Tag Archives: china
#coronavirus #drawmylife #tiktakdraw Probablemente una de las palabras que más hemos escuchado en lo que va de año sea “coronavirus”. Y no es de extrañar: esta enfermedad está siendo portada en los medios de todo el mundo. Pero, ¿dónde se originó y cómo está afectando a la población? En este vídeo te lo explicamos. Nuestro merch oficial: https://teespring.com/stores/tiktak-draw-0
Descarga aquí el calendario TikTak Draw 2020: t.ly/yM8Gy
Descarga aquí los stickers para Telegram: https://bit.ly/2PWyDYK Suscríbete a TikTak Draw: https://goo.gl/G3hor1 SI TE INTERESA QUE HAGAMOS UN […]
Yes, This Is A Boy Chained Up Like A Dog. And The Reason Why Is Even More Heartbreaking.

This is the heartbreaking, true story of a little boy in China named He Zili. He’s 11 years old, and he spends most of his days chained up like a dog in the province of Zhejiang. The reason why is tough to handle. When Zili was only 1 year old, he suffered a head injury that sparked mental problems. He is often shackled to his father – like a dog. This story really highlights the problems with how mental disorders are handled in rural China. Zili is currently […]
More infoJiuzhai Valley National Park May Be The Most Amazing Park You Ever Set Eyes On

America’s national parks are all beautiful in their own right. We’ve got The Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Glacier Park…our list of incredible natural wonders is endless. But take a trip across the Pacific Ocean and you’ll come to China, where one national park in particular might steal your heart. Deep in the Sichuan region of the country, Jiuzhai Valley National Park is home to some of the most spectacular sights…let’s take a quick tour. Welcome to Jiuzhai Valley National Park. iStock Yes, this is a real place. iStock […]
More infoOne Picture Of A Blind Baby No One Else Wanted Changed This Faily Forever

Adoption is an amazing gift for both parents and children. It helps expand loving families and can save a child from a life lacking compassion or care. One baby in China named Primrose was struggling to find a forever home because she is blind. Born with congenital glaucoma, her eyes are silver in color. Chris and Eryn Austin, a couple from Georgia, never expected they would be traveling around the world to find the latest addition to their family, but the second they saw Primrose they knew […]
More infoEveryone Got Out Of Their Cars On This Busy Highway To Film What Looks Like A UFO
Young Musicians Surprise Mall Goers With A Magical Flash Mob Performance.

Shoppers at the Pacific Place mall in Hong Kong got a magical surprise when the Metropolitan Youth Orchestra of Hong Kong gave a surprise flash mob performance. This musical flash mob is one of the greatest I’ve ever seen, and even more so when you consider how young a lot of these talented kids are! Everything about this is just so magical; how quickly they appear, perform so beautifully, and when it’s over, it’s over. They melt into the crowd. It’s almost like a “let down” because […]
More infoThis Man Set A World Record For Doing Something Alarmingly Awful. Ew.

When is the last time you did planks at the gym? How long did you hold it for? For those not familiar, planks are an exercise in working your core muscles. You start in the push-up position on your arms and hold it for 30 seconds to a minute. Well, I guarantee you that Mao Weidong, a member of Beijing’s SWAT team, has your best plank time beat. He recently set the world record for longest plank ever. Weidong held the plank position for 4 hours and […]
More infoThis Student Was Declared Dead In 2004, But Was He Really Abducted By North Korea?

Despite David Sneddon having been declared dead after disappearing while hiking in China, his body was never recovered. Twelve years later, it is suspected that Sneddon might have been abducted by North Korea. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCBP_ATF’); }); The 24-year-old American was last seen near the Tiger Leaping Gorge trail on August 14, 2004. When he didn’t show up to meet his brother at the Seoul airport 12 days later, his entire family became suspicious. Sneddon’s parents never gave up hope that their son was still alive, even […]
More infoThis Artist Creates Gorgeous Sculptures That Blend Animals And Nature.

These sculptures by Chinese artist Wang Ruilin would be impressive solely based on their near life-sized and incredibly detailed depictions of whales, deer, oxen and more, but he adds an extra dash of surrealism. Each animal features elements of nature blending into their bodies. Rocks, landforms and clouds emerge from their backs and antlers to create a dreamlike vision of coexistence. Ruilin explained that he is largely influenced by traditional Chinese artists, like Xu Belhong whose paintings of horses made a particular impact on Ruilin as a child. Wang Ruilin Wang Ruilin […]
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