Tag Archives: Sean Spicer

Sean Spicer parody triggers already-triggered Left with tweet mocking their sexism around Ivanka

Another day, another group of overly-emotional, thin-skinned Lefties looking for something to be pissed off about in the Trump administration. Yesterday Ivanka sat in for her father for a few moments during a meeting on women’s entrepreneurship and you’d have thought she clubbed a baby seal on live TV. The Sean Spicer parody account (@sean_spicier) took their triggerdom to a whole new level of triggered with just one tweet: Liberals: "Why is Ivanka sitting in on a women's entrepreneurship forum? Get the guy that hates women back […]

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Weiner, Hillary in a bathing suit, sexism and Lefties HUMILIATED -> Sean Spicer parody strikes again!

So much goodness on Sean Spicer’s parody account’s timeline today (@sean_spicier), it’s hard to find just one thing to write about honestly, BUT somehow we managed to get all of this hilarity into one headline, and one story. Although to be honest the idea of Hillary in a bathing suit had us running for our own safe space but hey … risk of the trade. Plus this editor can never pass up a chance to make a Weiner joke. Anthony Weiner will plead guilty to transferring obscene […]

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