Tag Archives: Gowdy

Fired-up Trey Gowdy ‘nails it’ in must-see Obama-slamming speech [video]

http://twitter.com/#!/vonzion/status/443939640282591234 Get ready to fist-pump. Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-SC, delivered a passionate floor speech in support of the Enforce the Law Act, a bill aimed at holding the president accountable and putting executive overreach in check. Gowdy asked, “How does going from being a senator to a president rewrite the Constitution?” And he reminded everyone of Senator Obama’s own words. Words like this: http://twitter.com/#!/TGowdySC/status/443802867418148864 Video: http://twitter.com/#!/TGowdySC/status/443884359603343360 The House passed H.R. 4138 in a 233 to 181 vote. Conservatives cheered Gowdy’s speech and the bill that would “authorize […]

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