‘Paging Buzz Aldrin’! On Equal Pay Act, looks like OFA is lost in space [pic]

OFA HQ: "When was the moon landing?" "1963" "You sure?" "Yes" "Okay, no need to double check then" — Ashe Schow (@AsheSchow) June 10, 2014 Remember that time OFA said something smart? Yeah, neither do we. Check out today’s history lesson from the Obama flacks par excellence: http://twitter.com/#!/BarackObama/status/476372975252291585 Huh? http://twitter.com/#!/cynicusprime/status/476403989169184770 That’s giving OFA an awful lot of credit. A lot of things happened in 1963. Why use a picture of the moon landing? Survey says: Heckuva job, guys! http://twitter.com/#!/Matthops82/status/476399708001546240 http://twitter.com/#!/AndrewHClark/status/476400674713128960 http://twitter.com/#!/JimmyPrinceton/status/476400355953999872 http://twitter.com/#!/lachlan/status/476400429753188353 Dude, seriously. http://twitter.com/#!/Matthops82/status/476402248021336064 That’s possible, […]
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