Do YOU Have a Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)? 6 Signs and Symptoms

In this video we’re going to talk about the six must-know symptoms of a generalized anxiety disorder, so make sure that you stay tuned. What’s up, everybody? This is Chris from the rewired Soul, where we talk about the problem but focus on the solution. Today we’re going to be talking about what a generalized anxiety disorder looks like, and this is a very important topic to me because I am personally somebody who has been diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder. So I want to give you all the information you need to know if you’re, showing some of the symptoms of having what’s abbreviated as GA D. Now, as always, when I do these videos about the symptoms, I do want to throw a big fat disclaimer out there like this is just to let you know what the DSM says. The symptoms are. If you feel that you might be shown some of these symptoms, you need to seek the help of a doctor or a therapist. As always in the description down below. There is a link to online therapy where you can get some help, but I just want to kind of give you an idea of what the symptoms look like. So you know hey, maybe I got a problem and maybe I need to go get some help. Alright. So let’s get started first off I am whipping out again my handy dandy DSM. So this is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. This book is what doctors and mental health professionals use to diagnose different mental health disorders. Alright, so I’m going straight out of this and we’re gonna be talking about the six must-know symptoms. Alright, so let’s get started so symptom number one: isn’t it excessive anxiety worry, and apprehensiveexpectationsn occurring more days than not for at least six months about several events or activities such as work, school, or performance? So these. So this is something to keep in mind too. This is something that’s been happening for at least six months on and off, doesn’t matter how regular but more days, then than not okay. So if 51 of your days are like this, then this is where the symptom takes place. So excessive worry about just normal things that people have to do on a day-to-day basis it’s going to work, taking care of the kids, having responsibilities, paying bills, and all sorts of things like that, all right. So let’s look at symptoms. Number two: the individual, finds it difficult to control the worry. So this is something that we talk about, like my channel is about like decreasing the stigma of mental health issues and increasing awareness, and things like that like when you have a generalized anxiety disorder, you can’t just turn it off. So when someone’s like just calm down or quit worrying, when you have a generalized anxiety disorder, we cannot do that. Okay, symptom, number three, the anxiety and worry, are associated with three or more of the following six symptoms with at least some symptoms. Having been present for more days than not for the last six months so right now, I’m going to list six, of the six symptoms in this category. So if you have three or more of them that’s been persisting more often than not over the last six months, then that’s, how you know you have one of these symptoms, alright, so let’s get started listing out these six, so one Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge to being easily fatigued, three difficulty concentrating or mind going blank four irritability, five muscle tension, six, sleep disturbance, difficulty falling or staying asleep or restlessness, unsatisfying asleep so with mine. This is something that I will make a more dedicated video about about anxiety. One of the key ones that stand out to me is irritability like when my anxieties go, and, while I am very, very irritable, my anxiety turns into anger. This is one of the reasons why I try to tell all of you like get help for your mental illnesses because when my anxiety is running rampant, I’m not a good father. I’m not a good boyfriend. I’m, not a good friend. I’m, not a good employee, because I’m highly irritable. Okay, sleep is another huge issue that people with anxiety, and disorders of all sorts have trouble with, because when it’s time for us to go to bed mine just keeps racing, and it keeps worrying. Okay, but, like I said too, I had difficulty concentrating muscle tension out of those things. The anxiety worry or physical symptoms caused clinically can’t distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. I will never forget, and this is something that I hope none of you do. I play this game where I’d be like up. I don’t need my anxiety, meds and I remember um. My G ad just went off at work and I just could not function at work. I couldn’t sit down. I had a very, very easy relaxing job. This was before I worked in a drug and alcohol treatment center, where it’s. A lot more crazy stuff happened. I was working at a desk at a computer very chill job, but I couldn’t even function. My brain was in a million different places and I had nothing to worry about. I had to go to my boss to say yo. I got to leave for the day like I had to leave my job because of my anxiety. So if you are noticing that when your anxiety kicks in, it is hard for you to do your job or just you know, take care of the house or just regular responsibilities. That is one of the key symptoms of Gav’s all-right symptom number. Five: the disturbance is not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance, for example, drug abuse or medication, or another medical condition, for example, hyperthyroidism. So I got diagnosed with generalized anxiety, disorder after I got sober so by the way this is. This is huge. It is very difficult for any kind of mental health, professional or medical professional to diagnose any kind of mental health disorder when you are actively drinking or using, especially in excess okay. So I was a few months sober before I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. The reason why this is important is that a lot of substances the way they alter the chemicals in your brain, the way your neurotransmitters work, can show symptoms of mental illness, but it was purely based on the substance, so I didn’t get properly diagnosed until I got clean on my drug and alcohol treatment center, we cannot properly diagnose people until they’ve been cleaning for a little bit of time, and even in some cases, it’s a little bit more difficult. You need a little bit of time to properly diagnose someone. Alright, the last symptom symptom number number six. The disturbance is now better explained by another mental disorder. So what this is saying is generalized anxiety. The disorder is completely separate from any other type of mental health disorder that you might have. So when you are getting evaluated by a mental health professional they are, they are separating these things. Some people have multiple mental health disorders, and this is completely separate. Just pull separate okay, I hope that this video helps some of you out as somebody who struggles with a drone generalized anxiety disorder like me, I have to tell you one of the reasons I made this channel. I want you all to know. I want all of you to know out there like. I live an incredible life, an amazing life, and my anxieties are under control, which is why I give you guys so many different tools to manage your symptoms of mental illness. If I can do it literally, anybody else can do it too, but it takes some work. It takes some effort. Okay, so, as I mentioned at the beginning of this video, if you would buy, if you feel that you have some of these symptoms, make sure you check out the link in the description below it is an affiliate link. So there is an online therapy program. They gave me an affiliate link and what it does. It gives a cheap price to all of you: viewers out there for some inexpensive online therapy, with access to hundreds of therapists at your beck and call alright, and when you use it that also helps support. This channel, so I can provide all of you with more mental health tips. Okay, so if you feel like you, ‘re struggling just go ahead and check out that link alright, but as always, if you like this video, please give it a thumbs up. If you know somebody who might be struggling with a generalized anxiety disorder make sure you share it with them. Okay, but if you are new here, click their little round subscribe button, the one with my little face – click it and subscribe to this channel. I’m always making videos to help you out with your mental health, okay, if you would like to check out some other videos on this channel, go ahead and click or tap on one of those thumbnails right there. But I love you all so much. Thanks so much for watching watching keep your mental health under control, and I’ll see you next time.

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