I’ve Never Been So Shocked By An Advertisement. #15 Is Horrifyingly True.

There are countless social issues around the world that really need the public’s attention. Every single person gets caught up in their own life, but these shocking advertisements aim to drag everyone out of selfish habits. Each of these ads are hoping to raise awareness of a very real issue. They do the job by being so horrifying and eye-opening. These organizations are doing the right thing by raising public awareness… and it’s effective, because you’ll never forget these advertisements.

1.) Torture victims are just like you and me.

2.) Stop the violence, don’t drink and drive.

3.) If you smoke, your story will end before it should.

4.) WWF – what’s more horrifying?

5.) The color of your skin shouldn’t dictate your future.

6.) Deforestation continues with the turn of a page.

7.) Spread un-hate.

8.) Slower is better.

9.) Save paper, save the planet.

10.) Air pollution kills 60,000 people a year.

11.) “Liking” isn’t helping. Be a volunteer.

12.) Bird conservation – if you don’t pick it up, they will.

13.) What we see when you smoke.

14.) Animal anti-cruelty league – that’s not a soccer ball.

15.) Don’t talk while she drives.

16.) Child soldiers – it’s not happening here, but it’s happening.

17.) Censorship tells the wrong story.

18.) Don’t drive distracted.

19.) Every 60 seconds a species dies out.

20.) Where’s the pedophile?

21.) Sexual predators can hide in your child’s smartphone.

22.) Smoking causes premature aging.

23.) Say “no” to anorexia.

24.) Neglected children feel invisible.

25.) Plastic bags kill.

26.) What goes around, comes around.

27.) Give trucks room.

28.) Instead of tuna, see pandas.

29.) Don’t drive sleepy.

30.) Feeding the hungry can be easy.

31.) You’re causing cancer by yourself.

32.) Deforestation changes the air we breathe.

33.) Every day is a struggle for the homeless.

34.) Don’t lose control of your drinking.

35.) Each child is holding something illegal. Guess which one.

36.) The breast cancer awareness bra.

37.) What goes around, comes around. Stop the violence.

38.) Women should…

39.) Don’t buy exotic animal souvenirs.

40.) Same animal. Different owner.

41.) Buckle up. Stay alive.

(H/T Bored Panda) Don’t brush off these social issues and think that someone else will take care of it. The power is in your own hands. You can change the world (even if that means saving your own life). Please share these shocking advertisements. It’ll help make a difference.

Read more: http://viralnova.com/public-awareness-ads/

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