Tag Archives: bill clinton
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‘Dems never learn’: Another Clinton crony considering congressional run? Make it stop!

Oh come on. https://t.co/3eRiB91i3u — Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) April 25, 2017 We’re really doing this? Dorothy McAuliffe, wife of Va. governor, is testing the waters for a congressional runhttps://t.co/g7Dha3XSPK — Washington Post (@washingtonpost) April 25, 2017 googletag.cmd.push(function () { googletag.display(“div-gpt-300x250_1”); }); Read more: http://twitchy.com/sd-3133/2017/04/25/dems-never-learn-another-clinton-crony-considering-congressional-run-make-it-stop/
More infoChelsea Clinton fears her baby will live on a ‘planet without elephants’
http://twitter.com/#!/ensignbay/status/514568909895114753 Yes, pampered liberals really say things like this: Chelsea Clinton Fears Her Baby Could Live on a 'Planet Without Elephants' http://t.co/o3rBn3U8ki — This Week (@ThisWeekABC) September 24, 2014 From ABC News: If there is one thing Chelsea Clinton is most worried about, it may be that her soon-to-be child will grow up in a world without elephants. Standing alongside her mother, Hillary Clinton, at the Clinton Global Initiative this afternoon, the very-pregnant former first daughter warned the plight of African elephants, killed for their ivory tusks, […]
More info‘8 Across: Cigar Holder’: Bill Clinton ‘writes’ NYT Crossword Puzzle, Twitter guesses some of HIS clues

Because THIS won’t turninto a hot mess of Monica Lewinsky jokes … wait, did we just make our own Monica Lewinsky joke? D’oh! We blame Bush. Wait. Scratch that. Today's @nytimes crossword puzzle was written mostly by @billclinton, who made sure his clues weren't easy or boring https://t.co/px1zZRbR4y pic.twitter.com/39VvZQ3mdj — Sarah Mervosh (@smervosh) May 12, 2017 Let Bill Clinton write the clues they said. It will be fun they said. Oh and good news, Bill made sure the clues weren’t easy or boring. On that note, Twitter […]
More info‘How does he have the nerve’? Bill Clinton’s self-awareness still NOWHERE in sight

Trigger warning: https://t.co/nJ3ZKC76Rg — Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) March 9, 2017 Bill Clinton has been out of the White House for many years, but his unintentional sense of humor remains firmly intact: "We have to find a way to bring simple, personal decency and trust back to our politics," Bill Clinton says at Brookings — Edward-Isaac Dovere (@IsaacDovere) March 9, 2017 Really, Bill? LOLOL That's hilarious because you mistakenly quoted Bill Clinton in that tweet. Wait… https://t.co/unImFGV3by — RBe (@RBPundit) March 9, 2017 I mean… uhhh…*blinks* https://t.co/7Dr4fcttoN — […]
More infoOOF: Trainwreck Chelsea Clinton whines that Trump ‘repeatedly lies’, trips over her mom AND dad

We know, we know … another Chelsea Clinton article. But she makes it so EASY! For instance, what on Earth was she thinking with this? Trump repeatedly lies. What's more viscerally upsetting? His bragging toward the end about his higher TV ratings than after the 9/11 attacks https://t.co/QSLEDvXOVf — Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) April 24, 2017 Chelsea had to know she set herself up for massivetrolling with Bill ‘Impeached-for-Lying’ Clinton and Hillary ‘Benghazi’ Clinton as her parents. @ChelseaClinton "I did NOT have sex with that woman" still trumps […]
More info‘Are you listening, NBC?’ Juanita Broaddrick puts NBC in the hot seat (it’s about TIME!)

Juanita Broaddrick has a pretty simple request for NBC: I believe the time is here for NBC to re-broadcast my interview and explain why it was held until after BC impeachment hearing. Are you listening NBC? #ITWASRAPE — Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) November 17, 2017 It’s really the least NBC could do for her. and wasn't it finally shown during the Super Bowl or some such? — sharon graham (@georgiapeach904) November 17, 2017 Opposite Grammys. — Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) November 17, 2017 what a coincidence. — sharon graham […]
More infoHeh: Is this what Bill Clinton was really saying in befuddling photo tweet?

http://twitter.com/#!/stefanjbecket/status/450849516942802944 As Twitchy reported, Bill Clinton tweeted out a photo as an April Fools’ Day gag, which confounded many. Others weren’t so confused. http://twitter.com/#!/wgstweets/status/450850319228862464 Gasping! And one wise Twitter user revealed what Bill Clinton was really saying in the photo: http://twitter.com/#!/CuffyMeh/status/450971876399915008 Oh, Twitter. How we love thee. Related: Bqhatevwr: Bill Clinton confounds with April Fools’ Day tweet [pic] Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/04/01/oh-dear-is-this-what-bill-clinton-was-really-saying-in-befuddling-photo-tweet/
More infoPatricia Arquette defends Bill Clinton with ‘U.S. history refresher’ (just ONE problem)

When it comes to Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, Patricia Arquette can’t help but see a glaring double standard when it comes to alleged misconduct: U.S history refresher Bill Clinton was impeached for a blow job and now there is evidence of Trump/Russia collusion and the @GOP does nothin — Patricia Arquette (@PattyArquette) July 12, 2017 Pssst … Patricia! If you’re gonna offer up a history refresher, you should probably make sure you know your history first. Who wants to tell her why Clinton was impeached? — […]
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