Tag Archives: Nelson Mandela

CNN chyron fail: ‘Nelson Mandela, 1918-2012′ [pics, GIF]

http://twitter.com/#!/tchance121/status/408718134112043008 Either CNN had their obituary graphic ready to go last year and forgot to update it before reporting today’s news about the death of Nelson Mandela, or somebody at the cable net thinks this is still 2012: http://twitter.com/#!/NathalieVenema/status/408718538833420288 http://twitter.com/#!/dorseyshaw/status/408723431471861761 At least now CNN knows where certain celebrities might be getting their news: http://twitter.com/#!/frandrescher/status/408731906034118656 Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/12/05/cnn-chyron-fail-nelson-mandela-1918-2012-pics-gif/

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