be reaping Guardians with that thing it’s a lot more tactical gameplay it’s all about running around the map claiming these Relic dispensers and then grabbing them in order to push for victory I will take will take what I need or the weapon in my fist we were feeling pretty heavy this season obviously there’s something in the air and so when thinking about like what’s a good raid reprisal that would really suit this very heavy season there’s only one answer [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] heading into the final shape we really want to Rally all Guardians at the end of the light and darkness Saga we want to reduce those power barriers as well as catch people up on key story beats and make sure that they have a really great and easy time connecting with other players [Music] in the final shape we’re trying to find ways to make power more simple and easy to understand and also lowering the barrier to entry it’s going to make it easier for players who have not been able to jump into game easily because they were held back by the challenges in grinding for the power levels that are required by these different activities one of the major changes that’s going to be happening starting with the final shape is there are going to be a certain number of activities that are going to be power fixed so it doesn’t matter kind of what power level you are going into it you’re always going to be able to approach it there’s still going to be tiers of difficulty that you can do things that are just meant to be experienced a certain way things like Nightfall strikes that will still have power enabled and that’s where we’re really going to focus the whole power climb the raids the contest modes that everybody loves to engage with that experience is fundamentally going to be staying the same I’m excited for this because I think there will be a lot more clarity for players in terms of understanding the relative difficulty of things where they sit now in the Spectrum one way that we’re trying trying to do that is making it easier for new players to engage with you so we’re introducing something that we’re calling fire team power you can actually bring your friends along to play any Dungeons and raids in the game without having to wait them to be at a certain power level the person with the highest power in your fire team is actually going to bring all the others close to their power level which means that there’s no barriers really for any other Guardian to join you in this high level content when it’s combined with fire team finder it also allows you to find strangers people you’ve never played with before and have that same experience that’s all regardless of the power level of you and the rest of the people in your fire team fire team finder is the new feature that’s coming in season 23 aimed at helping connect and find other people to complete the best and most aspirational content in Destiny we have a tag system that allows players to be able to say well this is my Play style I’m really chill I’m anti-suit I’m just really here to happen exactly tax really allows players to show a little bit more personality show a little bit more about what they’re about I think what’s really great about it is with this launch we’re also looking at including inclusion tags as an example the one of the inclusion tags that we have are for colored blind players hopefully the inclusion tags will bring players closer to finding their community and and even closer to the people that they’re playing with so once a listing goes Live players will be put into a listing Lobby where players can gather they can communicate with each other so we wanted to make it as convenient and as easy as possible for players to not just sit and stare at a screen for a long time while their listing actually fills up as a gamer who’s typically more solo I’m especially excited about this because it really is about helping reduce that anxiety and burden that comes with trying to make a new connection the feature are coming out today that I’m incredibly excited about is timeline Reflections essentially what we have done is we’ve went back to previous expansions and pulled out missions that we felt really represent key narrative beats within our story we are going to have a mission for forsaken mission for Beyond light as well as a mission for which Queen Thanks for the Memories the neat thing about these missions is they’re not going to be like one to one for how you would experience them in the campaign you’re also going to get additional pieces of narrative fed to you to like identify like hey this is why it’s important that this happened and here are the people you met along the way a really big one that’s really timely for final shape is Cade’s Last Stand from forsaken foreign this is a moment that a lot of players knew and old are going to come back to Destiny I think this is just the right time to introduce features that are going to allow those players to jump right in and find people to play with and enjoy this content regardless of their power level we’re reaching the end of this this 10-year Journey what comes next the episodes and the new way we’re going to tell stories moving forward what’s really important about episodes is that it’s a really big shake up to what we’ve been doing instead of providing Four Seasons a year you’re going to get three larger episodes and so the first three episodes in this coming year are called echoes revenant and heresy it’s coming right after the final shape and the theme for the year is going to be all about the consequences and aftermath of the final shape I think what’s really the Cornerstone of the episode model that we’re building is the 3x structure the acts act as these anchors for us to introduce new weapons new artifact mods new activities there’s gonna be New Missions coming around the court there’ll be new story moments in every single one of these acts we’re actually providing more cinematic style experiences throughout the final shape year and the episodes with it than any of the seasons we’ve ever developed before these new stories are actually playable as Standalone like each episode is something you can experience whether you’ve been playing Destiny for 10 years or this is your first one you’re going to be able to basically enjoy them in any order you want to I think the opportunity with this big epic moment is that we get to innovate the game we get to move the game forward it’s all about change frequently it’s all about deeper story moments it’s all about more weapons more loot more often and it really provides the team with a platform to go much deeper into the themes and Fantasies and story of any individual episode as compared to the seasons you know of today I’m so excited to see what the narrative team can do with this kind of new platform of Storytelling episodes provides this awesome foundation for the future of Destiny we’re moving into the next stage of Destiny 2.


I think some people look at the final shape and they think Destiny 2 is coming to the end and in many ways it’s the opposite we’re leaning in we’re putting the pedal to the metal episodes provide us a new Innovative way for players to engage with Destiny 2 throughout the year what makes a guardian a guardian devotion bravery sacrifice we know that we were chosen for a reason by something greater than ourselves Guardian eyes up Guardian [Music] shaped by the fires of each new battle we are forged and sharpened into what we must become for the fighter hand we are the final line that holds the second collapse [Music] every Hunter what is this the Guardians say Devil’s eyes bravery inspires sacrifice leads to death [Music] the line between light and dark is so very thin [Music] Let’s cross it together [Music] there are things out in the dark that only the dark can overcome trust me you’ve heard the stories of the Traveler’s sacrifice of Darkness descending upon Humanity this time There Is No Escape [Music] it’s going to be an exciting year for Guardians we get to make good on a promise that we made way back in 2014.


there was a classic rock-blasting fire team racing across our solar system and at the end, a simple message Become Legend Today you got a glimpse at how we’ll be cementing your Legend in this upcoming year we’re going to be heading inside the traveler experiencing a destination unlike anything we’ve ever built before we’ll face the biggest bad we’ve ever made and we’ll do this all alongside a streamlined progression system allowing us to easily play with friends and any content in the game and as the dust settles in the final shape we’re going to continue our Legends in Echoes it’s Destiny’s first episode in a new phase of Storytelling for Guardians with brand new conflicts born from the resolution of the light and darkness Saga these First episodes are just the beginning but if you’re chomping at the bit to see how the light in darkness Saga is going to kick off the future of Destiny 2.


We’ve got a ton of great content for you to jump into today going live after this we’ve got Season of the Witch with a new story new weapons new armor new activities and new PVP content all alongside a series of story catch-up missions allowing any of your friends to jump into the game and get up to speed on what’s happening in this world then next week a brutal reprisal of Croat’s end is going to join the ranks of our aspirational content I can’t wait to see you all in the throne world as we learn more about the final shape and how we can stop it [Music] do not be afraid all right after all these years all free for lost this fight might be our last so I’m asking you to rise one last time foreign [Music] collector’s edition we try and recreate items from the universe for players to enjoy outside of the game so this year we’re doing a destiny 1 Tower we’ve really tried to work hard at thinking about 10 years of Destiny and how best to encapsulate that experience even as a Game Dev who’ve you know worked on it since day one like I think having it be the tower is super exciting for us because it’s going to kind of catalog your journey of a player from when you first started playing Destiny all the way to now the tower it’s kind of like the beacon in which you’re a place you can call home you get the power and then there are actual figures of the Vanguard mentors that a company that architectural model and there’s a lot of like hidden messages and hidden things there’s going to be some fun surprises we’re always trying to push the envelope and so we’ve been playing a lot with Magnetic locks and uh sound effects lights just sort of make this experience as a whole um really special it’s sort of the perfect symbol of Destiny I’m so excited for it me too [Music] uh [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello Guardians welcome to the post show stream my name is Taylor Liz I’m a Destiny 2 player and content creator I’m excited to be here live at Bungie we’re going to have two segments for you today a little later in the show I’ll be playing through the brand new season of The Witch content with my good friend Pika Peach right now let’s sit down with Bungie developers to talk more about what we just saw and what’s next for the future of Destiny 2.


Pika over to you thank you so much, Taylor, my name is Pica and I’m also a content creator and Destiny 2 fan you can often find Taylor and me playing together in some sort of challenge in the game I’m beyond honored to be sitting down with everyone here today so let’s do some more introductions thank you Pika it’s great to have you here uh hi my name is Cosmo I’m the lead Community uh role here at Bungie and my role is supporting our amazing Community team and all the great work they do helping prepare weekly check-ins and sending info out to our players I’m going to be teaming up with Pica today and we’re going to be asking some of these guys some questions and go over some of the things that we didn’t get to cover in the Showcase so uh yeah Dan yeah uh thanks I’m Dan McAuliffe I’m the general manager for Destiny 2.

uh and that mostly means that I get to support all the amazing talent that makes this game so thanks for sitting down with us today absolutely looking forward to it I’m Joe I’m the game director on Destiny 2 and actually while Taylor and Liz were doing the intro I was hiding behind a pillar for the last 10 seconds so y’all can like roll back the bot and see if I did a good job or not awesome so let’s get into some questions um as a player what are you guys most hyped about regarding the final shape and beyond anything specific you can call out for me I’m really excited about the story I mean this is going to be like the Epic conclusion to the light and that Darkness Saga like players are finally going to get to go into the traveler confront the witness like the stakes have never been higher I’m just really excited to get to watch everybody play it out uh as soon as they can can we make it live right now I don’t know anyway what about you Dan oh for me I mean uh it’s it’s a lot about the supers right like I just think we we have this ability with these supers coming out to shift the meta in a really exciting way and like I just haven’t played through them and gotten some hands on them sorry like no spoilers but like I think they’re they’re they’re gonna play in all parts of the game so I think you’re going to see these in the campaign obviously but you’re going to see these in PvP and they really feel like that sort of Pinnacle achievement of our guardian’s journey in a lot of ways so just really excited to see the final product yeah yeah for me I guess it’s maybe surprising it’s the weapons and I know like shock yeah we make a lot of weapons on Destiny too right um and so why are we excited about the weapons this time I think the team sort of really looked and said what’s core to Destiny right like what’s really important we said hey like Destiny’s at its best when you’re getting a bunch of new weapons and those weapons are so exciting that they are making it onto your character right away they’re like changing the way you play so this is not just Exotics right it’s not just like I think it was alluded to like what if golden gun was a sniper rifle pretty cool sniper rifle um I think it’s also we talked about these new you know weapon subtypes and so what’s a support Auto rifle we’ve made guns that heal before we’ve made Exotics to do it well if we do it in a legendary what needs to be different about it so we can make this thing that feels as useful to a fire team as someone bringing galahorn that feels as useful as someone you know bringing Divinity right and we know that’s the bar that we have to hit so we’re looking at a bunch of different things and saying okay we’re gonna make these guns and we’re gonna make a matter right we’re gonna we’re gonna go out and you’re gonna get awesome stuff on you know the pale heart I think we showed a little bit of it there’s like these sweet they look like a deck of cards you go back and watch the footage um and and there’s a bunch of awesome stuff coming in the weapons and so I think we’re really just trying to hit that core like Hey we’re a loot game right like the loot should be awesome absolutely yeah well me too um so speaking of the pale heart the the reveal and it was said in the reveal the pale heart destination is the first linear destination ever done so can you talk us through why it was decided to make it more linear destination all right linear yeah yeah yeah so um yeah I’m not sure how many uh folks uh have been in algebra recently but if you’re like me and need a little refresher linear please line right like that’s what we’re saying here so a classic Destiny destination we think of it as a loop right there are these big public areas they’re all connected in a circle and then from those areas there’s little offshoots there are little Alleyways that you can go to and that just didn’t make sense for going inside the traveler one because the traveler is huge when we talk about the pale heart we’re saying you know like hey what if you were an alien you landed on earth and the only part of Earth you saw was like a parking lot in Montana oh and you were like oh this place is huge right like it’s sort of like okay so we’re going to show you a really small slice of what is inside the traveler and then we said it needs to feel like you’re going somewhere important right vast unknowable place okay well on one end we’ve got the portal right on the other end we’ve got the witness that’s built this giant monolith and so every single area that we’ve built is built in a consecutive line from one to the other so you travel through these things and you can look back at once you once were and if you need to go to the next part you’re not going into these offshoots the dead end you are going to where you need to be going it’s really focused on hey you’re you’ve got a job to do here so it’s like tracking your journey yeah yeah it definitely is okay cool well that sounds insane so super different that’s what we go for um during the Showcase it was also mentioned that completing the campaign would unlock the full destination and then it almost like reacts as we progress is that kind of what you’re hinting at or can you explain that a little bit more yeah so I think two things we want people really to Come Away with thinking when they think about one this is a bit different in the way that you experience the pale heart right away so normally you might land on the throne world and you do a mission and then you’re out with your Sparrow exploring the throne world doing the missions if you want to day one of the final shape you’ve got a job to do right and so it is mission mission mission right and you just go through and you say hey we’ve got to stay focused on this thing when you get to the end of that day one experience everyone can sort of like collectically collectively take a breath collect themselves and then this was this realization like oh work inside the traveler right like we should probably go see what that’s about and so the whole destination unlocks for you and there’s a lot of things that are different about the pale heart that are other destinations I think we’re gonna save some of those juicy tidbits for what’s different about this destination and how it sort of compares to what we’ve done in the past uh but yeah it’s a it’s a pretty different experience than even what you might expect in somewhere like the dreaming City and for real like we do we do want to save some of these juicy tidbits not just because it’s fun but because like I mean The Travelers just been this inscrutable God likes fear that people have wanted to know more about for so long and like this is their opportunity to experience some of that mystery and that’s I’m excited to see how that plays out well it’s alive right so what can you really expect I think you know we talked about this we showed a little bit uh the the section that you’re in it’s shaped off of who’s there right and so who’s been there so cool the witness right the witness messing stuff up yeah chilling right there we’re trying to knock on the door we don’t know how to get inside um and you know and we’re gonna make it eventually and so it’s got this both really unique aspect to it and a bunch of the Geo looks like stuff that you’ve never seen before a bunch of these places feel like you know this Heaven on one side hell maybe in the middle crazy Destiny surrealness at the end and then there are these accents of like I’m not like a crazy Heavenly Beach I think you see this giant ghost carp into a mountain or you see the D1 Tower erecting out of this and so you know we’re really excited to sort of give people this like distilled Destiny experience that still feels really new when you’re in there oh amazing so Dan we’ve we’ve got feedback from players who wanted to learn more more about the origins of the witness and and the veil during the lifefall campaign uh rather than wait until like later on in the seasons uh so players have big narrative expectations for the final shape how are we taking this feedback and making this the Epic conclusion that this first Saga deserves oh yeah no I mean this is this is the sort of fun of the challenge for this right because the light in darkness Saga has been such a focal through line for really most of Destiny’s existence right like it is this this epic story Joe was just talking about you know some of that that sort of culmination of experience inside the pale heart and so this is a spot where we have to really land that that culmination in a satisfying way right like there’s there’s a confrontation that’s been happening there’s a story that’s been told this part of the destiny world we have to end really well and the players deserve that and the story deserves that and so there’s some things we’re doing to to account for that but in addition we have to set up the next set of stories and we’re going to talk probably more about episodes in a bit but like starting after the final shape with uh with the new the new episodes framework that we’re rolling out we’re going to tell all different stories and we’ll learn more about the world of Destiny moving forward so that’s the unique challenge that we are taking very seriously and to accommodate that we’ve done more I think on the narrative side of the fence than we’ve even done in the past you know more significant writers rooms we brought in more folks from even other parts of the studio to really kind of consult on this and make sure that you know all of our fans who probably know the destiny lore better than I do are you know are getting the pieces and answering answers to the questions that they want answered unless we want to save some of those questions for the future stories that we’re going to tell um you know there’s there’s more to it that you and that you and the team have been doing as well if you want to talk to that yeah probably to steal a little bit from uh Cosmos and Pica’s questions and give them the the note card shuffle here and there um I think one of the things that we knew that was going to be challenging about this is hey we’re telling the climax of the story we know that hey when you get in the final shape in those first moments we want you to feel like okay Bungie delivered on This Promise like delivered on This Promise of becoming Legend delivered on like uh really giving putting a bow on the traveler and pyramid story The the thing that was also important for us is like okay you’re gonna like confront the witness like the biggest bad in Destiny okay we I think you have to confront the witness in the raid right like a version of Destiny’s chronological history where like the witness was tough not quite as tough as valka or right like it’s probably not a thing that our players are going to be super happy about not nothing I’m going to be happy about and so what we really think is this this day one experience is sort of like the uh penultimate episode or the you know right before the season finale of your favorite TV show and it really sets the stage for hey this is exactly what’s going on in the world of Destiny the stakes have never been higher you go through a pretty epic journey and then we say okay and now we have to have this raid beat and so it’s sort of a reverse uh taken King if some of our people remember that moment in the taken King we delivered a thing where hey day one for 80 of our players they’re like I dealt with oryx and then for like 20 there was this other thing that they could go do have another experience with oryx right and so for this one we say hey when everyone to go really set up what’s happening in the final shape and then for everyone right or we’re not going to get into that right you should all wait for the raid right like and we’re gonna like help make sure everyone is brought along for the end of this journey I think it takes a lot of our learnings from both really classic experiences like crota and oryx and sort of infuses them with what we’ve been doing with things like sabathune and kallus and like taking all that lessons and saying okay I think we can do this the right way yeah and also just for something like this when you when you complete the circle of the story that we’ve been telling we want to make sure that we’re paying homage to the things of the past and we’re we’re talking through just so many of the things that have made this story what it is but also telling it in a way where if you’re coming into the final shape is your first experience you can enjoy the mission you can enjoy the campaign you can understand what is happening right but there’s just a lot more if you have almost decades worth of Destiny play knowledge that you can look at so it kind of sounds like that means I have to play The Raid to get the full story no ah now what we’re really excited about something like fire team finder coming in and making it easier for anyone to get to the raid and experience those beats yeah I think the different part from our strategy sort of is in the past was we said hey there’s something more for those who raid there is a piece of the story right that is that is told in the ray there’s a piece That’s essential um but it is definitely not going to be a moment where only Raiders get to see the end of the light and darkness Saga right okay well that’s good as we carefully skirt around a thousand plot points here so um we showed a glimpse of the new enemy the subjugators um are they going to be as terrifying as the tormentors like what’s what sets them apart from uh from previous enemies yeah we we were running through some questions yesterday just like this uh spoiler alert we do practice a little bit like we do we do think about this um and I got in trouble because I said several obscenities last time I did this so I’m not gonna do that today uh on stream who scolded you uh it could have been anyone so it could have been anyone that scolded okay um and so I I’ve been playing a lot of final shape recently probably surprising to No One um subjugators are very different than tormentors tormentors are sort of like this Kool-Aid man that busts through the wall and is like saying all right look at me right now oh okay um and subject eaters for us they come out in these moments where you feel like you have a battlefield full of enemies and then you hear the pyramid Screech sounds there’s a sound and a subjugator beams in and it’s like the ultimate sort of backfield tactician right and they’re doing things like giving everyone uh around a little pyramid buddies like you’ve been shot in PvP with an arc sole like imagine tin taken Scions and suddenly a subject are like what if you all had little pyramid buddies you’re like oh thanks such a gator right and so there’s still these moments where you’re like you might want to just hold on to your super you might want to hold on to some heavy ammo when you’re playing through the campaign just in case this bust through I think one other thing that we’ve really learned from both tormentors and light hive is we started building these sort of like kept any units yeah these things that feel scary and we’re very careful in both witch Queen and in lightfall to make sure and we don’t want to overuse these we don’t want this to become a thing where you get a bounty and it’s like kill 20 light Hive oh wow they’re just everywhere um and I think we were striking the even better balance now that we have a a pallet of these captains where it feels like hey I’m getting these like really meaty sandbox experiences um and we know how to sort of engage them in both the destination and the strike and the mission so um I’m really happy with a bunch of the learning the team has been taking as we continue to make these things oh totally yeah my super basic take from having played it is that like and I didn’t know how this was going to play out until I experienced it Joe described it really well but it’s what I want from these units as a player is I want that moment of and insert obscenity here so Cosmo doesn’t yell at me um but like and and the subjugator absolutely delivers that in the same way that I felt from the Tormentor in the same way I definitely felt the first time I saw the light Hive but it’s to Joe’s point it’s a very different way right like it is when it comes out like I’m just as terrified and worried for myself and my fire team but for different reasons right and and with different tactics and you have to you have to approach them a very different way so I think it’s uh it feels very good to me at least as player why am I already nervous [Laughter] because whatever he just described what you were picturing is probably lighter than what’s actually going to happen like everybody’s or Dark Souls I had to say I’m picturing some yeah okay yeah I’m a little nervous um okay so Dan this is for you your favorite or everyone’s not yours everyone’s favorite Hunter cave six assumingly back from the dead can we get a little bit of the story on that I mean I’ll happily take this one because I love talking about kids uh I mean here’s the reality we’ve been talking about this all coming full circle and you know Joe was talking about the campaign his mission you have a mission there’s a thing that has to happen and like both his players and developers it was just hard to picture finishing this fight without k-6 right and uh so you know so we’ve brought k-6 back and I’m you’re gonna get less details than you want but uh but but k-6 is back for this fight and like it was super important to us as you go through to have k-6 Savala ikora on comms talking through and I think the most critical part of that is it’s Kate’s with Nathan Fillion and I don’t know about everybody else but like Joe and I were talking about this yesterday and I think Joe said it really well which is like when you’re playing through the builds as you’re going through and the moment Nathan’s line started actually coming through recorded man it just hits different right like it just felt it just changes the dynamic for me as far as like what I feel about what’s going through the sort of complexities of the story uh but the part that’s important I think to know is that like this is Kate like Kate is bad K is with you on this journey he is your guide through the pale heart yeah um and there’s other stuff that we’re not gonna talk about just yet because I want players to experience it but uh yeah anything more you want to add there it’s just it’s exciting now I we’ll probably say this a few times uh we were like what is the what’s the final shape how are we going to do this what’s really important we really wanted to make sure that this experience felt like the most distilled version of Destiny yeah like it’s Destiny dialed up to 11 it is the like Destiny extract that if you were baking with you’re like you only need a few drops um and uh for us you know we we knew hey we we’ve been planning this narrative road map app for a long time we were like okay okay we know we need to make the best of this moment that we have with Kade here um but I think it was really again as the vo starts to come in and you’re in these missions you’re like oh that’s like that’s like Cade six talking to me even I wouldn’t say everyone’s favorite Hunter I mean there’s more in my house are gonna say about that but yeah it just it really starts to be like okay yeah this is this is that distilled Destiny experience yeah I’m not picturing Destiny extract on the bungee store but you’ve got something here you could bottle yeah it smells like at this point I don’t even want to speculation just stop so we’ve been talking about final shape let’s talk about episodes um we’ve seen some feedback from the players uh that the seasonal model has has gotten a bit of predictable at times and uh we just saw in the showcase our content Cadence is getting refreshed with this episode model can you talk us through what episodes are and how they’re going to be different than Seasons sure yeah so uh I mean let’s let’s start with sort of what episodes are at their core right I think the easiest way to think about episodes is the Natural Evolution of the seasonal model because uh the seasonal model is done a lot of great things for Destiny I think we’ve we’ve run seasons for the better part of three years at this point and it has allowed us to deliver you know really quality experiences at a three month you know very fast Cadence really move the story forward I think we’ve told some great stories you know introduce some new activities new mechanics really moved everything forward the problem is and if we’re being honest with ourselves and I’m going to be honest with ourselves um we like we really bias towards consistency to do that right like we wanted to deliver equality we wanted to deliver it on time all the time to the player but that made the experience somewhat repetitive um like almost sort of by Design in a certain way which uh which is now I think stretched out to the end of its like you know utility so episodes changed up the framework and change up the delivery Cadence so there are three episodes a year the first one we’ll start alongside the final shape and parts of it will start a little bit after we’ll we can touch on that in a sec um but these three episodes are split into three acts each and this means two things really one that now what you’re really looking at is nine beats a year that are six weeks six weeks apart and each of these beats uh gives us an opportunity to materially change the state of the game to clearly move the meta forward introduce new story introduce new weapons new perks new activities and it doesn’t have to be so formulaic so it allows us to do what I think Destiny does really well well which is get a little weird at times to like you know throw I have some really bad baseball metaphors I’m not going to use but like like throw some curveballs in you said you weren’t going to use the base it’s going to be interesting to about four people so we’re not gonna do that but like it allows us to to react more to you know what else is going on in the game allows us to to change up the way we look at uh content delivery in a way that I think is just strictly better for all of us who are players right like these six weeks the six weeks in between major beats I think is a really good way for players to you know play Destiny in where within their own lifestyle how it fits into the white space in their life I think it allows us to to introduce different things to try some different things like I said make it weird and really start to experiment in a couple of places because of not everything has to be there all at once right at the top so I think I think what episodes allows us to do is to not only continue telling stories in a I think a new and pretty interesting way but it also allows us to just really amp up the variety of the types of things that we can bring and and when we can bring them into the game which uh which I think is just going to be a great experience absolutely what does that mean for the reward track yeah so uh one of the most interesting things that we’re doing with episodes is probably how they start okay so for us again we’ve talked a lot it’s like pretty important that when the final shape is happening everyone in the universe is saying you know what’s important this whole thing that’s going on in the traveler right now we’ve got to be really focused so when one of the episodes to be a reaction to What happens when the final shape resolves right and so this means both we don’t want to tell a competing story at the same time and we want hey once the first episode kicks off for it to be in the context of what happens in the final shape so the majority of the narrative content the activity content really when the episode begins happens that reset after the raid um however right away we know there are some systems that just need to be online so the reward track you’re going to be able to get Red Death log into the game claim it from the past uh I’ve been using it a lot in play tests uh it’s a solar weapon can I say that so like yeah somewhere from the weapons um uh and uh yeah I think we’re excited to have that and there’s there’s even a few stuff that you’re going to be able to get uh weapon Wise from the episodes themselves we have another sub archetype that’s going to be out there we haven’t talked about what sub archetype that is but I we might see it instantly um I think it’s kind of thing that people are going to be like Oh I’m gonna like I might bring this to the rage world first race and so we’re excited for both having some of this content available right away but keeping that meat of that narrative keeping what’s important for the the story in the world of Destiny to say I don’t know we’re gonna say everyone’s on the same page when this kicks off if you are in episode one you’re hearing those lines dialogue you’re getting those story beats here everyone is saying okay we all we all just saw what happened right like we were all there for that we’re like yeah yeah we were and nuts and bolts-wise so episodes we’re still going to run season passes alongside episodes and so before where it was the season pass specific to a season uh now it’s actually going to reset um at every act so you’ll have 100 ranks for the First Act of each episode and then 50 additional will be added for uh for each subsequent act so 200 ranks throughout the course of an entire episode and uh and that length actually allows us to add some more stuff to it right yeah I think where you know we want to make sure that the those additional ranks in Act 2 and act three are really rewarding and so we’ve both learned from our players like hey we really value this can we get more of this and so great we got that and then we’re also just going back to some old experiments one of the things I’m really excited about is oh yeah in the 30th Anniversary we tried this experiment we’re like we’re going to give everybody a tiger helmet right and it’s like silver and it glows and I’m like yeah and Hunters Titans were like they’re gonna wear it like maybe we should do that again maybe that should be what’s on the very end of the past where you not only is there you know a unique armor set but at the end you can be like hey and I was there I did the whole thing right now I got like this awesome helmet and everyone wears the same thing so we’re excited to to be taking a lot of learnings and and putting pushing this and saying okay I think we’ve made a thing that that players are gonna be able to sink their teeth into and feel rewarded from and be excited about yeah I like the idea of having like a unique reward to an episode that’s really cool yeah well you answered the question about two separate narratives just like the perks like our our players gonna have a different experience there or are they gonna like are they gonna get the same kind of like day one or yeah so day one you’re gonna see something that looks exactly what you like you expect the artifact to look like right it’s got the same amount of rows and columns uh We’ve really been honing in on how to like make each artifact feel different what’s going to happen though is when act two rolls around some magic space appears at the top of the artifact and a whole nother row appears nice and so this is not meaning you’re going to get less in act one you’re gonna get the same amount you’re used to but act two brings another row whole new ways to modify the game in act three another on top of that so we really want these acts to feel like hey it’s not just that we’re bringing new activity content and it’s not just that we’re bringing new narrative content in we are shaking up the meta there’s new rewards there’s new ways to play there’s new nightfalls in the rotation room all of this is sort of what we’re pitting at it’s like yeah we love this idea of you know players finishing the final shape an episode kicking off and then just being a few weeks away from like wait act two is like weeks away you’re like yeah yeah it’s like it’s right around the corner and then they’re in act two and like well act three is weeks away yeah yeah how can we make sure that Destiny always feels like it’s changing and evolving yep yeah it sounds like it’ll be like really refreshing yeah more often but can you tell us what happens after the first three episodes what’s next with Destiny two so the the episodes are our new storytelling framework um you’re gonna get less information than you want but they they allow us to um like like really move the story forward in different ways and so one of the things that we want to experiment with is can we make these some of these episodes more Standalone stories do they have to all interconnect can you play them in specific orders things like that and so um so starting yeah so after after the the episode three the intention is to continue rolling episodes forward and keep telling different stories and take whatever learnings that we get from the first three episodes and start to evolve the framework yeah and I don’t think Dan’s gonna uh kill me here but we’ll we’ll see so uh maybe keep the coffee cup out of his hand I’m waiting for a spit taking yeah we’ve got a lot of people most of them are at home I was going to point to the other side of the office most of us work from home now um that are working on Destiny 2 and are going to still be working on Destiny 2 after the final shape and so oh I’m not going to kill you for that uh yeah it is it is not just uh episodes like we know there’s a bunch of content and there’s different ways that we can get that in the player’s hands and those folks still want to make that content like the awesome stuff that we’re sort of known for and so um again we’ll be a little cool here today um but yeah just to go back to what Robbie was saying like hey wait we got some more tread on the tires here and we’re we’re excited to show you where we’re driving yeah and again to the what we’re saying before we think the episode model with the 3x structure allows more like flexibility for us to make some of that cool content and make some different content and I think the team is pretty excited about that too so episode four first [Laughter] all right all right here’s the entire story the code um what are some changes that are coming that will make it easier to get my friends of the game there’s a ton I mean there’s a ton so uh we’ll we’ll go through some specifics but like finding ways to make it easier for people to group up and play together and improve that experience it was a pretty big Focus for the last year and a half and moving forward I’m thinking with Joe on time because you know time’s hard especially in quarantine but um so we got fire team finder coming in season 20.


Absolutely yeah but even before we get into the specifics like Destiny’s just better when you’re playing with friends it’s better in groups it’s better with a fire team and so being able to build that fire team and being able to play the best content is the sort of overarching goal for what we’re trying to do and yeah so we got fire team finder we got fire team power we’ve got uh timeline um Reflections Reflections we probably got another scooper too I’m making sure that Kelly isn’t opening that door to run over and tackle me before I give another thing here I Season 22 oh we can say Season of the Witch now Season of the Witch that’s right uh today uh is coming out with the thing that we sort of call like the main quest update this is an update to your quest page okay where we’re like taking over that front page and saying hey this is the big Quest and here’s another Quest that’s important and so we think super important for our new players that get inundated with a ton of content to go see like what are what are my friends focused on can I can I make sure that’s out this is great for them it’s also great for people that are already playing Destiny in the like okay I finished day one of uh the final shape and you’re like I got a lot of which ones are the important ones right which ones are first and so there’s a a group of you know a big group of developers here who are always looking and saying okay what’s the what’s the next pain point for Destiny players so we’re really excited about fire team power um I think it’s going to both be a way that for engaged Destiny players to still really care about getting their power up in their light up um but also allow you know I’ve Got Friends that haven’t played Destiny a while and I would love to just say to them hey just get in the game whatever guns you have you’re gonna group up with me we’re gonna do the dungeon yep we’re gonna go we’re gonna go play PVP we’re gonna go do this thing and you’re gonna be able to enjoy yourself and there’s still this incentive for them like okay well I’d rather be not five under Joe’s power and seeing him beat me on the damage tables right like let’s get let’s like let’s clear that Gap but for for a bunch of people that want to come back and play with their friends I think we’re doing we’re doing a lot here we’re excited about fire team finder as well like I think there’s going to be this whole new influx of Guardians in season 23 third thing they’ll be like Last Wish so what’s that all about right like I’ve heard some things there’s a dragon there let’s go like let’s just go check that out and uh I think it’s a big precursor to what we want Destiny to be we want to stop hiding our best content by a bunch of walls behind people and say no no come in here experience this there’s a lot to chase even after you access the content so let’s make it easier to access the content yeah that’s the biggest thing for me is just that like I want an experience for Guardians between fire team finder and fire team power and where you can come into the game and be like I heard that’s the best content in the game I want to be able to go play it and be able to go play it right are you this tall sorry yeah you can’t ride the ride exactly like I feel called out but um but in all seriousness like that is that’s the goal behind all these all these systems and I think Joe painted a really good picture of why it’s still important for the really you know top end players to really want to go and keep themselves as high-end and have all the weapons and all that stuff even for that content sense but give those other players the ability to to try it because I think that’s where Destiny’s at its best in some of those and we didn’t talk a bunch about this but you know we know that Guardian ranks has done a bunch for our new players uh this year and helping them get through and onboard the systems that Guardian ranks wasn’t able to solve like okay I understand what a mod is but who are these people who are The Hive who is Kate six everyone keeps talking about cage six and so time on reflections we’re not going to put bike out of business anytime soon but getting that experience in game to be able to go look hey I want to go to the timeline I want to read a thing I can watch a thing oh and then I can play a thing right like it’s one thing to hear about Kate it’s another thing to play with Kade right and I think that for you know a bunch of our new players it’s going to be an exciting way to experience some content uh and I think even some of our older players are just gonna be like you know what I want to go do today I want to go hang out with kid six in a prison that’s right I like it so can you kind of explain how fire team power works for us yeah so there’s there’s two ways uh that we’re really thinking about power in final shape and Beyond one is what we’re calling power fixed activities and so this is stuff like free roam destination the regular strikes queue uh the base power of an exotic mission right which really exciting like we want to build more serif Shields we want to build more prestigious and so for a bunch of this we’re going to say even if you don’t have a friend right go into this bring whatever you want we’ve adjusted the difficulty for it to just feel good to play right and so we know you want to go around the destination and be able to One-Shot drags with a hand Cannon we also want the destination to put up a little bit of resistance and to feel like maybe I can’t be shot by 15 drags and so like we’re we’re dialing in that power but it was like okay this is a great like base experience for the story of final shape the you know that experience is power fixed so you’re going to get power upgrades but you don’t have to equip them right right then post that or say hey we’ve got a bunch of power enabled activities too this is aspirational stuff raid the dungeon trials right for this say okay I care about power and so uh we’ve got a an employee that we like to pick on here A guy by the name of Matt naguchi who is a very hardcore Destiny player I think that I’m a hardcore Destiny player and then I look at my friends list I’m like how is his past level this high right like um uh and so we still want to say Hey you know you feel like you’re rewarded and engaged but you can go into Nightfall and let’s say hey you’ve been out across the world doing good deeds you weren’t able to play Destiny for the last three months and come back and say you know I like this name but what I really like are dungeons really like your raids yeah okay getting Matt naguchi’s fire team anyone that’s in you know a pre-made fire team whether you made this fire team in fire team finder or you made it from your friends list it’s going to look at say who’s the highest fire team like who’s the who’s the finest power level and then it’s going to take that and say you know we’re dining the numbers I think right now it’s five yeah um I’m gonna say okay everyone in here Five Below no matter what now if you’re if you’re close I’m not great we’re gonna respect your power but when are what guns you have no matter what armor you have we’re gonna say hey we’re gonna take this all up and so you don’t have to worry about hey I don’t I don’t have the the new stuff that I need instead I’m like hey go play The Raid and then go get the new really good raid weapons right like that’s the thing we want you to be caring about not that you can’t step in the content at all right focus on the optimization not on the requirement so I can load in the green Loadout if you want to uh I mean I listen I put on some armor that can’t take resistance mods and that’s a bold choice but but doable yeah yeah we will not so I’m sure we’ll see some wacky raid clears that are like oh I did it all in the broken parade yeah like you certainly did for you yeah what about with trials it’s like the one kind of like pvps the thing that that uh yeah so um we know there are some important reasons to keep uh power on and trials and really try to keep that uh a fair playing field um and so right now it’s power enabled and we’re going to have a switch where we’re going to say hey we’re gonna enable we’re gonna test out fire team power in this because one we want to make sure that we keep that experience in a good spot two like it is an experience where I’ve got this friend Shane uh and he is a Master with golden grunt but he he plays Destiny off and on I would love to be able to say Shane we’re playing trials this weekend and I know you haven’t played in a while please just put the client back on get inside and him just be able to go and I’ll have better weapons a lot better armor but he’s still gonna pop Golden Gun and get us two kills every time and so I I think we do want to still have that you know experience for even at the high in the PVP we just want to make sure we do it right and so it is something that we are walking in carefully and saying okay we’re gonna try this we’re gonna we’re gonna test it if it doesn’t work we’re gonna find a different solution yeah and specifically we’re gonna like like I want us to have we want us to have room to experiment and so I think Joe’s right where we’ll start off with it power enabled sometime during the episode we’ll flip that switch and we’ll communicate that out and we’ll make sure everyone’s aware that it’s coming and and we’ll see how it goes and if it goes really well uh it you know we’ll figure out what to do with that next and if it doesn’t we’ll figure out if there’s something else we need to try differently um but like uh but yeah so I’m excited to see if it gets more variety of players into trials and more people who didn’t feel like they could do it before give it a go which would be interesting that sounds great um so kind of on that note that note that g has been in ask for a long time can we talk about the fire team finder experience a little bit more yeah yeah um so this is probably I’m a big lfg user like when someone’s like Joe we want to raid this time this day I’m like I don’t know what I’m doing that time though my desire and rate experience is that I I log in and I say I have you know an hour I have two hours and I’m like I want to read right now so I’ll go to my friends list and if I don’t have friends on to play with I will go to one of the community run lfgs and that’s a there are so many great Services out there that do this right but for a bunch of players they don’t understand that exists they don’t have access to this they also it can be a pretty big uh hurdle to just be like hey I’m just looking to do the you know uh Legend version of this activity I wish I could just go in game and say I’m not quite comfortable with match made people but if I can get you in a group with me we can talk about it you know can we make that fast can we make that so I just like hey what do I want to do okay I want to do the new seasonal activity I want to do it Legend and you can pick even at this stage you can say just give me people and we’ll go right away I’ll take the random draw you can also say no no give me people and I want to be able to prove or deny them when they come in and they say hey is someone oh okay I uh I’ll let uh we talked in chat I don’t think you’re the right person we’re gonna wait until we get the people that we want and so it’s really about striking this balance of both being customizable for folks that are like I’d like to do a teaching run I’m a guide player I want to teach people how to do a switch and also sometimes we have players that like I’ve got 45 minutes to do go so deep I do not want to teach right now right and so I can go in there and I can say hey I’m looking for people at this Guardian rank I’m looking for people that are experience didn’t want to go fast and we know that we need to build uh a looking for group tool that can do both of those things and so it’s a big step uh these systems are very challenging and I think we’re going to learn a lot about when it’s coming out that’s why we’re like this is coming out in season 23 yes and we are going to get people looking at this playing this and we’re gonna figure out you know what happens when the community gets it in their hands and really make sure that we’re in a good shape for when people are using this tool to do funnel-shaped content yeah and I think I think to Joe’s point from from the beginning it really democratizes some of that like Pinnacle experience right like new players don’t know to go out of the game and look for these these uh these really legitimately good Community Services but like you know I think I think a lot of players stay contained to what’s inside of of the client and we want to make sure that those players can have the same grouping experience as the core fans who’ve learned how to do it in those community activities so just to nerd at it but that’s a little bit more um so there’s like two ways to enter into the fire team finder flow there might actually be a few more like one there’s like I going to go select fireteam finder from my roster and you’re going to go in there and you’re going to see them okay do I want to do rage you’re going to pick through this whole flow there’s another way if you like go click on a raid or a thing which you could have other people you know the roster where you see where all the emblem scale yeah it’ll have your emblem right now I’m in the I’m in my fire team and the next one will just be like hey do you want to use fire team binder for this you just click on that button and it’ll be like here you go right like um and so we think this is just going to expose a bunch of people to content and get them in like I’m excited to get more you know Guardian rank sevens in the guardian rank eights and and expose some of our great content more people than making friends yeah along the way maybe if you want yeah and it only has 45 minutes yeah it’s great that we’re like setting this up as additive too so like really you said we’re not gonna like go out and take down any of these lfg sites that exist like you’re welcome to still do it that way if you’ve built communities that you’re so what does this mean for guided games is it time uh you know I think the the guided games uh beta uh you know might eventually be coming to an end and so I think we want to we want to make sure we do this in the right way I know there’s some emblems and things that are that are connected to that but we really see fire team finder as just the the fully fledged version of how to find a group and so um yeah this is definitely the future for finding groups and we think it’s going to solve a bunch of problems like hey can I make sure that I’m finding people with the same desires as me and a bunch of things that really guided games couldn’t do and so yeah definitely in the future we don’t want people being like Oh how should I get into a group should I go on guided games like no no no no yes go get those rewards while they last yeah yeah exactly um so Joe this is for you you mentioned in your video on Twitter last week um in the reveal we wouldn’t be talking about a strange coin and their revamp or the rework of the hood here we are in the post show surprise wow can you say anything about those things I feel like I have a lot more makeup on than I have been in my office last week um okay uh I don’t want to spoil too much here I think starting with strange coins okay um we want to do two things here one we want to make sure really exciting experience right and this sort of has felt this presence for our most regular players I’m like what Zara got on the weekend I think we still have that for newer players they’re like oh I gotta I gotta goes there like we’ve lost it with our you know people that play Destiny every week and so I think one is putting Zur back into this like you’re going to be excited about what zurist telling this week two it’s like going back to Strange Coins right like this feeling of hey I’m doing ritual stuff and Destiny strikes PVP I’m getting these coins and I’m like what I’m going to spend them on and so this is also about you know making some of our our ritual content rewarding it’s optional pick what you want to do play Gambit play strikes play Crucible um but you’re gonna do that and you’re gonna get something and you’re like hey how’s my how’s my strange coin purse looking right like and then Windsor coming uh because certainly a lot of Guardians were caught by surprise early in Destiny’s life cycle of is that really worth my strange coins and they lived to regret that moment uh and so you know maybe a little bit of that coming back wouldn’t be a bad thing that’s good oh HUD was that the other one uh um I think yeah just to talk sort of zoom out and talk about HUD um for our players that get really into build crafting and go into some really tricky activities they’re gonna be this moment where you look on the left hand side of your screen like there’s a lot of there’s a lot of text there and it’s important and it’s hard to parse and this is the thing that we’re like hey we’ve just got to make this more clear and so really this update is about moving some of that stuff around the hood around the HUD to better locations to make it more clear hey what’s coming from my guardian what’s coming from the environment from enemies and making sure that the important stuff stays on screen right and they’re like unstable life yeah um yeah I mean I’m constantly like how many armor charges do I have right like oh how much time do I have left before I die right and like okay let’s let’s sort of start getting that information in the right places seems important yeah yeah uh so there’s been some some fans wondering like as we expand out uh start working on new projects become a true multi-ip studio um there’s there’s worry that those teams make take away resources that are meant for Destiny um like what are we doing as a studio to like take on this challenge yeah no uh I appreciate this question um so like there’s a couple things we need to need to understand right like Joe and I’ve been talking for a while now about just how much stuff is coming after the final shape and you know all the work going to episodes and you know potentially more beats later next year um and like we still have a great talented team working on all of those things um we you know when we start up new projects we’re deliberate about who who moves over and who who stays up stays behind things like that and um you know really from there start hiring more people to to try and work these things out I mean Bungie itself has increased in size as we’ve you know expanded and started working on more projects that is because you know we’re bringing in folks to make sure that we can expand out while still maintaining the the work that we already have and so like if you just look at what’s coming down the pipe with all the work you know all the stuff coming from episodes um beats down the line all the all the work in the live game that Joe’s been talking about we still have a really hungry and talented team with a mixture of veterans and new folks which is always the case uh who are coming in to you know just keep moving Destiny forward and keep it fresh so I think strategically like it’s always a challenge uh when you know when you’re at any kind of scale but um I’m very impressed and have been for you know the years I’ve been here with the way that we bring in talent and the type of talent that comes and wants to work on Destiny and I think there’s even some areas where we’ve seen that that fresh Talent has brought some of the new exciting stuff you’ve been talking about yeah I mean here’s some personal stuff I didn’t start on Destiny until right after the dark below shipped yeah I had not made a first person shooter before I’d worked on came from like the MMOs fear of game design uh there are people that are working on Destiny to this day that taught me how to place a monster and it feel good for a first person shooter and like there’s a Jason Jones video that you watch when you start right there’s like a hey a senior activity designer pulls you into a room um we still have so much of this like really Legacy Talent on the destiny 2 team but I think the thing that always surprises me is time flies you’ll be like oh this is this person that’s new to the studio and they’re actually like actually I’ve been here for three years and I’m like a god in the tools now and you’re like oh whoa you are right and then suddenly they’re the person that’s pulling someone to a room and be like let me teach you how to make a first person shooter um and uh it’s it’s really awesome to see that Talent grow at Bungie and I think what’s really important is we still in the studio on the team have all these people that carry this Legacy knowledge and we are spreading it and propagating it um sometimes not just to bungee sometimes to the rest of the the games industry uh and that’s uh that’s a really great uh culture to be part of it is and like I mean just recently I was in a play test where this is no joke like it’s um we had a smattering of folks who were in their first week like part of their first week was to be in this final shape play test and also on in the same room were two 20 plus year Bungie veterans who have been on Destiny from the jump right and so it’s just I I uh I know that like it’s it’s probably hard to wrap your head around um if you’re not on the inside and I don’t want to start like naming names of people and whatnot but like it’s just I think the the mix of to Joe’s point of that like veteran Savvy and and you know new fresh ideas um you know new new Hunger for different parts of the game uh I think just just a really cool culture to Joe’s point and I think it’s just really good things for the game over time I love that um well this next question is completely unrelated but I love it but it’s important um so the new supers oh okay okay great transition um there are some new supers shown off that looks spectacular I noticed that the Warlock super looks like it took a lot of inspiration from Radiance so he does say that in the video but it looks really similar how’s it going to be different yeah I let’s let’s be like super candid a bunch of warlocks are probably watching this right now and they’re saying Joe uh aren’t people just gonna ask me to run well like you keep giving me new supers right aren’t people gonna ask me to run well and so I think one we know that we know that’s a an issue and we’re solving it a bunch of ways like maybe there’s a support our Auto rifle solution to this problem maybe there’s some different ways that we balance things that are that are gonna be making this but we know that for warlocks hey the bar to clear here is can I equip this in high-end content um and so a bunch has even happened since we’ve been recording here are the two things I think are really surprising about the Warlock super okay I’m gonna add a third okay one um let’s let’s let’s rip the Band-Aid off right away we did not want to bring forward self-res right in an effort where we’re like hey we want to get the you know the competitive aspect of Destiny into an awesome place like one thing I think was not going to help us do that is self-res it’s gonna be a really frustrating thing not to fight against I really miss having to stand next to a ghost during the trials scope right there right is he gonna do it um but okay so if this if this super isn’t about self-res what’s it about that’s what we said Okay first we love this first person guns out experience it’s a really exciting thing if we do it well and so one even if you don’t have anyone around you this new super is like a DPS machine right and so it provides that in a few ways one uh throw in a bird grenade at somebody does a lot of damage uh two you equip the right melee again you’re gonna be using those on cooldown I think the sneaky one here okay and it’s not just for you it’s also for your allies is hey we’re gonna let you put Scorch not just on your weapon but your allies weapon and we’re actually internally been like okay which weapons or which damage types get this debuff and we’re playing with that right now or that buff um the amount of damage increase that you can put out from everyone in your fire team constantly causing explosions it’s high and so again we talk about all these supers like how do they fit into the meta how do we get them to a point and you know for some it’s going to be like I want this to be a PVP All-Star right somewhere like hey we think you can do both um but really the the where we’re at in the phase right now is saying hey how come players not just be excited that it’s fun like we’re really good at the hit feel here but that’s that’s the Baseline the real goal has to be like I’m gonna use this thing and so yeah warlock’s getting getting spices added to it right now we’re dialing in but but yeah we’re really excited is uh is bird grenade the shipping name yeah yeah uh you probably see that on the website somewhere right now they’re probably like oh then bird grenade grenade I like it similar beat than the hunter super looks a lot like blade dancer yeah I think sort of we wanted to do we talked about this like Destiny extract right I’m like okay how you remember uh when D2 was coming out um and we first showed the supers right that there was this really funny piece of fan art where Hunters everyone was talking about their new supers and Hunter was it was a poll with two daggers on the end and they’re like I got a new super too um and and so we weren’t like okay we know blade Danger’s iconic but like dark spider and blade dancer pretty similar right and so it came I was like okay we still we’re still like missing this beat and I can remember the first time we saw it uh what are you doing it’s like yeah you throw the blade across the map you teleport to where the blade is and you spin and then you have two more charges of that right um and so uh we’re pretty confident again in the super how where’s it gonna be good it’s going to be good when you’ve got a boss that you can melee um I think where it’s really the thing that we’re looking at is like Crucible right like Shacks is like staring at Hunters using this right now and I think what we’re really like hey how can we make it hit the meta hit that thing and also not be the most oppressive thing that we’ve ever shipped um and so confident in that one spicy right like and so really now it’s like how how many peppers spicy uh is it the Super Bee but yeah I think you know so many of our shotgun and hand Cannon uh Hunters are like ah another way to get across the map right an invisible can I this is cheating oh because um we said it was a super question aspects too I’m not sure if I’m sorry oh you can’t do that yeah um the hunter aspect um we showed this and it’s like this Cyclone over here the two things that are exciting one it’s like cool to give everyone Amplified and cool to create a lightning strike below you um it’s also just another jump like and if you know about build crafting you’re like hmm is there anything that would give me another charge of this and then suddenly you’re looking at a hunter and they’re like how many jumps are they doing in a row uh and I think if there’s one class that wants to be degenerate with jumping around uh couldn’t be hunted wait pick the right one so if you struggle with the jump in Puzzles you can you know put this aspect on yeah that’s why that’s my plan it’s like all Pico you need that on a different beat the Titan one looks completely different than what we’ve seen um so you throw a bunch of axes your fire team can pick them up how long do these last like this could be your problem too yeah I think the thing that we’ve heard are really loud and clear is like hey Titans they have a lot of roaming melee punching supers which is cool it’s the Titan fantasy iron eye melee right like these are the things I was promised on the character screen um you know when we’re putting together the video for the first time and you show a Titan leaving with access or like some Titan is watching this and I’m like Bunchie never listens to me it’s another one right I just haven’t asked this time uh and so I think the team did a really great job of both saying okay we want to make something different range one off that’s where it starts right like throwing axes you know like I think we can still do the fantasy on the other end right like throw the things and then yeah pick them up and and beat up things and so like for for this right like we think about it high-end PVE just hitting a thing with the ax that’s a ton of damage if you’re like fighting oryx and you’re like I’m not gonna be able to go get these axes oryx is hangs out over in space right you’re like still pretty good to throw an ax at oryx and do a bunch of damage okay the the rest is sort of gravy right and so this is you know you’re thinking about something in a strike you’re like picking up the accent going with it because we were talking about PVP yeah with this and so I think my combo play if yeah through I picked it up I killed four more people it was crazy yeah yeah because I think you can pick how you want to deploy a super like this you can say everyone’s playing way back I’m just gonna toss axes they had this gravitational pull yeah um but you got past that on a Zone yeah yeah you want it and and if you get to the end you’re like I’ve tossed two of my axes and you’re like I don’t want to run for this you just toss the third one at your feet and then pick up the ax and be like all right super still going right and and go try to chase some people now the back so I pretty excited to see how people make some plays with that thing U.S at the top we’re most excited about and I think Joe just gave a better explanation to me as to why super observable like they I just it’s they’re gonna be in all aspects of the game like that’s one of the things that I’m really into with this this group of supers is like you’re not just gonna see him in PVE or high npv they’re going to be in PvP they’re gonna and I think for all three classes I think all three of them bring pieces to the table that uh we’ll get some pretty broad play and I think that’s pretty cool yeah that’s the you know it’s it’s a it’s a focused offering here but we’re doing that with intention we’re saying like Hey we’re gonna we’re gonna make a really sharp knife here and how we’re doing that like it’s super shaped right like uh so I’m pretty excited about what the team’s doing yeah I think we’ve really thrown our hosts here for a loop they’re shuffling their cards they’re poignant questions they’re like these people just talk about whatever they want to talk about right um so I think we’re actually going a little long yeah so we’re gonna skip ahead a little bit but yeah I want to hit the speed real quick I have gotten that feedback before um so I think we’re still still supposed to talk about crota or just go to closing yeah I just want to verify that in in that at that asset that that was the spiky armor that was for Cosmo Cosmo wanted to just be sure I just want to be sure the armor for crota that we saw and I know I know we’re going along you get two Crow to things one you get spiky glowy armor again the community has been very loud and clear on what crota armor do we want the spiky green one um two I think we didn’t talk about is we’re using contest mode of crota’s end to do some experiments with hey how hard should a raids world first be so I bet you’ll see this coming out but we’re gonna like hey it’s really important for our raid world first base to be these aspirational feels like the destiny Super Bowl we know that’s how it has to be in final shape well great because we’ve got our raid coming out here in two weeks Let’s uh let’s make sure that one like let’s start dialing the knobs and see where we need to put it yeah amazing so yeah we wanna we got some gameplay coming up we want to get to that um but uh yeah we’ve talked about a bunch of awesome features content coming to Destiny um Dan what’s the best play uh way for like players New or Old to like jump back in and start playing yeah I mean and and they’ll try to be brief since uh since we are running long but like this is just on the same theme that we’ve been talking about which is we’re just trying to make the game more accessible to more players and you know all of the fire team power fire team finder all that plays into that but for new players I think a lot of teams want to run through Pinnacle content from other expansions things like that so um there’s a lot of there’s a lot of ways over the next week or so where people can kind of get uh get in and get in on a good deal so for example uh the witch Queen is actually going to be free from for this entire weekend I think it’s the 24th the 27th somebody can check me on that uh on on your platform of choice I love that one yeah I do love that one in addition even right now uh which Queen is available on uh Playstation Plus game catalog and so you can access it that way as well and then last but not least um through I again someone check me on this through I believe September 5th uh we’re gonna be running a bunch of discounts on all of our previous expansions anywhere from 50 to 67 off uh most notably though is our most recent lightfall both the base and the annual pass are going to be 50 off through the fifth I think starting right now so uh all of those are really like great ways from new players to kind of get in and experience some of our more recent and high-end content don’t get strand yeah go get strands go get it it’s good we have a we have a recap article that’s going live uh soon it’s going to have all these details you know how he did is there anything else anyone would like to add uh yeah yeah one last thing uh I wanted to mention um the bungee Foundation has created uh shirts to help raise money to support the community’s impacted by the wildfires and uh Lahaina Highway Hawaii 100 of profits will go to our longtime partner direct relief who is delivering life-saving emergency medical kits and aiding in search and rescue operations so if you like these shirts or just want to help out you can click the link in chat there’s a QR code below and you can purchase one we’ve already sold 11 000 and we really appreciate everyone supporting this cause uh also anyone who subscribes to our Bungie Twitch account right now we will be donating all profits to direct relief from those subscriptions as well so smash that subscribe button smash it well this has been a little much for sharing more info on Destiny’s future with us um there is a lot to look forward to we’re going to take a short break though and then when we when we get back I’ll be teaming up with Taylor and Andy from Bungie to play through some of the Season uh of the witch content so stick around Guardian the witness poses a dire threat and the witch queen holds the answers we seek but only if we contend with her sister it rests with me will you come back from this do not be afraid oh you now wield Hive magic and have entwined it with your light salts the Spire guardian and open the way to our tithes let them know fear the deck of Whispers And they do whisper fight in my name Guardian every opponent you defeat them strengthens me I have a tight Rises for your brutal fragrance let us show her what it is you are deserving of the greatest death I can bestow hey everyone welcome back it was so great to hear about the final shape and the future of Destiny 2 but now let’s dive into the new season of The Witch content joining my fire team is Pika and Andy from Bungie let’s jump in listen Taylor welcome to the fire team good to see you nothing at all video games today it’s not the worst this is the best part but yes time to get some Season of the Witch on which also too for anyone watching at home you can play right now from the comfort of your own home we’re playing from the comfort of Bungie but obviously to each their own wherever you have snacks available that’s true what are you guys running today Hunter best class well you don’t have to lead with that when you just shut us down yeah sorry I mean I’m warlocks who are also respectable obviously yep and I’m a new I’m into I’m a new Titan man so okay there’s just plenty of bad guys to punch so you’re in the right place set it out I guess so if you guys have the new exoticon not the arms the tessellation Fusion okay I got the moth recipe oh the other one yeah where you throw the little cage can heal or hurt on there for the burning wall super they’re the pyrogale gauntlets um it creates a flame flame wow but it does take away like you just get one one go with it so it’s a little bit different it changes the super yeah it’s a smidge the real tip of the spear at that yeah though obviously yeah exactly yeah I’m uh I don’t know once I saw the there was the the exteriorist or the hive Boomer obviously on the season pass I kind of knew that was going to become my personality for the entire season yes obviously so Boom the Boomer exactly and after all this time I could find the exact Revenge exactly it’s not vindictive remotely absolutely not it’s peacekeeping yeah okay like all Vanguard operations it’s strictly about keeping the piece it’s just about it’s about the outfit you know your hive so you gotta get the gun so it’s fine it definitely doesn’t hurt so where are we so we are actually in the very starting Mission uh of the Season of the Witch um we’re back in sabatoon’s Throne world uh which has many mysteries for us yet to uncover including this one that we’re gonna go ahead and dive in and check out right now so I might have been running the wrong way no you’re right it takes a little second once we get up here it’ll be good search for the spire and also Tuesday’s up everyone we’re running a death build so uh if uh we have any any artifacts or anything like that show up that you haven’t seen in your build that’s because we have the special internal servers running our particular instance of the game right now very special way ahead I’m joining I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I just ran up the stairs no it’s okay I got excited you started going the wrong way at first I think I also got excited I think honestly oh all right all right what weapons are we running I also have the Boomer gun on um I got the hand Cannon as well actually I forgot to check what part I’m using that too and the new Grand rocket oh yeah that’s right I’ve got the the new um Arc machine gun obviously in the theme of Arc uh but with the addition of the hive Boomer um I don’t know I just had to go back to the the classic ways to season the slicer I’ve got the chroma Rush on as well yeah our own refresh that’s actually such a good gun I love that gun yeah I think it’s an absolute classic honestly it has a bit of a fan clip anytime I have color Rush on like I’ll have people be like yo Chrome Rush is a good gun yeah you’ve never had that no it’s actually I think you wanna you understand from the ogre so I can test out the oh yeah I do the moth okay don’t let me die though okay okay that was the side by side I was a little late that was my fault it’s uh I for what it’s worth I’m completely comfortable blaming you today okay yeah my favorite rifles throwing hammers I’m just oh my god oh whoa did I do that we’ve got to make sure that we celebrate the uh the passing of them are we gonna get the crystal oh yeah so you’re grabbing the rocket launcher it’s like Taylor I don’t think you wanna rock at the Crystal there we go in books [Music] oh here we go another totally OSHA approved elevators it’s not the worst way to spend the day oh yeah here I go back down I missed my Landing here we go thank you so much thank you for the super uh you’re welcome as a mysterious benefactor of this particular fire team I’m happy to help out wow yeah I might not save you with those dates that’s more skill issue not necessarily the Exotic though it still feels vindictive I don’t know um you can load your grenade into this Fusion I’m a special yeah that’s right so with tessellation uh the pre-ordering stuff you get for pre-ordering final shape it also has the added bonus that basically whatever grenade you have you can just load into it and create like a single solid projectile like a mini pocket more or less however the really cool Parts is that it actually also appears to your exact position as well so strand stasis so they’re there’s no other s the subclass is going to be glitterative right now so we’ll stop there yeah but it’s it’s a ton of fun yeah oh I found this solar Crystal I feel like I’m gonna mess up my vertical I’m on fire I’m gonna try it in a second all right let’s see it goes out there for the good of all Guardian kinds let’s go right here yeah it feels so cathartic to go oh yeah I would say you’re super the fire cycle yeah mean oh my God I think I was a little short but it’s uh the damage got done it some cycling yeah I think I hope okay there’s what is happening oh there is were they over following me and I was leading them to you here we go what are we doing here I think we’re missing are you missing once oh no the library oh my god oh he is there oh here in our face and he’s Ark warlocking nope it’s pretty good thank you very much for grabbing the ghost I got it I got this one at least oh this oh I am dead oh I don’t have a grenade for you Taylor you could save me and you can’t I use my grenades on enemies sorry unsupportive Hunter I know I think there’s a moth I feel like it’s around me oh you’re gonna punch this Crystal oh okay actually maybe we should clear not punching you’re punching I am uh well you have the Titan yeah you’re really embody the tight yeah right now the mosque is weird because they hurt they’re not on their held by Daddy no my boss Taylor’s like I get all the musk now they’re all nice I actually did help me sorry where were they when I needed them I my timing was off where were you when the moms needed a lot of eggs the substance uh Rampage from the rush is really earning his teeth right now I really like this Hive gun I’m not gonna lie yeah I haven’t tried it yet it’s kind of spicy honestly in a good way yeah is that a bad thing to say I think when it’s on your side mean is a perfect adjective why am I I’m dying you’re dying here’s a grenade give it to me I got you wait I’m over here oh no it’s not okay one of them I think Chase do oh the purple walk I think actually was mine maybe I don’t know that’s probably the one because yeah yeah it gives a void over here oh rip Channel your magic with the witches The Witch’s staff all right Paris do you have a staff yeah right now right here now oh look at that look it’s a new armor too oh yeah I forgot we looked so cool to show my armor just really quickly oh wait what you must drive on oh look at all [Laughter] I think I should have yep there it is my dad and I’ve been doing the floss every once in a while not sure why but we’re not actually done here I feel like we’re celebrating early oh yeah you know the player expression is obviously yeah okay so last time we did this run this whole building was for two years enemies she’s just trying to heal us yeah I was just too busy finishing the ghosts oh wait what’d we get we got an opaque card all right let’s see all right opening mission complete let’s go ahead and see what’s uh what’s the store for us I believe up next we’re gonna go ahead and do a proper uh actual Sabbath who inspire oh this Quest interface is really cool I like that even just like my my teammate Mitch if you’re out there uh was pointing out that there’s also just like a straight launch button at the bottom of any of the main four missions you pick which is just like a huge quality of life update oh we love that yeah you just right click on it and you can launch from there that’s crazy yeah all right I’m gonna keep this uh Hive Pain Train moving and send it over to sabathoon’s fire as well solar and strand surges just a heads up oh solar and strand sorry with those New Strand aspects as well but we can talk about that later yeah I was gonna say yeah there’s more fun out there to be had it’s a big season it’s exciting it’s big I don’t know like it’s fun to get a chance to play it at home or at work rather but like I’m really looking forward to going home and like linking up with my dad tomorrow and diving into the seasonal stories so cute Family Fun Time [Music] all right let’s dive on in do you guys get a new loot I got a sword I think is some looking I got a fresh set of robes okay inventory dress older than it should be it really matches my uh my overall Vibe and you know accentuates my cheekbones it’s a really good one yeah thank you it’ll look so good on you I’ve been looking forward to this for a while I need all the help I can get I got legs oh nice see get that new seasonal armor set it’s probably someone in chat right now who’s like level 40 on the season pass oh absolutely yeah honestly well I mean I’m not jealous yeah if I didn’t say I have some bounties prepped who who would do I don’t know anyone here that would yeah rude I think for starters I just hold on to my PVP ones and then sometimes turn them in Flex with a book full of filled out trials just like the new ship that’s right all right so we got some new parks I’m just looking at this hand cannon that I have on oh yeah um I got loose change applying an elemental debuff to a Target increases the weapons reload speed for a short duration and we’ve had this other perk before what about you guys you got any new perks on your guns oh what is this head brush An Origin trait standing up after crouching for a short time grants this weapon a brief period of improved handling and reload speed it’s actually such a great ADP players who now to take cover are actually going to start using that one to great effect I can already wait that’s actually suck yeah I honestly I’ve just been having a great time with the boover like being able to go ahead and just detonate a crowd of enemies but then also have a moth of my own go out and attack the enemy is like finally the loose and brood doesn’t get to have all the fun why isn’t it season of The Moth I know honestly can we ask about that yeah dear Chad Bungie but I have Boomer gun like exterus looks like it’s like crafted together yeah specifically for us it’s got like that Eris more on like kind of very ritualistic look to it as well oh yeah with the little cards underneath like those are some magic cards yeah yeah I’m gonna hit my head on that probably it’s from the red deck I remember the first time doing that mission I was like should I should I wait for that though wait it’s gonna be one of those Indiana Jones I feel like an ornament on that gun will go really hard though yeah there’s one on the ideas yeah out there I won’t I won’t reveal it but there’s one on the season pass right at the very end I know he revealed it I we didn’t I mean it’s not on screen so I hinted very columbusly towards it that’s what I would say that’s usually the first thing I do is I look at the season pass and I look at the store like there’s a new launch yeah we were talking about this I think yesterday where it was like anytime there’s a new Shader up oh yeah it doesn’t matter all right so we are in hmm we found here okay it’s magic I got it there we go to orbs again okay so that wasn’t that’s like a real thing oh this looks a little tough oh yeah serious in a hurry all right we’re just jumping right in and we have six minutes to disrupt oh where’s the ritual in the middle probably like the whole world yeah we made it we’re here we are the ritual production okay I mean shoot punch it yeah I’m deleting delete sounds cool okay I’m missing all my hammers there’s nothing like trying to oh okay okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I lost my hamburger yeah oh here we do we like okay oh the ogre is like shooting all right I gotta ripped right by you thank you I missed my rocket no one saw only a few people I only know because you said it all right I’m more crystals to disrupt oh yeah a lot of a lot of crystals all right I don’t know where where’s the ritual oh so this is kind of all uh the ritual that they’re putting around us so it looks like there’s like different crystals that we’re supposed to be yeah times yeah it continues like with each phase there’s just more uh with one of those I did okay so you can do that with the boobs again the chest is that for all of you oh do you were too close to him maybe who knows who could really say yeah no one was watching no I I don’t know what you’re talking about I’m just here just find this ogre all right uh oh this guy’s got the little marker he is not happy with me I think if you like opened up at the same time hey is this like the room where we fight um oh no it’s not it looks like the darkness right or the not Alex his brother oh uh it’s like politely the dark place how to uh feedback grenade into that Fusion uh I think you hold reload yeah kind of like if you’re changing elements oh okay I’m gonna scooper that makes sense I’ll try to hold my grenade button I was like okay so yeah I was gonna help kill those guys charged shot off we go you see a big guy leave him for me I’m suddenly less confident um I questioned my I questioned myself for a second I made it yay it’s got a channel that was totally Titan confidence that because God it’s not oh yeah it’s super confident all the time with jumping Honestly though I love puzzles me too platforms like agility puzzles you know like you’re just really a lot of fun honestly yeah getting a chance to like just Flex more your skill set y’all they’re simple up here yeah so many fines after this thing oh this is really good am I going I’m going the right way at least oh yeah yeah surely surely oh boy oh no I made a mistake I don’t follow me these kind of reminded me of the because I almost missed all right the ledge boss has gotten the best of us once already [Applause] okay that that actually is awesome yeah it was a little oh geez all right nobody saw it we’re here to learn patience yeah yeah exercises and humility are consistent in this game I like it all right we go up I can go up let’s just end sending slightly less drowning in the Deep slightly more Ascension I know wow everyone episode down this season oh it’s my turn and two orbs of light all right yeah are they there yeah it’s subtle but it’s cool okay all right so the owner’s got a hard shot still saved uh it should be I don’t think it did actually but I think it I think normally just okay so I got some plates it looks like oh wow that worked oh was that tessellation yeah with the charger all right yeah the grenade so I was just doing it wrong earlier that’s nice all right excited just playing all right order okay I like it she ever goes you’re crazy I got it crazy thank you yeah you can connect to dead on shot with a high Boomer like that it is that’s Fierce yeah there’s nothing like it or some strong weapons okay so I’m on this plate and then we’ll oh whoa I’m together no I’m doing it that one shot it that’s great is there like electricity everywhere yeah I threw my yeah okay that’s the tessellation I like it oh that was sick guys that’s crazy what is this oh here nice all right I think we’re supposed to also throw it most people forget but you can also blink around with this and be like a melee attack like if you mail it you’ll slam buy a grenade button yep and if you grenade you blink I feel like most people whenever I do the like the Vanguard Ops most people don’t end them oh I don’t think I knew that viewers at home to be honest go ahead and use your snapping spear tricks to go ahead and impress all your friends I’m impressed okay these nights are not picking it down let’s see oh wait it’s like I was just throwing it and it wasn’t oh wait hold on there’s the one that we’re supposed to shoot now okay I still have the yeah no I was throwing it at her a lot did you get the sand in the plate tape maybe oh okay well this Knight isn’t chasing me we’re missing something we are we’re missing something they’re all bowing they’re not shooting oh boy [Music] here trying to sabathune has let us know that we’ve taken a step too far but yes as a heads up to everyone a reminder we’re playing at a Dev build here so there can always be some other things that happen in the background but that also too I will admit gives us kind of a cool opportunity because uh today during don’t worry we’re going to keep playing taking the headset off yeah uh today also in Season of the Witch there’s actually a few more tricks fighting for each one of you guys no matter what class you play uh there’s three New Strand aspects that yeah it’s cool if we take a look really quick yeah absolutely perfect all right so up first we have sorry I want to make sure I get the name correctly I’m so sorry we have whirling Maelstrom for the hunters so this one is actually one that I’m quite looking forward to going ahead and adding to my kit uh effectively what this one will do what we’ll do well we can let it speak for itself let it play once really quickly here and then I can editorialize yeah so effectively whenever you get your hands on any tangle uh once you destroy it whether by throwing it or by just shooting it if it’s in the battlefield in a really good spot for you it will then go ahead and effectively become what we have internally been calling it lovingly the buzz saw tangle no kidding yeah kind of reminds me of a tracking child of the old gods yeah that’s right yeah that’s right it’ll be even more terrifying it’ll be even more terrifying in PvP than I think I’d initially anticipated to be honest with you swirling planet of death yeah it’ll track folks down and also to once it defeats a Target you can see too it creates unraveling rounds oh yeah that will then continue the uh the wave of Destruction at your best so yeah Hunters uh those of you that are especially at the running strand that are tearing up crowds of bad guys at the at the uh at left and right rather um now’s your time to go ahead and start grabbing this one this is available now already so go ahead and say hi to Nimbus and pick it up but of course Hunters aren’t going to get to have all the fun uh Titans we’ve got another one for you as well let’s take a look oh we’ve got a little play I like it that’s right yep so Titans you’ll now be able to go ahead and grab the banner of War aspect as well this is cool for two reasons one is it will activate every time you land any melee damage any outgoing melee damage from you whether it’s from your sword glaive straight up punches oh as well wow punching yeah I hear that’s a common uh Titan strategy no it’s less common but it stands a chance of catching on and this just might help everyone do that um but with each melee that you’re like oh and also I forgot to mention finishers count as well all melee types yep any outgoing melee damage we’ll then go ahead and kind of create obviously this sort of uh cascading Echo off of you that we’ll go ahead and do two things one all of your allies will get buffed melee damage no which is not too bad yep but then also Titans will have for the first time the ability to heal their teammates as well no yeah so I in support Titans crazy look at that little flesh he’s out there supporting everyone honestly it took it you know we never thought it would happen but it’s exciting to see I think obviously the uh the Titans getting a chance to go ahead and dive into these support so you can also warlocks push back a little bit let them know that there’s to do a little bit more but also to to that same end uh warlock so you’re gonna get to have a lot of fun as well what is that yes so this is a new aspect to tell right now as well where effectively you go ahead and jump up in the air use a movement ability and you enter the weave uh when you enter the weave you go invisible as well so we can’t see you yeah so all the bad guys right here are still looking for something to shoot obviously the Cyclops missed this shot and then once you leave rather while you’re in there you’ll actually go ahead and have threadlings attach onto you and so you can go ahead and release them wherever you want to that’s awesome that’s right the bugs lovingly a multitude of bugs to go ahead and help you out here how about in PvP CM PVP that actually thank you very good question is they can see you in PvP I think bad guys can but you’re also highly damage resistant so always trade-offs but yeah uh warlocks you’ve got one more tool at your tool kit as well so to those of you looking to go ahead and expand your strand toolkit a little bit more go ahead and say hello to to Nimbus on Naomi when I hang out there for a little bit and pick up a few more tools for your toolkit yeah so all right now we’ve got a little bit more now that the the dev time travel has occurred in the background we’ve brought our accounts forward a little bit uh to match up to this next stage of missions um let’s say we go ahead and check out Elders or summoning all right I am I’m gonna try and get strand on here with the little rally fly wise it’s like I’ve got a lot of art going on although honestly I’m not gonna swap I’m just a creature habit I’m an Australia are you really yeah I’m excited to see it I’ll keep an eye out like most cases whenever I’m playing uh at home if I’m not playing strand I will I promise to my fire team members out there who have experienced me doing the opposite I try to hold off from looking up any Tangles because you know if it’s out of my own creation it feels rude to go ahead and grab it so I’ll try and do that this time but we’ll see throwing Tangles is just over the top a little possessive about the tangles huh it’s you know I feel like it should just be to the The Strand Hunter to do with as they choose that’s right it’s actually it’s kind of funny because I do get mad when someone picks up my tank actually I made that I see it finally throw it back at her and she’s like oh this is the ball I can pick up yeah pick it up I can do more yeah yeah obviously all right uh okay I got a strand build on I’m excited I’m gonna try out the tessellation this time I think I might try out the machine guns time yeah I have the machine gun on too tessellation’s a beast I’m really looking forward to building some kits around that when I get home yeah yeah it’s just flexible and just like I don’t know having another Fusion rifle to do even or Untold damage with is never the worst thing Santa looks like that looks so cool yeah it kind of like the uh the exterus The Hive gloomer is like was this made just by Eris like in her Workshop like this is really really cool it’s kind of spooky this season I know yeah she’s a she’s gonna have a a very interesting story progression yeah that’s gonna be cool it’s nice to have some attention on her though she’s such a like I don’t know especially with how deep her lore goes yeah honestly like all the way back to those first days of having to like survive in the depths of the Moon and like a really really difficult time she went through I’ll paint it lightly bife is out there laughing it’s the second time [Music] all right so we have now made it over to the Alters of summoning the other uh activity here in Season of the Witch this is kind of meant to follow up obviously you just have to inspire but uh oh I’ll let us play through it I don’t want to spoil anything too quickly out of the game oh spoiled I wouldn’t dare whoa this is cool okay I just got the first uh deck out of the way yeah it’s um as I like to say I’m getting all the all the bad gameplay out of my system here early so I just play like a pro okay so I can stand on a rune and it says begin the ritual of induction all right and like it says that under each of them but I don’t know which one we’re supposed to do this they all have a matching pair except oh wait maybe I don’t know just do one and see what happens yeah let’s just give it a try yeah they’re all they’re all matching except this one that matters okay Andy I see you all right maybe we’re all supposed to do it oh here we go all right I’ll have the orbs oh that’s right behind her magical barriers I don’t have a proper need for this but we’ll try it anyway so I might switch to the Boomer oh yeah I have the nades that like suspense oh yeah actually I mean that’s that’s helpful well I’m definitely in there leave it but I still think I can make some more options I got like one two three or four the hardest mode all right oh I like what you did something yeah there’s one two and then three swords on each of them oh it’s totally fine exploding this strand grenade I’m super prepared not using different guns so we’re used to like this is gonna be fine you’re wearing where are the enemies okay here we go oh whoa that’s like a large enemy to start all the Heavies oh we’re like oh I’m done oh I’m definitely them I don’t yeah I I got this we’re we’re blaming Taylor here no idea on it is it because I did the third sword first the fourth sword the fourth sword I you see I just saw something to interact with my interactive all right it’s the street all right let’s start at the back of the room clear the perimeter there you go this is I will say two is one of the nice things about uh yeah let me get rid of that as well we got a little all right we got a sticker down I don’t know why I’m dying I think there’s fire I think it’s just the big oh yeah it’s just yeah big boy but the streakers were released he spawned a bunch of Heavies for you guys is that just me oh whoa another Chico oh no oh and he got too close it’s been known to happen reaction well uh came up in two I’ll be right back all right let’s go ahead and here let’s see if we can push him through a phase there we go oh there we go okay I got in I got it from getting out oh shoot we’ve got another wizard behind us oh I am something look at me I have a little thing look at me I’m on the ground I was gonna be healing I’m dead bye for five please survive revive I have a need probably I don’t have a need I’m sorry it was a calculated brisk and it didn’t pay off for me it probably it didn’t work out too well if I could live well yeah that’s it we’re on the right track we need to harvest and deposit the burden’s attribute as well so okay we’ll just play a little bit a smidge more cautiously careful let’s put on that GM Nightfall um I think everything in the middle um there should be or in the middle probably we’re all done we’re over here oh geez all right um sorry we can try it again too on the other difficulty just to just to walk through it as well to get a feel for how it works first well you know we only have two minutes left so you know something’s telling me so we’re probably gonna not getting it this time oh it threw it made some uh the tangle yeah okay here we go look at the little stainless all right let’s go ahead and see if we can go ahead and get at least one of these tributes okay yeah I’m getting just destroyed oh hi wizard this Tesla I like one shot it but then I when I went to try to put it up I heard like planned there’s a Shaker in the back that’s kind of melting yeah yeah strickerson do that they’re cheering rude after I got down okay okay game plan let’s get that straight girl out of the sky first yeah all right so at the cost of my life it’s one hit smoking like a true Titan it’s almost there we go all right all right we still got to get some tributes yep 45 seconds let’s go okay at least acolytes mean business I ever thought I’d say super strand tied into running yeah I’m supposedly healing I felt it I lived I lived I think it’s working yeah oh well all right a valiant first attempt if I say so myself yeah and now that we’ve kind of seen it through one so we can go ahead and dive in on the normal mode yeah looks like would anyone want to start it like that do you think is that an option or is that of course that’s fine I didn’t realize she’s giving you a hard time it’s all right I just walked up to I was like okay I’m gonna grab this it’s like well this one looks cool and you’re right about it yeah I agree let’s go ahead and cue back in uh all right oh it doesn’t let you re-key here oh wait here too late like two one yeah yeah it’s all right I’ll go and dive back in get the uh the the opening chapters as well walk up to the spider again yep or whatever it is I need to tell myself that’s okay yes well other than the uh the new stuff in this season are you guys excited for anything regarded to the story you were saying you’re a big fan of Eris as well I think so yeah yeah I I am I love the seasonal story content excited she surprises us honestly too it’s like with air is kind of taking such a terrifying and Central role I’m really excited to see how that turns out honestly I got goosebumps the hair scene in the Showcase where she’s like turning yeah the transformation yeah seriously of course you’re gonna go back that went crazy yeah who is to know I don’t know it’s exciting I’m gonna get some new shaders I’m probably getting flame for my lovely strand build you know but I think I look cool you do look cool so that’s in like 51 of the battle is looking cool honestly you know Taylor did they look cool last time she saw the strip but for her stream she looks great that’s cool I actually don’t even know what you look like right now I’ll be honest I got I got the like rooster helmet on yeah yeah okay the rooster yeah I just like the like I don’t know the effect that like shaders take on that like with the big hunter cape and everything yeah just like Cascades the Armor shoes super differently than other stuff um over the years true actually yeah it’s more like a leather kind of look to it I feel like way more textured yeah nightmares so cool I still remember like when it was like that first trailer hit where it was like no we’re going into one of the pyramids and also it’s where all the destruction from The Traveler landed like of all the cool like pivotal like lore moments I don’t know that was almost like I don’t know anything and I cannot wait to figure all of this out honestly yeah I imagine that like inside the traveler it seemed a little bit similar like the weird blend of like different eras yeah I think it’ll be really neat the linear destination sounds really intriguing too oh yeah yeah how it changes too we’re there it reacts to us all right should we all do the same simple this time and see what happens yeah oh yeah eat a jellyfish jellyfish yes [Applause] oh different ways [Music] look at the waterfalls that’s so cool yeah all right so one sword these guys wait it says Pika Drew Ascension Taylor drew it through Ascension Andy Drew true oh I gotta get punched yeah it says Ascension fun times too I think it affects all of us yeah and this is also two is the place to go ahead and use like the cards that you gain in the deck of Whispers as well over the course of the season oh ghost ghosts as well just to keep it safe yeah there’s something over here oh yeah it says charge the art Crystal six of them I’ll go the other side I kind of left the ads for you guys I’m just running the crystals all right I’ll super the next ad wave okay there’s one missing oh all the way at the front yeah yeah you got it I got it I will wait I’m proud to report that all the trash is gone oh that was trash is that not a common term anymore trash mobs I heard it before just not I wasn’t expecting it I guess my old wow player is coming out I’m sorry I forgot all right I’m gonna super the high backlight I might yeah I think there’s another one as well actually on the other side of this pillar that should be another I’m running I punched it I um suspended it I’m just attacking the Lost thingy a little bit okay yeah she is yeah beaming me I have a little Banner oh yeah I want your banner I’ll spread with you yeah thanks I like how big the radius is for that yeah it’s actually pretty good oh the boss is almost dead actually yep because it’s tessellation melting over there so yeah it pops out bread links with that that’s so cool oh that’s spicy I like your little Banner thank you I still have it oh nice I still have it let’s go spell that’s actually wild yeah more kills you get too it’ll actually start like kind of sending out the bursts faster as well at the beginning we’re here make an offering oh yeah uh do you want to go level two yeah let’s give it a try robust gradual advancement rather than jumping stuff uh you know what I was oh you’re waiting for this moment honestly oh no your company okay so warlock I am always gonna go ahead here we go okay I got the truth Taylor got adherent and you do the wish the wish wish between me and the dragon oh whoa whoa that’s Vex what okay I’m so happy to have anti-barrier right now yeah yeah actually let me see if I have that on we’ll find out oh yeah they are yeah oh there’s a bunch of little harpies them all right I got one hey we have a you start shooting that Hydra the hydrogen instead here we go yeah nice oh is that the did you did I throw that grenade I think that’s the hunt series I just don’t remember let’s see or just one and I got it okay I don’t know something exploded oh there was a box to shoot and it has been successfully destroyed yeah okay we couldn’t beat the three minotaurs all right well I can’t so um we’re back sacrifices oh we’ll prevent them are we letting them sacrifice no we’re supposed to stop them no yeah there’s inspires around or not necessarily spiers but the like backspires are in the exterior oh yeah yeah oh my bad I was not on the right side of the room oh I’m shooting a box this little box probably used to be I wonder if we can damage this guy now yeah we can do it [Music] you know oh yeah there’s another floating bar um that’s huge um he’s kind of I don’t think yeah or maybe I do there’s something about like being in the exploding body of X Hydra that makes me feel a little bit like sitting under the glitter drill yeah when it drops down to kill everyone oh I seriously as I let that happen I knew it was gonna happen and yeah I stood here and yeah all right there we go maybe they’re just accidentally hitting like the card stack or something can you hear that crit with the Boomer again no I don’t think so I think unless there’s like a you know like they’re kind of kind of suspended with strand or stuck in stasis I don’t think there’s anything I don’t think oh I just went right through like a high school weapon like fighting lion you know like oh right yeah yeah there’s a high school fighting lion oh obviously you’ve heard of it okay um you know once or twice but yeah it’s kind of crazy minotaurs you’re so silly there we go there’s the bus stop oh we got a buzz style yeah oh yeah I’m throwing the um what are they called the balls yeah [Music] oh my goodness then last third oh wait oh well yeah wait where’d you go I just popped you oh yeah again okay cool you’re gonna leave again oh he’s going down trying to pull the old there’s the maternity right no kidding oh look at this orb that’s so cool that is such a little buzz saw okay I was like oh that’s me so I think you can like do as many rounds as you want right like you can just stay loaded into the section yeah I think because there’s also two in the upper left yeah there’s the bar in the upper left below if we kind of get all the way to the conclusion of it the little ghost in my ears letting me know that this is actually the end of our particular play session but okay first of all as a reminder to everyone out there at home you can go ahead and dive into all of this stuff today including the beginning of the brand new seasonal story fourth season of The Witch today three brand new strand aspects waiting for you and uh of course I’d be remiss if I didn’t also take an opportunity uh maybe as a part of the show to just say thank you as well we have a tremendous crew here in-house making all of this stuff possible and without this absolute just group of Legends here to go ahead and make all of these things work uh they have to make me look good on camera which is a challenge so I want to take a moment of course before we do to the final section to go ahead and of course thank our amazing crew so thank you there we go so that’s it we got one more segment we’re going to wrap up and uh or is this a closing go again thank you do not be afraid after all these years all great for lost fight might be our last so I’m asking you to rise one time well that’s the end of our show we had a ton of fun today going to talk with Bungie about the reveal and getting to play through some Season of the Witch yeah it’s a pleasure being a part of your fire team if you’re able to go play Season of the Witch Is live right now and you can jump right in and start playing in Sabbath to inspire and building your deck of Whispers or if you’re stuck at work or away from your gaming setups and still want to continue watching we’re going to be raiding travel Danielle right now so stick with us and say hi and you can watch as she continues to play through some Season of the Witch content live thank you so much for joining us today thank you all have fun gaming thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]

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My 6-step formula for GCSE exam success. Achieve a top grade in all your GCSE exams whilst spending half of your time doing the things you enjoy. I explain why note-taking is NOT the way ➯➱ ➫ ➪➬ The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is an academic qualification in a particular subject, taken in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. State schools in Scotland use the Scottish Qualifications Certificate instead. Private schools in Scotland may choose to use GCSEs from England.
