Russo Brothers News | Market Report | Pickups

all right everybody Welcome this is Tales From Flipside Monday night 268. um we got our boy Sean look at this way easy what's up we got uh a lot of news um a market report that I didn't do any backstory on but uh John Z who graciously is at work I think uh did it for us and then uh we got pickups and we're gonna just try to keep this show going so uh here we go let's uh get it going foreign [Music] and I said I had one I know I had one this is the book we were talking about last night or last week uh we were talking about uh the one with the rear view mirror but John Z alluded to this one I've had this one forever remember we've gotten five days yeah now it's uh it's forever I think I have 10 bucks on it it probably worth 10 bucks still yeah it was a it was a it was a hot flip for a second yeah but literally like a second which means like a month yeah I think yeah I think I think I got it for like four bucks back today yeah yeah yeah whatever was it one of those books that like jumped up to like 20 bucks and then like cooled down really fast to 10 once people realized how many copies that were out there I believe so yeah what's the deal was it was that a ratio is that a second print this is it okay yeah I remember I was on my way to Palm Springs and back for a bachelor party and I found a store and I bought like seven of them off the side of the freeway and like India or some [ __ ] I don't I don't remember like you want seven of these and I'm like no you don't like it's like I will gladly I get it that's [ __ ] terrible cover I listed mine and still haven't got any offers on eBay uh probably the lowest price out there uh according to Z's like listed now it's uh it's in terrible condition but it cares oh that's a good [ __ ] forget damn my man that's in my to-do list [Music] writing that I probably could get off of if it's like pencil Maybe okay and then uh it no it's [ __ ] rough it's like 85 is fine it takes on it but nobody cares I mean okay I mean everyone needs the first Mario in their collection right I mean if it doesn't I'll just throw it on the back wall with her porn gym right there it wasn't like a Zelda cameo in the movie or anything was there I did not watch the movie because I just found my zeldas so those sell for more but uh yeah uh speaking of video games we'll kind of jump around here get down to this one's I bring this when I was up because it's pretty shitty um I did this pretty shittyly um Knuckles Paramount series we talked about video games they're gonna they did the series synopsis review I'm not gonna read it all but uh the knuckles is back um idiots Alba is uh in the title role with several characters from the first two films so you know Sonic uh we talked about the fan reaction from the terrible Sonic movies that had to be redone and not like it's a home run hit and they're doing more and more movies and it's been awesome whatnot so I never saw the second one I didn't either I saw the first one though was it good I don't remember okay okay so it always cracks me up I mean I guess we're supposed to get used to it but it cracks me up how they have people um they they announced like the actors when they're like voice actors you know what I mean like I get it and you need the big voices and stuff but it's it's just is it that big a [ __ ] deal well I think I think the backlash is the whole big thing it's like Super Mario Brothers right people were loading their mind that Chris Pratt was the lead voice and all this stuff and now it's everything's the greatest thing on earth so oh yeah what yeah because I remember the initial complaints for for Mario's like he didn't sound anywhere close to like I guess the Mario voice that we're used to from the from the video games right yeah yeah yeah but then you always you also always need a big name attached to it right to like either sell the idea or the project yeah I mean Nintendo's not dumb I mean like they know what they're doing yeah yeah and if you have I mean if you have a recognizable Voice or if you're a good actor at all most likely you have a recognizable good voice you know yeah yeah I mean I'm sure they gave that movie to anybody on the planet who they could have gave it to you yeah yeah I gotta be I gotta assume that they are answering Miguel's that on there you gotta assume Sonic's gonna be in there somewhere yeah people started talking about it today and I was like oh the red one it's just like for real dude I did I did have the OG Sega Genesis that came with Sonic though I did too yeah I have an old photo I don't know if my parents will have it it's like me when I'm like 10 years old and a little goofy and I had a big ass the big ass Sega box that was like over my head yeah and I think all all three buttons all did all were all jump I'll jump yeah yeah it's all real [ __ ] difficult yeah well that was Sonic one uh Sonic two yeah yeah sonic two you could like go down and then spin into a ball and then that was different no one you can go into a ball but I mean that that's probably pushing down correct yeah yeah yeah yeah so that was yeah it was literally all well yeah that's how they indoctrinated you is why I really fast it was visually really cool I mean it was we'll look like now but okay the Labyrinth Zone the water Zone and Sonic was [ __ ] terrible I got anxiety from that [ __ ] noise like when you're about to drown that [ __ ] game but I mean it was also a big jump from like what Game Boy to you like if you don't really think because you're talking about like an 8-bit game going all the way up to 16 or 32 or whatever it was on Game Boy originally no no no no no no I'm just saying like compare comparing the technology of like a Game Boy like pixels and everything like not even being in color yet right yeah yeah Game Boy was awesome man the changing car rides forever if that was yeah yeah and you had to have the gameplay like to play it at night right yeah yeah for sure yeah it was it was funny I went from Nintendo and I crossed over to Sega Genesis Sega Game Gear and then I went to Nintendo 64 and then I went to PlayStation and then PlayStation forever no I have an Xbox controller for my PC it's like a loser uh uh blade so uh Mia goth joins uh our favorite uh superhero in the Marvel pick so um is there event speculation on the character yeah no yeah oh no I'm sorry you're talking to me about that um because uh they use someone who doesn't look like Elsa Bloodstone for Elsa Bloodstone and they used her twin actress right here for something else in a blade movie which although they could definitely wear off by night could be Standalone so I don't I doubt it's also but I'm just saying that's uh yeah and I have you guys seen any of these movies she's been in that are supposedly good uh negative I have not I I have not they look somewhat entertaining so I've kind of like maybe especially nymphomaniac volume two horror films or something like that the most horror movies uh Pearl Emma um infomaniac I don't know 2013 how old is this girl uh she is 29.

Okay so 19 oh God damn it never mind yeah survival is ever I don't know anyways just when she's married to Shia LaBeouf that's what I found interesting oh yeah holy [ __ ] she must be [ __ ] she must be nuts dude because that guy's completely insane so there's like micro jokes all the time then or whatever most likely maybe plant Flags out in the middle of fields with cameras it's [ __ ] fight 4chan um yeah um Rick Johnson put this one out uh cgc partners with klf sports and Ace Universe Ace Universe uh for private sightings with Brie Larson Kate Harrington and um Haley Steinfeld uh I think didn't Haley do some signature before I fell asleep yes it was sometime last year wasn't it and it was during Hawkeye when the Hawkeye came around it was either like right before or right after okay I can't remember um that would be a blue green artifacts question because I know he's big onto the celebrity sightings yeah I would um uh you know I actually didn't remember that she was all right I don't think I realized till today that she was spider-gwen for some reason it's like about voice actresses you know yeah yeah I just I just didn't know well um I don't know she's got a lot of cool books that you could get signed I think and then maybe I think about it I don't know if she better not be like 500 or something well do you do that Casado marionette for Brie Larson or Miss Marvel remember that gets out of there and I had to uh that [ __ ] was like the first one to put on cgc98s it's all black cover of Bree yeah I don't know I don't know well the thing with free though it just depends sort of on her the fan hood on her is sort of up and down like it's it's sort of Hit or Miss um they're definitely gonna rely on hoping she has more comedic value it seems by looking at the Marvel's trailer which is which is cool um I liked her a little more and not her uh in the you know like end game then in her solo but the solo kind of grew on me I don't know why I just don't feel like I liked it that much the first time I saw it but when I when I've rewatched it I actually actually do like it so I mean I hit that 90s like Nostalgia for you then the second time you watched watched it through yeah maybe a little more also like they filmed it at the base it's not not that far from here um and stuff like that that part's kind of cool like watching it filmed in my desert but uh yeah so yeah maybe I don't know maybe I was in a bad mood but uh yeah but I put it on to to at least a couple more times for background yeah and and so I do like it uh for Jon Snow over there um I wouldn't I can't I don't know about those black knight deals yeah I'm I'm 100 going Game of Thrones yeah for sure um I'd have to look up some of the covers uh I definitely want to do um uh that number one that has like the the direwolves and stuff on there would probably be good on there I can't think of another exact I don't know them well enough I can't picture like an iconic sort of like well posed Jon Snow in any of the comics I don't know which one is his first appearance he might be in the first one I don't know I obviously didn't read them um so I only watched the TV I did not read the books or that so I'd like to see what's up with uh with that and I know he's probably a tough Sig but first cover app I guess is that is his first cover app it doesn't say uh and now I'm also kind of bad I'm also kind of curious with the companies they're teaming up with to do these private signings so it's obviously now for profit instead of like being for a charity like some of the other celebrities were doing beforehand okay I'm sorry I booked off oh I'm not sure um okay so kalef Sports and Ace universe because I want to say like Ace Universe don't they do aren't they like connected to a comic convention like in Arizona or something like that or let's look at these people like authentic oh yeah Ronaldo okay all right so obviously some pretty exclusive Talent there um I doubt their signs uh I mean okay with Harrison Ford because wasn't that like what a thousand dollar signature I'm trying to look it up I'm trying to see the whole email I mean all of us on cgc yeah there you go I do uh pounds obviously no yeah no me I can't look at that too I think I save all my emails again yeah I'm trying to search my phone so I can search them all at once but uh who are you looking for Haley I will I looked for I just thought maybe Kit Harington with his name would show up in the email search so what do we have here and they don't it's a lot of weird emails that showing up in but uh okay oh you know why I think it can probably get it in promos I delete my promos oh there you go Miguel H oh oh let's see out the prices oh there you go perfect 319 that's I mean that's not terrible I mean I I hate to say 319 is not terrible one overall not super rich but you know I mean for a celebrity signature but I mean even even Haley's not or Kit Harington and Haley Steinfeld it's only 219 that seems cheap to me yeah no that that's not it's not that bad that's not that bad it's just whether you're going to get added value it's got to be the it's got to be the perfect books you know yeah and I mean I'm I'm behind I think people are catching on to that into blue game Tony's been good at this yeah um Chris has been good at this for at least uh the mcfarl lanes and I forget I think some other things too um yeah just never never completely been my thing I was the mess I messed up by not doing any of the far Lanes this year because I have a lot of stuff that I was going to do for it I even bought some some other stuff like some Ghost Rider covers and things like that that he doesn't have very many of and I blew it I didn't get a mountain time so just wait another two years and you know he'll sign up for 10 000 books or whatever it was exactly 100 100 000 books whatever yeah yeah oh it was a hundred thousand I forgot I don't know it was a lot yeah it was like the most ever yeah it's not close yeah yeah I mean because I know he always has like what he has like one of the most signatures for cgc too that's what it's like it's like John Cena's make a wish and then everyone else below him is like it's like that style like it's like Todd McFarland and then everybody else I mean I figured Stan Lee would be up there as well I guess yeah I don't think it's closed um a lot of it went um uh you know a lot of it went into PC and stuff like that I've only got a couple stands left window that I shouldn't have yeah I think I have three left I I bought one and I didn't I mean it's a book that he didn't nobody cares about but so I just bought it because it was cute yeah there's a nine six who cares um what else we got uh you got anything on this DC Knights Terrors event reveals new superhero one shots I I mean what I have is it it looks entertaining because I like horror stuff okay um so I know I linked the article I don't know if you scroll through or not just because uh yeah so basically so they're gonna introduce I think the names God it probably says it right here uh anyway insomnia or insomnia insomnia I think is going to be the new guy that puts these people in their nightmare States so they're gonna fight each other and fight like with themselves in there um but they really I think they pulled out all the stops for these covers um someone and you know uh someone I I was reading this earlier today but I know some people are posting the Discord about about this uh summer man but a lot of these are a lot of these are actually um a lot of these are actually really good you know what I mean that looks like a Wilkins but it's not oh that's one yeah yeah I think that's I think that's where so she's detective champ is that his name yeah yeah yeah so in the one under that I think is amazing this this one this just catches me I don't know who did the art I was listening to artists but I scored I was scrolling through them all kind of quickly today and they all seem to have this um Harris yeah there you go that yeah one in 25 that's good at least it's ratio I'll probably be in for trying to plug in 9A to one of these and I think there's four issues each each of these Series so um so Superman that looks like Wilkins too who's that uh what's up matina I was gonna hit him up today oh it is that okay it looks it looks like uh it looks like Skeletor kinda it it does and the movie poster style and I Wilkins did it and it's matinees so we totally could have stolen from Wilkins [Music] there's a good Green Lantern that looks almost like Rafael grandpa or something like that Brock Brock King I think that artist has like similar covers to that for something else yeah like yeah cityscapes or whatever and it's like okay I love art like that I do see that's good right there I don't know there's a um if you keep going a little bit there's a pretty decent Perillo uh Green Lantern what I thought anyway uh so we've got the power girl stuff yeah so I I mean overall just by kind of scrolling through this I don't know what you guys think I just thought this was there's something cool again obviously yeah um stuff with that I think we're almost to the green yeah we've got the uh the night being one so Nightwing this is Georgie of Jason Todd and um and Tim Drake are going to be in this fighting each other so you can kind of see obviously that that's happening um it seems like they're kind of like shifting gears from like building on the DC stuff and like transitioning into something else which is probably a smart idea because I mean like I I don't know how many people kept on reading like the continuation stories of all those balloons yeah that's a Perillo Green Lantern yeah it doesn't say ratio I don't know if this is just the first car yeah I think that's number one yeah I think I saw I think I read it because I wanted to see which one it was so being open order there should be a lot of 98 to that or ability because this card stocks up oh right I like that it's a limb limb okay okay yeah anyway just yeah it should be I think there'd be good storylines I'm seated and see them try hard transition and to have all these covers out already like clearly they've sort of been planning uh for this and plotting on it so uh you know hopefully we get a hopefully we get a good um I don't know a good DC series uh to be rolling in uh so many times I dropped the ball trying to finish them off forever evil and everything else you know what I mean so yeah kind of kind of kind of cool with this and they're bringing up the the Dead Man's gonna come have to try to save the world so there we go dead man a big role um could lead into maybe some justice league dark uh on the big screen in the future only been trying that forever so who knows who knows uh we have is it is it jaffy is that yeah yeah Mad Magazine folding artist yeah yeah guys at 102 man that's a that's a healthy age man yeah so dude I'd be that's beyond 102.

I'm not sure I want to be a hunting too man I don't know right and 44's got some issues didn't they have like recently the um like the Omni buses where one side's like the full back page and then on the other side is like the actual folding art so I've got them on my watch list I definitely would like to spend like a day just flipping through that reading through it you know yeah so yeah he but he did a lot of he did a lot of stuff for mad though it wasn't just that I know he started he even worked at Marvel I think Stan Lee hired him at Marvel and uh 1950s even 1940s I think and then uh but he did a lot of but he and then also worked at timely he did some of the uh some of the cartoons though like uh I think it's Sammy the seal and uh I don't know somebody the pig not Porgy or anything and uh so he did that stuff for he did that for a long time for them for mad for forever and he retired and he they um they were gonna you saved his last back cover for his death but they used it for his retirement since it was only like five years ago so yeah no seriously it was only like five years ago oh wow yeah and they said his wife died like two years ago I was like Jesus second wife but yeah so no he yeah he just been responsible for a lot of Pop Culture a big you know big influence on Matt and we started working on Madden and EC in the 50s um uh there's I know he was going to be able to get magazine work I think maybe they might have transitioned mad into a magazine one of the reasons was to to uh to keep Al Jaffe there yeah so anyway great uh great great artist and fold in for every over 50 years every every issue and they said that they didn't think it was like um one of the guys one of the top guys wouldn't wouldn't like to fold in but that um uh gains really liked the idea and it was a and basically it's a joke because Playboy is so popular with the center folds and all the you know the sports illustrators are like all the different ones that have these big old foldouts for posters so tongue-in-cheek the full din instead of the fold out so it's been the back page and that's always been a plight for uh 9.8 mads is because uh the the back covers folded so many times rather than not and even as a kid and but they even said when they started doing this in the 60s or whatever that they're one of the reasons they did it like that was that they hoped that the collector would buy one and then fold the other one but I even remember when I was a kid I was like these might be worth something someday it's a common cook collector in the 80s when I started getting mad mad 265 the garbage bill kids one which not why I have the shirt on with a nauseating Newman on the cover um uh the inside back cover that had Garbage Pail Kids with like political figures and I thought that was pretty funny and kind of and cut them out and but um yeah so even when I was a kid I'd fold them like so gently and like hold them but they'd still be rounded without creasing them and the times I tried to crease him I remember and I had I'd treat them wrong I feel mad but anyway yeah most of mine aren't folded but mine were not bagged and boarded since the 80s so there's that in a garage they don't last that long so they're at least there uh next on the list we have Nightcrawler is a new uncanny Spider-Man so whatever yeah I'm just I just posted it I thought it was interesting nightcrawl is very random like yeah Nightcrawler should have stayed dead well I mean you know if you got to get rid of the spider-verse that just opens up the floodgates where spider people gets pop up anywhere now at this point right but uncanny Spider-Man no I don't think we've ever seen an uncanny Spider-Man before right yeah right and I wonder if ass you know he's got a black suit I've not read whatever this article is yeah it's a little weird how he's spreading his legs at us but yeah yeah it's been a spidey post for a long time yeah it looks it looks like a kick maybe I'm guessing I don't know it's yeah it's a weird yeah for someone who can just teleport places web crawlers like way more active than you think you would be yeah right you know what I mean like why are you jumping into teleport approach just do it yeah right on later right can you hey does it even need webs then yeah it's like why the [ __ ] would he need webs yeah yeah I don't do I don't know yeah I know I know I'm in the minority uh as an X-Men fan with a lot of people but just I've never giving a [ __ ] about my crawler yeah it was decent in the movies I guess but I think it was weird in the adventures where he would just like he's like I'm scared because I don't know what goes on the other side I could be stuck in a wall you know it's like from yeah cartoon too yeah oh yeah I mean yeah it's [ __ ] worse um David Harbor is officially confirmed to play for Frankenstein in dcu's Creature Commandos that's my favorite casting of the week that's for sure good I would love to see this dude I'm I'm excited about Creature Commandos in the first place yeah so to have to have uh to have this dude drop it hell yeah man I mean are we getting stranger things this year or next year all right aren't they transitioning that to animation no but there's one season left okay five right uh yeah there's one final one let me guess I would guess like don't they usually show up in like October so it says filming is going to be May June 2023 if filming starts mid 2023 like at stage it could be possibly mean that late 24.

uh I hate these two year breaks man the kids are gonna be like 50 years old before it's done amen yeah do Little Nerd KIDS sprout it up it's like it's like saying by the Bell to college Years man you know and some of them were better actors when they were eight than when they're 13 to be honest with you yeah you know there's some role reductions in some forced lines you know and I did it's funny I did not funny but like I watched the end of last season well I mean the whole season obviously while I watched last season I thought I was watching the final season so I mean clearly it's continued on the season I don't think I'm ruining anything for anybody to say that you know it wasn't finalized because it wasn't freaking over um yeah I want to see that Santa movie it wasn't it wasn't freaking over so now I'm like oh they're doing another year okay I'm glad they get another year and they didn't and they didn't no the ending wasn't bad it just was bad if it was a a finite ending you know it was the end of the series it was a bad ending but it was a good uh good crossover it's going down out there uh uh I didn't watch this because I'm a loser uh the penguin HBO Max had a in production teaser I just put it out there just in case people did watch does look good good uh I like I mean I mean Colin Farrell's a really good actor um I do like they're doing Gotham I mean if you saw if you saw the Batman you you get what they're going with and it's connected it's connected to that also it's not like you know there's no surprise no surprise or anything it's it's like uh yeah yeah but it takes place after that so that's good um and then our little thumbnail of the week rooster brothers are interested in directing DC used the Brave and the Bold I'm sure I'd love to hear did you talk to Trey about this I'd love to hear his opinion on it I wonder if he's all comment about it I I have I haven't talked about it I mean dude it's I don't I don't know if DC is recognizing um a bit of uh I don't know if DC's you know if they're recognizing a bit of where Marvel's hitch is and I think the hitch with marble is being overplayed because because of covid and because of the filming issues that we had and because of how the um um after you use up all your best characters then you you cast them so well you can't just have a new there's not like necessarily another new Chris Evans because you just burnt 10 years of Captain America same with that same is down you just can't do it so I don't I don't I think it's being overplayed and and his people's also their opinion whether they're not they like what Marvel's what is producing and and I like it it's not it's not comparison to the real you know this new what are we in phase six or something but it should be like phase 1B or something like that well the only Annoying one that's like really from DC's perspective besides I mean we had some terrible Batmans but like Joker's probably the one finite that's like an iconic casting on E3 roles that are actually pretty you know decent all the way but Batman like we had Clooney and we had y'all Kilmer and like you know it's like you know forgettables I mean not saying they were Terrible by all stretch of imagination but you know like you said trying to get iconic castings and then within the next five to ten years you're like oh we're gonna just forget how that happens is It's just tough really tough yeah it is and it's a transition and Disney Star Wars is doing it too you know is there even at least Marvel's still put movies in the theaters for us I I don't care I'm always gonna be like want to be one of the first weekend the guys to a movie that really needs to be seen on the big screen like so you know what I mean like the new Tom Hanks movie or something man I was like I'm having lunch with my mom maybe but like other than that like dude I'm not going to the theater for that [ __ ] at all and I mean it's sad because it used to be a bigger hobby of mine but um for this stuff I'm still go to the movies kind of guy so um and then re-watch it when it's on my boot like two weeks later but yeah right yeah or HBO or whatever that's how it goes and uh yeah so we'll see so maybe they're trying to you know strike wall strike while irons trying to give themselves a little bit of uh uh play around room and if that maybe the Russo Brothers see that and maybe maybe they can do that maybe they can help I mean they did a great job for a long time some of the best Marvel movies easily and uh yeah so hopefully uh hopefully we can do that and I mean with a flash man this flash point deal I mean you've got you've got we're gonna get we're gonna get Supergirl we've got um we've got uh Michael Keaton you know um bat Fleck is coming back not that everybody necessarily loves loved that flight but I was just fine with them you know the older version of them I haven't I don't think they've really miscast Pac-Man because I like them all for what they were you know Batman and Robin and everybody um hated this sort of State you know we got Jim Carrey is the as the Riddler and Schwarzenegger as uh Mr Freeze it just it felt like a comic book movie yeah it was candy you know it was over the top but I enjoyed it Alicia said you're still a bad girl I I liked it it's Adam West but modern Adam West right like power and damn yeah that's what I mean yeah 100 so well I mean do you think well James Gunn at the hell though like is he going or at the helm is he going to like start trying to like recreate that Guardians magic that he created you know just picking like the most like Off the Wall characters that no one's thinking of and see if he like he can make movie Magic with that again I I don't I don't I don't I don't see it um I think I think he's smart enough to be serious that we can't have a bunch of they can't all be that you know right I think he can have Flyers right so he can do like Batman Superman like the Mainstays but I think he has more creative control with the Flyers like you know I'm saying like there's not a ton of pressure like let's be honest every Marvel game movie needs to be a home run right I mean that's a presidential kind of set and it's like yeah yeah yeah and it's like nowadays it's like and again I don't know and you know I don't know what Kevin does over there does he do does is he more creative control clamp down and like gun is going to be like hey you guys just do it and I just kind of you know kind of just move the pawns around and you guys are the ones who kind of you know flush out whoever that character is yeah I guess we'll just have to see like what it develops into yeah it depends I think we can judge it by the property you know they're not going to make a goofy ass Batman yeah and yeah for me I think it's like a I take I think I take him as a like a sports general manager right you give him five years right yeah he does in five years and you know I mean that's a test of time I think a lot of people are going to come out for the first couple movies and if they're not the greatest thing and since sliced bread everybody's going to get on the bandwagon to hate them and you know this is the worst movement you know the keyboard Warriors and the second you know armchair quarterbacks I mean but I feel like that's what his like his test into the DC Market was you know Suicide Squad and and um yeah and Peacemaker one of my favorite comedies literally one of my favorite TV comedies of all time by now yeah I don't give a [ __ ] that was [ __ ] amazing dude yeah and we got we're getting another Peacemaker right yeah season two I think yeah yeah it's great but we already had two seasons didn't we or three yeah we've had two peacemakers I think so I think it'll three am I crazy uh every two years thing is [ __ ] man I thought it was only one season it's only one see yeah okay yeah but I think they come for a second season but I mean yeah they did so Superman Legacy you said the release in 2025 and they buy so by confirming that peace May ever come out after that after their feature film so I don't know if it's 26 or also when the First shows to be on the max they dropped the HBO part right [Music] uh it does no I'm just joking like having HBO oh yeah yeah I think though um also this this I don't I don't know I think this is when I screenshot I think uh by listening to the devil talk it's a little misleading also to just say draving them bold I think they're the same days they're interested in the universe and that was like that was something that would come up but like you know what I mean but like yeah to see them on on a um on a Batson uh Damien Dynamic would be [ __ ] good so I I'd like to see it and they'd have they'd have the right characters they can create they can create new characters and do whatever they want with them you know and and you know what think about this um unlike so regard DC just inconsidered uh in consideration of Marvel they're considered um entertaining but uh to some of some of the movies entertaining but overall as uh as a failure compared to trying to put together that DCU the way the MCU was put together on film and so all their characters aren't burnt like if you get a movie that nobody liked and recasts a good character I don't think I don't think there's an issue there's nobody so iconic that you can't do that I mean I don't know about replacing Margot Robbie would be tough so if we're gonna have Gaga in the Joker movie but that's just I mean that's that's not that's just Standalone right the Joker doesn't have anything to do with it and so that you know I guess that's I guess that's okay whatever um and uh yeah so I don't know and I don't know how they weren't supposed to um they weren't even supposed to make a second one of those so we'll see how it goes so I didn't whatever happened yeah they just threw money at it until it's like will you agree to it now will you agree to it now right yeah pretty much yeah I uh I didn't add the bad idea thing you want to talk about you either you didn't care I don't really care if I was just kind of like stupid entertaining oh yeah yeah sure I guess nonsense you already said it yes so bad idea is doing trading cards is doing training cards but only for donuts so that's another problem SC Comic-Con or selling donuts with free comic books and trading cards now so there's just yeah and so they have donut flavors that match the the card did you see the flavors yeah but I [ __ ] I seriously doubt it yeah yeah I mean I'm sure they're just naming it that but it's probably gonna taste like something completely different right well the thing was so when they did that perfect donut promo and I'm so I don't I think you guys probably don't know if everybody knows but it was some in a show last year maybe heroes or something I forget yeah at the same time is it the same yeah because it's like the South Carolina is that South Carolina yeah anyway sure it was called the same doesn't matter yeah there we go I didn't see those so they had that so all they did was those box and people are you did make the perfect donut and like so I actually talked to Dinesh about it and he's like I don't understand how these people watch us walk in with new boxes of donuts that say Krispy Kreme every hour and then sell them out of this box don't realize that maybe we didn't create the perfect donuts and we were just walking back and forth to Krispy Kreme I was like I don't know dude so if they did not invent a bakery um they didn't have a pop-up Bakery uh but they if you would have asked them they would have told you that it's not like you know what I mean yeah or whatever yeah dude it's just putting a donut in your package yeah yeah you know oh and you know it's a it's just like something I guess out of the box right yeah it's always gonna be something so they just expanded on this like hilarious idea yeah and it's like and then so you can only get the donut card number five uh if I read it correctly the donut card number five is only this SC Comic-Con and then the six through nine if you buy like a box that'll come with um a box that comes with uh like a comic and some other things which I don't think you have to buy there um I don't think you have to buy there I'm not I wasn't even clear if they're they're for sale there or if you're just gonna be ordering them online but the only way you can collect them all is to go to South Carolina and there are dude I mean bad ideas got their fans so yeah yeah they're gonna they're gonna do that well I thought the interesting part was that the donut books from last year and even just the boxes still go for money like the boxes go for like 20 bucks and then like the comic is still selling around 70 or something something stupid like that I mean I don't know what the buy-in was but I would assume it was like what 20 30 bucks maybe 50 I don't know yeah if you notice they're they're I mean they're doing their best to to do it right like if you see anything you do um or anything that they do people talk about it yeah that normally people talk about it but they're not it's not significantly overpriced either yeah do you know what I mean well you were at Baltimore last year right so I mean their free comic you know pop-up thing there yeah that was a free comic or whatever but it was funny to see what the book was because it was because it said like this is not whatever this is not Wyoming right and this is all blank pages within the comics and it just has like the credits written on the inside yeah and that was it yeah you just had and you had to and like I said and people selling them for 80 or 100 on eBay they they don't give a [ __ ] yeah yeah I mean obviously that prices didn't hold but like yeah they're selling for that much a piece they got them on there you know what you had to do you had a selfie take a selfie of a cut out for and you had to do it two times and you get you get one for each book or you could only do it for one book if you wanted but yeah yeah I don't know why you wouldn't just do it once yeah and that's it yeah yes that did I did get to hang with them uh they didn't have a booth but a WonderCon out here yeah so uh snuck in with Dinesh to the the Tiki Bar the Disneyland Hotel nice we had to come through construction sites and everything else to get our uh zombies or whatever the hell we had and that's what the nice big dinner so Dennis is an animal I love Danish he's great yeah whenever I see him he the con he goes like okay we're going out tonight right yeah you know you know you found the right guy buddy let's go it's well known that lancer's gonna be like yesterday let's rock uh let's go on to the market report yeah so let's not hold our breath I I didn't do any kind of backup data but that's okay um 9.2 10 600 the rare one I like that title the rare one yes not not the other one damn but weren't 98 selling for this much not too long ago no well nine eights have been 30 to 40 000.

Oh there's 30 to 40. okay yeah it's it's it's it's this or or miles um for 40 Grand or the miles newsstand however you wanna look at it um so we got this one we got ASM one I wasn't scared of fraud books on that big money yeah yeah and probably depending on the seller but yeah I agree yeah I mean he's got a lot of feedback it looks like um bat 251.90 that seems like a good braid a good a good price especially with white pages yeah I know and Neil Adams passing away as well too yeah uh what else we got here Captain Britain 198 two grand almost and it's kind of had to cut the glasses inside too just so in case somebody grabs one make sure you have the glasses in there yeah that's what I'm trying to figure out man I have one that could be nine eight the glasses are there but they're not attached green I think it's green because they're removed from like a like a holder or something yeah it's like it's like the tattoos from other glued in oh it's glued in yeah to like the last page or something like that or back because he's just 46 I think it's an inside front it's in the other room like you drive it put um there we go yeah but but the other thing though about that it's like I'm I need to see one of these up close because it's this is newsprint right this is this is you know even if it was comic paper but this is freaking newsprint like it'll it'll if you encapsulate it man it's Gotta just eventually start to push those glasses through the newsprint yeah well it's actually a 46 year old newsprint which wasn't me to keep yeah it's gonna deteriorate like you said he's gonna I don't know how many years it's gonna take but you know you said eventually it's gonna permeate through you know it's gonna it didn't that bad and it does seem like it's a this seems like a good deal especially considering magazine turnaround times like [ __ ] nine months or something like that yeah and it's our it's our favorite buyer too blizzard uh oh okay yeah yeah uh our bodies look at that is that really hype Comics you think oh yes they they did mention they were auctioning one okay 1950 respectable nine eight Clone Wars one bedroom that's decent yeah so it's probably by now but yeah or at the lowest price they were willing to take or whatever that's what I was saying comics the what you oh wait or or is there yourself with a dash because aren't there like multiple Hive Comics too oh I don't know I don't know I would have thought I would figure 149 is not them I think they'd be more active on eBay but I don't think they've I don't I don't think they've used eBay as a platform a lot I mean yeah because if they mentioned if you said they have one for sale I mean I imagine probably them yeah I mean I could always text James later or something like that hey hey we don't need that we don't need to borrow the boys we do a seller Spotlight let's look one [Music] hey ala I think Hive Comics would take a better pick hey that's pretty funny that's kind of money Lightwood South Carolina oh yeah that's Jameson yeah yeah yeah and he ships so yeah well I mean I would assume that it could be his also like personal yeah yeah I mean I would assume also that like he probably started a hive Comics business you know eBay store so without Jonathan yeah yeah that's another exclusive books yeah yeah yes I mean yeah that's all them yeah look at that uh [Music] um so um we're gonna talk about this one Dark Horse 49 right so 9 8 450 bucks right um so it's like a previews for yes yeah yeah and then 20 2400 and 2 Grand for a nine eight so I think that's what you're trying to both Newsies but yeah yeah it's good you know what in my opinion that's what [ __ ] that's what should happen right the pre a preview is a cool [ __ ] thing um says the guy who just sold the comic scene 31 for two grand but um but yeah uh yeah the preview is cool but like a first appearance newsstand to me I mean come on and this is we all know this is good everybody's known this is a good investment for a long time was this book the one that was a uh a trade paperback before it was a individual comic no but there's a toy version also there's a toy version there's this version um and then there's the you know the comic store version but it's funny the comic ones the glossy one the comic store version this one's newsy so it's actual newspaper it's like this one's easy to um this one's easier to press it's more likely to be damaged but it's easier to press because it's paper it's not that glossy shade oh okay yeah but that doesn't that doesn't mean you're gonna find them in better condition and I don't think there's as many of them by any chance so yeah I'd still go to newsie yeah I just I gotta and a four or nine something laying around in the back 40 here somewhere um um this book it's a spider verse 2 that I know our buddy uh Mr Z always hates to bring up uh five grand almost for a signed Le Tour renzie uh bring my Amber right do you think this book will ever reach the prices of uf4 one in 25s no uh because it's a female I just okay ought to be a dick yeah the Market's never yeah yeah um well I only asked that because you know it came out relatively in the same time period and then um you know with them both being in like into the spider-verse movies and yeah always like there's always a rumor oh they're gonna show up in blah blah blah so I don't know if this was the same listing with uh with multiple pictures okay so I said he did here I thought it was multiple multiple listings of the same at different different pages uh Josh said X-Men one just coverless it's really a wrecked for 255.

it's like they found it in a like a gutter somewhere and then like yeah it was like kind of like I know what this is yeah I'm gonna pull it out it's like out of the rainstorm where's the cover go oh I flew away oh so just I know he talked about coverless books uh Kurt love found that next to his trash can he probably did okay for a thousand Pages now you know and then grade them right and so each page yeah right dude that book even though I think it's up right because it was down was it a 300 at some point like really cheap oh what are we no I was talking about grading GSX by the pages yeah maybe that first page with the rest it's not exactly rare like you know am 15 or Hulk one or some [ __ ] yeah but I mean I have no idea Harbinger was oh sorry yeah yeah Harbinger Harbinger won it I thought it was like I thought it was up okay I thought it was like I thought it was up for a while like a thousand dollar book and then all of a sudden it like dropped like a rock and now it's things around 7 15.

Well wasn't it Rising again because of a bloodshot and all that like that was supposed to yeah like start like a valiant like Universe yeah and then you know could it happen or whatever and no one gives a [ __ ] about bloodshot their super salesman had a bad idea and here we are uh we got a little Hawk one annual so it's the raincoat cover a 9-4 for 1500 bucks man it's from 68 man with a smiley face that's it one of the best covers of all time yeah yeah I did serenco sign I'd be sick he'd probably talked my ear off for 10 minutes about it but I wouldn't mind stranco signing this yet yeah I bought X-Men 50 from someone and um instead of getting it cracked and uh uh re-graded unsigned he had sterenko to sign the case because cgc wasn't there or whatever yeah that's harder to do I hate to say it I mean yeah yeah I mean it was probably like a smaller con or whatever it's a pulse problem dude I was there in Toledo he's like yeah just sign the case man so I just get I just kind of wipe it off before I sell it right now yeah right uh Johnny Quest five of all things uh Dave Stevens cover obviously 9 8 2 191 dollars at 240.

I mean I'm not saying these are going to be out in the wild for a dollar in like 98 Edition but no I'm not 98. just a little love oh little Johnny question that's good man just artist collecting for 300 it always makes me happy on top of that hey man it's what I do I'm trying to hold the show up I don't know um uh sign the case is dumb talk we'll talk to Paul about it Madness cap 120 to 110 better cover than me thanks uh uh more yeah I just wanted to clarify I didn't get the case signed you know yeah I don't know why you just you're just not taking it yeah yeah no I bought it as like that and I was like kind of like all right because the price was like way too cheap for uh nine two blue label already so I was like you know all right uh more fun eight um I'm not going to plan that I know anything about this book um I I you got me yeah I don't I don't really know either uh Ford rampers book I don't I mean I go find one of those in your bag man I highly doubt you're gonna find one oh is that like is this like a precursor to DC Book kind of situation um I mean just just like from basing off the title right and like being 30 oh wait no 36 wouldn't that be later yeah yeah I'm looking right now I'm sure one of our chat members would know so someone in the chat correct us of what this book is yeah so it went on Heritage of all things um more fun no issue more fun exactly these oversized issues some only seen in this condition this issue of the Gerber seven when DC were still run by Malcolm wheeler Nicholson published all two titles this one in new Comics so and Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster was on more than two years before Superman first appeared so oh there's a child small drawing on the front cover varies oh color pencil stocks though covered the condition when it was on Heritage so yeah so okay pretty super yeah pretty Super Man look at you that's a [ __ ] Champion over he's the one carrying the show not me anyways all about it um Phantom cool Phantom cover um Phantom 37.

uh kidnapped Princess so two grand for this so oh Australian so 1300 but probably pretty rare you probably don't see a lot of pain some 37s rolling around in this one in Australia Walker and all things so yeah but probably not a gerber 7 Level yeah right what is what is this thing is that American comic uh yes no we're talking about we were talking about this is Gerber 7 on the file um this is Phantom issue 37. a 2000 Aussie that's what I was asking yeah yeah two thousand dollars yeah so it might be what's that price that might not be dollars yes it says right underneath 13.42 us or if Josh or Rob are not on right yeah of course yeah same difference yeah like Jesus please uh free Aquaman is that joking though uh the Phantom oh Phantom Oz books paper quality was [ __ ] interesting cool so I love I love RCA they actually know what they're talking about like we actually we should know Sailor Moon books from San Diego Comic Con from 98 that looks like a real steel of a price it doesn't like the pink like moon cover doesn't that sound for like a thousand by itself I thought I don't know at least double that I thought yeah and I don't know anything about the other ones yeah I don't know anything about the other ones I just know that pink yeah pink cover one is always like sought after I would see this and pass it on but I don't know what the hell this even is it's terrible well I'll be honest the only reason probably just doing these shows over the years you know what I mean like when the hell did we get to the Sailor Moon section yeah right you know I I've never even ran into a Sailor Moon section dude yeah yeah uh Scooby-Doo one in it glorious 8.0 goalkeeper almost three grand 29.50 almost man people go crazy for that book yeah I don't have one of those yeah how often do you look through ebooks though too the whole TV I never ever I'm like this is trash uh it is right next to F like Fantastic Four once I get past 48 or 52 I just skip gold keys yeah uh here's another one you have four yeah we just talked about it uf496 so that this nine six uh 10 grand 10 600 this nine six it's 8 100.

I think the the I mean it's just the reason scarcity yeah correct like the yeah the 667 doesn't exist this thing a lot of them exist okay a lot of them in every grade exist and whatever great book I'm not hating on it but it's it's not hard to find there's a copy of it on eBay any given day of the week yep it's a new way it's the new ASM 300 right or New Mutants 98. yeah something like that yeah although UFO is not fun I mean it's a great character and for sure they've been trying to cast live action for um they've been trying to cast a lot of action for a few years and haven't found the right guy so yeah anybody in the studios will tell you to you should probably hold yeah so would you auction this book though honestly it depends it depends how much money they needed that month I mean I guess it would depend on the the timing of it right it wouldn't be the only one at auctions but I don't know I mean the Market's down man so you're getting stuff I mean I've auctioned stuff I didn't want to auction just um they usually done okay but I run a bunch of auctions at once and run at least 20.

I never do like one book auction you know yeah so I don't know the answer but uh I probably wouldn't auction it um and even on these modern variants I'd have to check like if I was consigning with one of the you know comic link or Heritage or some [ __ ] I'd have to kind of check you know to see well because I I know what Steve horn like he set the record for it in nine eight through Heritage yeah which was like what 40 something thousand yeah I mean that's where 98 or whatever but I mean so you would think that like a nine six would get close to that half range um you know what though I gotta I gotta say um soft Market or not with that money coming out or huh the money with that movie coming out um nine six and this I'd love okay I see there's only two pictures I I'd probably be asking for more because to make five you know to pay 8 000 with a chance at a forty thousand dollar investment yeah if I could at least be sure or mostly sure that this wouldn't isn't gonna drop yeah um then 8 000 for a shot at forty thousand isn't exactly the worst that's that's a Logan Paul big brain move right there yeah since you're saying since it has the old label you might you might take the Gamble and CPR right oh yeah I I think for that big of a jump um yeah for that big of a jump uh I think so I mean it's a good coverage first appearance it's again the live action is gonna happen they're gonna transition that's what he did with his Pikachu was a Pikachu illustrator I mean he had a nine a PS or a B Becca back at nine or yeah back at nine or something oh the illustrator card that was like oh yeah now at that tournament or whatever yeah and he he gave he he bought it from garyvee because garyvee had the only 10 and Gary B's on Mega sell you the only 10 in existence so he took the nine and it looked perfect and he broke it in half you know he he unslabbed it and sent it back in and got a a 10 a 10.

nice yeah that's cool but yeah for this one and I'll be on Just for anybody out there that wants to know this is I mean this you can this is an easy this is a pretty easy press of all the printings of this this is the easiest press um for whatever reason that number the the first print is is uh the first print this or the about the same paper quality so they would be just as easy but because of those bags putting the line in the back of that there's all in because people mishandling those bags or when they got bagged they got jostled around more so this is actually the easiest press out of all of them um and I know I mean if you scroll back yours on my Instagram I mean I pressed 50 for just one guy yeah and I've had you know what I mean I've had like talk about sold too soon I've had like six of them I personally had like six of them you know um I did auction my last copy because uh there's a reason for it but whatever now yeah there's a roof over my head yeah yeah I like this house more than I like that comic book well I did uh I am buying that buying a home was a good reason but like yeah keeping your home keeping your home right keeping the lights on right yeah right yeah well it wasn't that bad but yeah well if you go back to I don't even know if they're on a website anymore when I wrote for Comic back in the day I did say we should buy UFOs and I was gonna say you know miles you know when I did economics and comics and I didn't take my own advice and they were like you know 200 UFOs and like you get a variant for like 100 bucks yeah there's yeah and there was a guy um on Comet madly from comic Madness and he he and Drew were the ones that split like all the leftover Diamond stock so you know they got like 100 copies each for two bucks or whatever it was and two bucks each no I don't know you know so 200 so still a good deal yeah and [ __ ] he'd have them he'd have them in the stacks at the cons and he and he'd had him in a magazine bags and Boards where she'd have like 10 of them in each magazine bag yeah and he he'd like you have one for calling and so I'd go there and I think they were 75 or 80 bucks each I go through them all one time I went through the stack because there wasn't 89.8 so it's probably the only time I ever passed because the price went up after that not like this clearly Jesus Christ yeah and I remember holding them it um it was either Stanley's no I think it was Stanley's like comic kamikazes what they used to call it and I'm standing at this I'm on this train I said there's going to be a day to come so we're going to regret not having all of these on right Mr [ __ ] that day came the staring your face and so and uh and at that point he probably would let you buy them all but after a while but the thing was they were he was selling for 75 80 bucks or whatever and I could get like like two to 350 Raw on eBay and so at that con I know I could go make a bunch of [ __ ] money and it's a really good it was a really good auction book Because when I'd run auctions I'd run 30 or 40 I said 20 now because I usually do slabs but back then I do 30 or 40 auctions at a time to try to draw attention to the other auction so I try to find like a beat ASM 300 or something something that somebody's always going to look for to try to draw attention to my other auction so it was always good to throw this in there and I remember right always and then also throw in um not in the same not the same auction but I'd always balance in Fallout 4 is on the right team so I'd have a a first print and in a white second print and because actually the the second print's actually the hardest to find not the white one even though actually the White and the other second print probably close to the same um and I'd auction them together as the first miles dude and I'd be happy to get 20 bucks for the set you know 30 or 40 in a good auction 20 bucks for two for a set of first and second frame ultimate Fallout 4S and just kept plugging through them and I just set my last two to CCC so but those have held for years but hey that's how that's how it goes you never would have foresaw that though if anybody had ever told I could I would have never thought that by year 2023 the the economy would be retired or however you want to describe what's going on you know Market would you know take a [ __ ] yeah all right take a [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah within a year or two or three years whatever it is and then I'd have a multiple uh books for forty thousand dollars each I just didn't know yeah 800 wizard one nine six times in McFarland uh probably because the signature more than anything I mean it was yeah that's a that's a good deal I'd love to have that right in the book um but it's not even the sdcc version right no no yeah uh world's best Comics one uh you know 1300 bucks we'll call them yeah a good day uh that's one of my favorite covers ever really I just love it it's just ridiculous it's number one it's world's best those are two American superheroes and the little sidekick okay uh and then last but not least uh we talked about a little bit werewolf by 992 34 75 dollars wow of all things holding it's [ __ ] that huh yeah right right but that's been gradually increasing too hasn't it possibly I mean I don't ever keep track of what this was with the show that no one understands but it's gonna get the second season yeah good I'm glad I liked it but I liked it too I'm telling you the rest of my friends are like what the [ __ ] is this yeah well they add some blood into it a little bit I think they were Disney well you remember everybody's hating that Moon Knight the actual character Moon night didn't show up all you know people were pissed off they wanted more of that so well that's not what this is kind of about yeah the costume yeah yeah yeah yeah well I mean I feel like it was laying down a lot of groundwork right yeah yeah 100 I got uh I gotta pick up um I want something for my wife because I'm a nice person so it's my first ever of one of these um not a lot of stuff in my in my illustrious comment career um a little night night action nice about a nine nine I've never had a nine nine I'm number seven to nine nine never had one so Freddy vs Jason there's three different covers this is Jason Freddy and then you have Ash yeah this is the highest of Friday at nine nine there's a 10-0 Jason an antenno of Ash maybe or something like that so who's the artist on that uh Asylum okay that's what I thought yeah that's cool is that is that this is that the same series it might not be because it's his nightmare Warriors as a Campbell had a connecting coverage for number one these it might be a different series I don't know if they're actually connecting I've I've still no that one is the J Scott Campbell has has connecting covers but I think it's the original um Freddy Jason yeah first asked yeah I've said 199 through cbcs so do you think if I cross overgraded to cgc they'll give they'll bump it up to the 10.

I'm just joking yeah no I mean I'm not saying yeah so so do you know the Freddy one two about right above where your pointers at that there's that's one of them and it connects to that Json one that's a couple below this one yeah and I think there's a second print that has all three of them as the front cover that's like sideways and there's a hospital in there too yeah this is this is probably the other one right yeah yeah so it's kind of cool oh yeah because you can see the machete yeah I think this one's earlier than than yours I think this is the first time they were all together so yeah that's good that is correct this is 2007 and the one I got was 2009.

Yeah and then I think it's a second print that has them all together and I think it's pretty hard to find and this is uh connecting covers too for this was for the 2009. he's got to get a few more 9.9 dude no big deal yeah I know right no big deal let me go get those right away yeah yeah you got to get the tens though you know I mean certain probably bark isn't terrible ones no it's it's Toughbook to find really really touching like I said interesting with the um the lane or the landscape uh instead of the portrait style yeah things things I see oh yeah we'll talk about that um here and I'll show you we'll get there bro yeah we'll get there so I I do some stuff uh I can show some of my watch list it's nothing too crazy um so I was watching uh yeah there's a there's a Rick Rude thing um see if I if I can do it by end it too so I was looking at this first of all uh so I was looking at this one this is a so I was looking at this uh Duo card it's a Bret Hart Stone Cold Steve Austin uh this sold for 480.

um I should have bought it but I didn't like anything um and I was looking to just going down the rabbit hole of cool things and I saw this actually we're ever seeing Rick Rude Auto authentic right not graded but sick for 1700 bucks I don't know if I pay you 17 or 1600 for it but still it's and how much for a pair of those custom airbrush tights you used to wear dude um I know um I don't know if that's gonna be on the second season of um so they did a season on uh a e about all my memorabilia from back in the day like the butterfly robe from Ric Flair when he when he came out in 92 www yeah uh but I think the Titans would be insane dude it would um I would I would think multiple thousands if not a hundred thousand for tights I mean those custom I mean the girl who used to custom airbrush his tights you know yeah and he used to right he put like [ __ ] he'd paint like wrestlers wives on there yeah so one of the angles was Jake The Snake the warrior kissing his ass yeah it was not Jake just it was Jake The Snake's wife or something somebody's wife savage or somebody's somebody's wife back in the day um Justin I think you can submit it for re-holdering for for re-holder but then if they noticed something a big change in the grade they'll regrade it yeah that's it they usually don't regret it but they pretend that they do so I can't you're you're rolling the dice but it's more likely that they don't unless it looked clearly took some damage yeah and in the old cases it could have just been it could have especially on that bottom lip I've noticed some hit down like that oh especially those Square bound books right because like like even in the new cases like you can affiliate like shifting you know what I mean yeah I've seen some of the new ones dude where the I feel like the cover of the inside of the book moves and the cover doesn't and I feel like the staple rips like like a slight like a centimeter or something or maybe even a millimeter and I'd be like um like I could tell it [ __ ] moved it was in the case and this is usually for um 80s and 90s books the the new the new paper sort of holds and it's thin and they got those big Staples um you guys have any thoughts about cgc cracking down on dry cleaning I I've only seen it happen to to certain people um I'm weird I tell people I'm not gonna I don't I don't I won't create I will dry clean your books I don't do the crazy chemical treatments and everything to each to each their own I'm a comic book guy I don't prefer to do that I don't prefer all the white boxes I don't prefer everything else that's what you call vocals like that's what it looks like I'll take all your dirt off but I don't take a whole layer off of your [ __ ] book you know what I mean and that's usually what happens and I have a way also to blend what I've cleaned with the surrounding areas so I don't I don't know if I necessarily have that opinion I've heard that they're gonna do more of it but then again you're getting your books back in five [ __ ] days with no fast pass so are you are they really but that's for moderns you know but still are they really I guess yeah I bet you like Conrad has a bunch of those records going back sorry going back to Rick Rude I bet you Conrad has a bunch of those I I would imagine it's like more coming back from like the people that are chemically treating the books or whatever you know like where they're like taking them dipping them in like whatever chemicals bath or whatever and then drying out pressing whatever you know whatever magic they do behind the scenes um I imagine it's more of those people that are getting back purple labels because like they probably at this point you know someone at cgc you're altering the state of it yeah yeah they're removing the Staples too like yeah I mean that's right it's way over the top yeah I mean it's just hey I bought and read the books I've done some of that stuff I'm not I'm not unaware of how you do it I do have a slightly different philosophy than other people and literally that's my answer you can say like I'm laser I don't want to learn [ __ ] you can buy the book on Amazon if you want I buy it because I want to keep my knowledge up on everything else and read it and I just I don't want to do that intrusive stuff to to comic books now I don't feel like cleaning dry cleaning uh with um simple tools or tack iron or a press or water vapor you can't press a book without water you can but let's let's be honest there's gonna uh there's gonna be normally at least water vapor on on anything that gets pressed uh and and that's it I'm just that that's my philosophy that that's what I tell people you want your book back start [ __ ] you know your book back this color um then uh you buy some bleach you know um we'll water water it down so that's it uh who you might ask hiccups yeah yeah oh four sweets so uh Joe write a comic because then during the uh during the finals and everything so uh I took him to like one of the biggest shops in Houston Bedrock City Comics which is off of Westheimer there's like six locations but this this is the biggest location it's their main Lake store I always love picking up these X-Men all new X-Men the 92 variants live field cover I thought it was funny uh picked up this Carter book Secret videos yeah secret Adventures 18 five bucks not complaining yeah yep uh Joe Joe helped me pick up a bubble gum cover because you know yeah we're in a store a show with a long story yeah with long short uh I love picking up this book journey to mystery uh 646 this is uh the calls first Marvel work hey he's gonna be at um he's gonna be in Motor City dude oh yeah yeah so I picked up a couple of those nice uh um anytime I run into a Marvel unlimited variant I'll pick them up because I mean how often like yeah yeah I think I ended I missed this Sprouse variant and I just love these like Star Wars fire lightsaber Hills and then like the character profile uh how about this tauren Clark Dr Africa looks like I've seen that yeah this is from this is issue 26 so I think this is like the current run that's going on like I haven't seen that variant either I was like kind of like all right uh Jessica Jones choosing side Civil War Two variant I forgot who did this cover and then uh I missed out on this one but I finally found it art brute the Mona Lisa so this is the from the writer uh Martin Prince for the uh ice cream man so this is pretty cool it's not die cut right that's just that's yeah it's just it's part of the cover it's it's not okay yeah it's not it's not actually cut into it yeah yeah so but it's expensive yeah I think this was like the sea cover on it and so this was the one that was like hot out the gates but um I have more somewhere else but I couldn't find them no you're okay let's see I got a few things so I was at our local Family Dollar and for um a dollar fifty each I was coming home with these nice for sure I was like you gotta be kidding me dude I was like I can't I dude Orco human and Skeletor for like less than five bucks total so um I just had these I don't know what uh well hang them somewhere or put them somewhere or just like everything else go in the closet until I die oh there's well here's the real question are you gonna leave it in box you know what for this price but you know I'm such a such a weirdo at this price of course I don't have to but I'd still go back and buy three more and do it yeah little my display cases my other like actually Moto [ __ ] yeah yeah we'll see how it goes um so I gotta I actually actually won two Rouses so nice very uh happy with both of these this just because um little buying good victory so hey I had that book man we got toastin over here uh that variant 9.8 a good deal still I think a 600 book yeah at least there's a couple weeks ago um this is another win this is cool because um this isn't an easy book to find this is a ratio or uh not ratio but it's uh 2011 ratio of era but number number one uh Legion on Monsters here love the cover as a monster guy I saw you got into that one I wanted to get into him I missed it yeah oh it's not I think it's 200 book it's not yeah it's not you know it's it's cool and I love that that's a cool cover I dude I love it and it's uh it's from Wando you don't see as much of that and uh all I remember is porn star John Doe okay uh and then these are just some random WonderCon pickups but like they're like legitimately check them out um was it decent yeah it was cool um I had a good time because I you know I know people have a good time Drew was out clutch was out we did um uh I didn't do I haven't sold them in a long time but uh but uh Drew had a sale in the lobby and led into clutches show so we had we had a really good time I got there Thursday uh buried my uh buried my Gonzaga buried my heart they've been getting us back for making that up Morrison cry there okay so there's the UCLA tourney game was Thursday I had but had a great time Friday got an early shout out to Matt from cover price so I had a cover price pass um for uh being there with uh being there with my friends so thanks to Matt and John as always um yeah so Lucy yeah yeah she might have been there just Saturday and Sunday I was there so I got I believe it or not a country concert on in San Diego on Saturday okay but uh anyway uh my friend got dude I don't know uh Bryce Lee no Lee Brice is this guy's name keep calling him Bryce Lee because I keep thinking of Bruce Lee or something like that anyway there's some sort of like I don't know is San Diego's a great show and it was uh like backstage or whatever you want to say or you got to meet him and all that [ __ ] and so my I don't like the meet and greet yeah my date definitely like wanted to do that so I did I only did Friday and then half Saturday at wintercon and drove to San Diego got a shout out to Brad for that one but so it was a good show the cosplay at wondercon's awesome like you know that's not why I go and everybody that I tell that I go you know you guys tell people get a Comic Con it's the first thing they asked what are you dress up is yeah [ __ ] just dude right dude this is all dressed up again I got a garbage filled kids shirt on I already feel weird enough about that okay I dress up as myself right yeah no I would dress up in a black T-shirt with whatever hat I put the red jacket on bro when I get real I got a couple slabs but they're not they're not in here but uh so I'll just I'll show you the Royals I got uh this one wasn't from there it's just been a long time but I actually this is off uh wanted Comics uh I just a book that I always wanted Walking Dead 100 I got this off his um what not sale in December but wow I like forgot to open the package until today that's awesome I don't know how that goes yeah right but these are Wonder cons so um just from different dealers and these are all I intend to do my best to 9.8 all these so um so spawn 200 uh Jim Lee um all these tough spawns I've always done well number 100 Alex Ross again thick book gorgeous cover uh a 10 from them to be nice uh same as this I can't I can't see how I'm not gonna be able to 9.8 this um you know still a great great book I've had them um I've always pressed them down myself I just sold my seven and a half for like 100 bucks I was surprised oh really yeah oh yeah yeah you found the guy though he told me dude I'll ship him whatever he wants to see you at summer dude let's go yeah I'll take care of you yeah so I also hopefully can 9.8 a set uh almost of uh end game so we got spawn uh 187 88 it's not the whole set 89 uh 90 and you sell for um these sell for 10 times the price at night in 90 which will be easy another book that was cheap as [ __ ] on walls at the show that I've not given up on new so it's six six I've already pressed this it's already in my pile too for for nine eight or to pre-screen so it's at 60 bucks I mean come on I've been seeing him for 15 minutes oh dude I was I was mad at myself for not buying at 900.

I'm not mad at myself anymore this shit's gonna happen this is a great book there are a lot of them out there but like yeah this is this is this is a book I advise people pressing great especially because you're picking them up for you know uh six sixty to ninety dollars right now and it if a lot of these because storage ordered a lot of these so a lot of them were bagged and boarded since first so if you can find 9.8 in this you're still gonna get 350 to 450 on these things and you know hopefully in the future uh hopefully in the future even more so this stuff the Kate Bishop stuff um Elena stuff I'm I'm on that those Elena books fell off dude I saw I saw so many pick things um but I'm seeing those variants on the wall for like 80 90 bucks even the dynamic forces for like 100 and I'm like okay and I won't oh oh I didn't realize how bad some of the stuff was until I got to a con and just trying to um trying to get trying to get uh trying to get those things off the off the um or how bad they've fallen off when I look at the prices I'm like holy [ __ ] is it easy to press this thing yeah super easy okay yeah this book this era of paper is great um Eric paper is great it's one that has like sort of like this is like a line right here and I don't think they hit the grade as hard but it basically will come out kind of like mix three and or like Captain America Six first uh Winter Soldier they're they're not the same year or anything like that but somewhere somewhere around there uh but yeah so anyway yeah just a good good book just easy way to make money all I was all I was trying to do really was look for 9.8 and stuff and I actually grabbed some sides or not in the office right now I don't know why I didn't but anyway so we've got that I've been seeing it for like 40 50 bucks and I'm like do I buy it and like do anybody care about Young Avengers anymore what's up Joe what's up no great money maker I I know I'm just I'm just um yeah 100 yeah dude I'm sorry your Landing kills it oh I'm I don't even think it's just because she's good looking but like the through that the episode of um of Hawkeye oh yeah I mean the chemistry between those two um it's really good yep so um yeah I'm excited to see more Elena stuff come out so I think she I think she's a goodbye and the Mark I think her Market will go back up maybe I'm not I don't know if you're getting that Dynamic horse is uh nine eight for having making a thousand dollars anymore but I mean people had them on the wall so I mean what do you think like in a nine eight on the next rise again do you think he'd be in that like 750 range maybe I would like I would like to hope so I'm not convinced of anything right now so like in my opinion yeah but I couldn't I I couldn't exactly predict what was going on now you know what I mean we've got yeah I mean yeah there was a bunch of books I held that I was like I was like [ __ ] dude I mean I had so many I made a lot of money on um just Invincible Iron Man one just a regular first print because I get them on my comic shop and and 9.8 them all and get like 250 300 bucks um [ __ ] off Joe I'm sorry I usually send him the link too and I'm just I'm in this video I'm sorry where'd you think we were yeah here every Monday night well you can hey hey it works both ways man you can send me it yeah dude if you can sign up for alerts on YouTube [ __ ] off I know Jesus Elena DF or the Elena cover not as much the Scarlett cover for obvious reasons because it's not her you know so yeah so I don't know I love them and I don't have them and I wanted to I wanted to go back if I would if I would have been shopping a little more I definitely would have bought more of those um and I would have I meant to buy a couple uh air the Empire ones off of a wall I'm not not gradable but like you know father very fine-ish uh regular newsstand and I really like the guy that was selling it he was like just just a dude selling Comics it's not one of those like shady ass dealers all his prices were like normal human prices you know what I mean and so yeah and I I just it's like I didn't get a chance when you see the price you don't even have to look it up you know it's like semi was in the ballpark yeah that kind of situation yeah yeah yeah I might but then I realized dude you kind of got to look [ __ ] up these days and skipped and realized that I was like paying too much although a bird in the hand you know what I mean and I didn't check them for grade but there's multiple booths that add them same with the same with the Young Avengers like it was like I think that young Young Avengers in that Deadpool one I think I gave the guy 110 or something and I think they're both nine eights so I'm like I know it's a good you know it's not I don't get like they're [ __ ] nine sixes are still you're still in the money they're nine fours I'm still losing money did you check the Deadpool to see if it was a newsstand with the barcode on the back um I think I would I know that I checked it I didn't notice that so I'm gonna assume that it's not but I definitely took it out of the bag let me let me double check that but I do not do not I mean because that's the one that's easily overlooked right let's see if it's a new stand or not yeah yeah Direct and pretty and not yet pressed oh you know it's funny I need to look at mine up over here I got a Deadpool one underrated key also you get this this is my opinion guys some people say that this generation Spider-Man I don't know I'm going that far but that's a fun that's a fun run of Deadpool to collect anyways it's great and the last issues are tough man yeah and the prices dip like you can get nine eights for what those last issues used to sell for raw the mid 60s I think that run ended at like 67 or something and it was like the last issues were like um it was like 69 wasn't it or is it 67 my head here 67 but anyway I think we're saying the same thing yeah yeah um anyway those last little ones in the 60s man those would be you know like 40 to 7 year old books yeah and now it's like you know nine eight or six here 80 bucks just look at mine see what you got yeah and then the um the Hulk issue like I think that's like what issue eight or something like that there's a there's a toy Biz variant for it for the Deadpool okay is it the same what's it look like it's the same cover it just says it just has a not for sale I think it might have a black border to it I have it somewhere but I'm not going to find it yeah cool all right uh that's all we gotta get back to uh my old playoff thing we're going on over here so you're still getting [ __ ] complete this thing for tomorrow um no I I appreciate it we're good um yeah uh I don't know me Carter we're going to SummerSlam so that means we had to do a wrestling podcast now um uh maybe we do Tails from the flip side wrestling content at SummerSlam I don't know um that's August yeah I know right so when uh shorts Clips right yeah yeah Ford Field Detroit View okay so it's first time it's been WrestleMania was 2003 or some crap uh I think this hasn't been the package right like SummerSlam hasn't been back in like 20 years or something no wow we all know that the slam heard around the world was it the Pontiac silver dome in Russell oh you know what's funny it's upstairs I bought a shirt from um I don't know let's see if they still have it um our favorite site dude um I didn't even think about this [Music] um so I bought this shirt um just because of WrestleMania weekend a couple nights ago um there we go oh yeah yeah yeah yeah nice that's good did it come in yet yeah it's upstairs I just didn't right now around the world I love it yeah dude yeah your uh wrestling podcast then yeah I got it for 16 bucks man who cares yeah exactly yeah some of those are only uh for for Roosevelt some of those it depends some are a little slower only because uh some of them are made to order like a lot of sites not they're not they're not their button-ups which is generally what I wear dude I wore that that Mega Powers top right one yeah my friends had a Long Beach Grand Prix party at their house Sunday that's what I was wearing Sunday nice and then if you kind of Zoom the background on it's actually sick because it's got all the logos you might be able to see on one of the other ones or whatever oh yeah back over here yeah it's got all the cool [ __ ] yeah like I like your shirt I'm all do you know about the times of makeup powders exploded you're like no I don't know well I'm glad you like my shirt anyway well if you want to hear do you want to hear about this because WrestleMania 4 was a tournament the Wrestlemania then they were the Mega Powers and they had the tag team and then all year they didn't let it cross 25 and then like okay so they did uh just so people where they did collabs on Marvel and other things the Marvel just dropped most of the Marvel just dropped like they have like to the right over there they've got the uh yeah right there they've got the that's the the cover to uh all new X-Men one which is like what 2012.

I love how they do nourish it yeah the meme Spider-Man meme for polo it'll be dope I mean 70 bucks seems a little ridiculous but um but they're good shirts and uh Black Friday sale is insane maybe I'll call these guys up maybe they can uh sponsor podcast is there a green where's the green Loki that's what I wore for there's a green long-sleeve Loki see I've always wanted to buy one of these shirts for work but some of them are too flashy you know what I mean this would be dope for you look at this little polo with [ __ ] Infinity stuff no it's good no I have dude I've got 10 of these and I can wear their finals too the Beetlejuice when I order the shows is that where's the Loki go it must have been in the beginning because it's new is it I'm sorry oh no I don't care I'm just saying yeah but the I wore the if you keep there'll be a low-key flannel one um and uh yeah I don't know maybe that's cool but it's a green Loki flannel and I wore that with my black Kilt for St Patrick's Day that one yeah that's good see a little Loki down there yeah and then dude I wear the Ultimate Warrior One everywhere and it gets the most love like of any shirt I have it's like my go-to and I haven't seen I've haven't like met people or seen them or been somewhere I go to the Ultimate Warrior final it's got that he's got his logo on the on the pocket and you flip up the back and it says Ultimate Warrior under the neck if you want to wear it like that but when people recognize as a warrior I turn around for him if you um if you do a um if you do if you're on Facebook they have a secret group that do drops and stuff on there is this where you got the Suicidal Tendencies no that's uh that's Dixon okay Dixon has Dixon makes the best quality flannel so the problem is the place I live every like every single person wears them so like but they have suicidal Guns and Roses uh selling Sublime ones on eBay um I know this company they they did the collabs with probably worth like 500 bucks the one I really like that they had was the um the Ninja Turtles whereas like the bed sheets yeah you've got a good team NT they've got all the Nickelodeon cartoons from like the 90s when I was just like a little too old to to watch as many cartoons you know oh no that was just like right in my time period though so yeah yeah for sure they got the Rugrats and [ __ ] you know yeah yeah and then um but they've got uh they got uh Looney Tunes they've got Sandlot WWE um now they've got marble they've got DC and Marvel so they've got sick Batman [ __ ] I hit them I hit him up and um and Instagram will suit this thing bro I will wear I do I have so many of these shirts I will wear I will wear one yeah tmts um like yeah we're just looking for sponsorships man that'd be cool I mean I don't need any money to be doped it yeah that's [ __ ] awesome let's see what they say look at see if it says Universal monsters oh on the on up here yeah or the yeah I don't see it say monsters or something minion Dungeons and Dragons Princess Bride you know type type monsters oh Universal monsters yeah yeah I have that jacket dude dude [ __ ] yeah I do [ __ ] yeah man I didn't know it was called Roosevelt so I thought it was serious some [ __ ] rsvlts but it stands for their big uh Teddy Roosevelt fans so yeah so yeah I got that I got that Jack I had to yeah I got you dude I couldn't do it but all the all most of the Masters of the Universe uh shirts that you'd see me over the years they don't really make Motu anymore um but most of my master Universal shirts actually from when they used to make them got a tight Street Fighter yeah so no they're good people I've never had an issues yeah great yeah great stuff they just said big league shoes though hell yeah that's cool wear that to a baseball game yeah oh people were posting it for opening day it was sick Bro they might give anywhere a fanny pack I almost bought that for anything I was like if Rogan wears one dude I know I know I know dude they got good Batman [ __ ] too though like the understated stuff I like they got Parks and Rec they have the office yeah that's just one those little Joker action for you purple yeah that's a cool Batman one that'd be dope oh yeah that looks like a good golf shirt though too yeah that's it's I think they call it their golf shirt or something yeah I I haven't I've never had near polos married men can wear fanny packs ah God damn woman divorce isn't final yeah let me get this Fanny back out did um wearing a fanny pack in Public's probably less embarrassing than me wearing a Garbage Pail Kids shirt with you so all right guys uh we'll head out um maybe maybe we'll get sponsorship next week no I'm joking I'll try I don't want YouTube I'll be wearing you Fresh Threads and everything oh we gotta be dripping right yeah dripping yeah the moment making me read those awkward sponsors like hey have you ever did a you need a polo shirt I'm not saying I'll leave the house in it but I'll do it on the show I mean that's where it needs to be seen anyways it's on the internet so there you go there you go I'll go get fancy all right guys we'll talk to everybody later uh we'll see you next week produces

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