El Monte shooting: Man accused of killing 2 police officers connected to gang


Begin, though, with that breaking news, a somber night for the El Monte Department, Two officers were shot and killed in the line of duty. I’m Ellis Michaelson here for Christine Devine.


One suspect in that shootout is also dead.


Fox 11 said: Laskas leads our live coverage from El Monte Tonight and we are learning more right now about this dramatic deadly shooting here in El Monte, that’s left two of the city,’s, police officers dead and the gunman shot there.


Gino will give you a quick look here at the scenes of five hours later it is still sealed off.


This is Garvey.


Cross Street is central.


It is a major crime scene.


Gino will give you a look off to the left.


You see that white sign here.


It says this yesterday in motel That’s, where it all happens, That’s where officers were responding A little after five o’clock 911 calls about a domestic violence incident, possibly a stabbing, and that’s when the officers run into a hill of Gunfire: Listen Officers responded to a call for service at a local motel in the city of El Monte. The call was regarding a possible stabbing victim at the location.


Ah, officers arrived on the scene where they confronted the suspect and officer involved, Shooting occurred.


Ah, the suspect fled the hotel room into the parking lot, and a second officer was involved.


The shooting occurred, Yeah Two officers from El Monte Police Department and the suspect were struck by gunfire.


The two officers were transported to county USC Medical Center where they passed away earlier this evening, The suspect was also struck by gunfire and he was pronounced deceased at the scene.


There is the gunman under that white sheet on the sidewalk shot dead by police officers.


We now know the first officer is hit near the entrance of the motel room.


That suspect runs outside and encounters The second police officer with more gunfire.


That second officer is hit by the responding officers coming, They’re, the ones who take down the suspect.


Garvey Street, though, is littered with those yellow evidence markers that you see all over the place put down usually by shell casings. In this case, more than 50 of those evidence markers indicate a wild shootout here that stretched across Garvey all four lanes to a bus on the other side of Garvey and a gas station over there.


As witnesses say they heard.


I was around of gunfire back and forth.


They also say this area, particularly the motel.


No stranger, They talk about the neighbors.


They talk about the motel being known for gang activity for drug activity and some of the neighbors even tell us that they avoid and walk across the street because they don’t want to walk by the motel.


Listen to this neighbor and some of his experiences There’s like a lot of people that just go in and out of that place, It’s a lot of like well known for like um people that do drugs and stuff like that.


So it’s like Yeah it’s pretty bad right there, It’s a pretty bad place, Pretty bad place.


He says, As we come back out here, live We’re, also learning from investigators that the suspect that the gunman is a known gang member.


The Florencia gang, if they said he was out on parole for weapons violations, He’s the one who is involved in the shootout, as they’re still trying to put together exactly more of the domestic violence incident. We know that the police took away one woman in handcuffs Not sure if she’s been placed under arrest or been taken in for questioning, But she was involved in all of this.


That cost a lot.

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