Right on cue! Hillary Clinton’s arrived to help Dems channel their tax cut ‘outrage’ (Hint: $$)
Elections have consequences, but that’s not keeping Hillary Clinton on the sidelines. Instead, she’s come forward to offer advice to lefties angered by the GOP tax bill:
Something productive to do with your outrage today: https://t.co/XEUb0xLsSl
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 20, 2017
The liberal former presidential candidate’s suggested therapy for channeling outrage is, not surprisingly, “send money to liberals”:
The #GOPTaxScam is on its way to Trump's desk to be signed into law. Let that sink in for a minute. Then channel your rage by donating to the opponents of every swing district Republican who voted for it here
— Swing Left (@swingleft) December 20, 2017
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