Stop being nice and find your kindness. (and what’s the difference?)

I recently was on a pretty long road trip  and generally i’m a pretty good eater but   when i go on road trips i give myself full  permission to eat however much junk i possibly   can so anyway i stopped at mcdonald’s to get one  of those egg mcmuffins that they like cram between  
two pancakes i know you know what i’m  talking about but anyway the lady there   was just the most genuinely kind friendly blast  of warm sunshine i think i ever got in my life   she kept calling me love and she was like you want  the breakfast bundle love i’m like yeah sure she’s  
like you want the two for one love i’m like yeah  sure she’s like you want the five for five munch   bag i’m like yeah why not now i’m one of those  guys who judges food by weight the heavier the   bag the better by the time she was done with me  i had about an 80 pound bag of food that i spent  
about 6 49 on now the point of this is not my  wonderful road trip eating habits the point is   this lady she gave me something i’m not  talking about the food i’m talking about   her kindness it’s like she passed something  on to me something spiritual and it changed  
me it made my day my week and here  i am now trying to pass it on to you now i know this isn’t rocket science or really  anything new but the thing to think about is this   we each have this incredible power to pass  on these spiritual gifts to one another  
but unfortunately they can go both  ways so i can pass on goodness and   lightness and joy or i can pass on my  heaviness and darkness and negativity or what i think is really sad is sometimes we can  just go through life and pass on nothing at all
[Music] i remember when i was leaving  that lady i was thinking yeah but   i wish i had that i i just don’t  have that cheerful disposition well kindness is not about just putting  on some cheeriness that’s niceness  
and niceness can be faked and it’s  usually about manners and etiquette and   i can be really nice to you  and really care less about you but kindness is authentic  it’s real it can’t be faked  
because it comes from the heart so my kindness  doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s   we each have our own very unique brand  of kindness we just have to find it kindness is simply just about passing on  a little bit of myself and my heart to  
the next person i see and we can all do that jesus said whatever’s in our hearts  gonna come overflowing through our mouths
so if you struggle with kindness like  i do then the first place to look is   what’s going on in my heart is it a warm peaceful place
or is it cold and hard and  cynical and agitated and irritable   or worse is it just all about me [Music] if we lean a little more towards b or c then  
chances are we could be a nice  person but not a very kind one so how do we become more kind well  first we have to change our hearts how   for those of us who are christians  we have to stay close to the source
the heart of all kindness and then just ask him replace  my heart with your heart   if we’re sincere about it he’ll do it over time
and just on the side here if our walk in faith has  not made us more kind then we’re missing something and for those of us who still  may be on the fence well   just ask yourself if there is a god and god has  a heart what do i think that heart looks like
and then would i want my heart  to look more like that heart just in case we ever want to know what the  heart of god looks like it looks like this and finally a simple thing we can all do is this  
just picture yourself in the shoes of the  person you’re struggling to be kind to and then just put them in your shoes and  treat yourself however you want to be treated it’s a little cliche i know but it works
i read some more once that most of the happiness   in most of the sadness in the entire world  is caused by how we treat one another i also read that heaven is filled with  those who’ve done kindness to others  
well that’s obvious but more importantly  that heaven is filled with those who’ve had   even some tiny little bit of kindness done  to them think of the power of kindness so after all that my very simple  thought and image to you is this  
the next person i see today no matter who it is just ask yourself what is  it i’m passing on to them you

Source : Youtube

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