Ismail Kamdar – Home Schooling – What about Socialization

You know it’s a short video showing the answer question
I get asked all the time about North Korea and   this question I think every homeschooling parent
gets asked so offer that many people requested   a bigger video apply that question is what about
Socialization How do you keep going to socialize Now I find this question will be of music because
When we were kids there our parents sent us after   school Nobody told us that you go to school to
socialize rather than be a food Behave yourself sit   quietly learn your work, and don’t get caught
up in bad company you know don’t disrupt the   class there are sound like socialization to
Furthermore, the issue of whether a child   grows up to be an introvert or extrovert is
ready to do with the child’s nature it’s not to   do with we didn’t go to school not many people
who are natural in Traverse like me mean   where do we go to school or not be a student of
The introvert is an extrovert that is a person’s personality from the time they are born
and being home school’s not gonna change it I   think what happens is many people must
understand homeschooling to be a challenge is   stuck in the household with the parents and
I don’t know any homeschooling parents   rather homeschooled children are people who are
very out there join the real world experience in   the real world farm what is culture what most
units sitting in class learning sitting quietly   behind the desk writing tests and you during the
break they’re dealing with their friends there who are the same age who by the way trying to
Look cool maybe learning some bad habits with 1840   with the cool cat the homeschool kids instead I’m
meeting with people of all different ages try it   out tonight they are out there helping with details
with parents, they are traveling with a parent   here exploring the world they are dealing with
Young children but adults live in the real   world so I don’t see where socialization
becomes a problem I think what happens is many   of us think that people need to learn how to
socialize by going to school but what I mean is maybe you think I’m crazy for believing this but
What I believe is that people learn to socialize with the big guys It’s nothing new it’s cool it’s
part of life you go through life we learn to deal   with people you make mistakes whether it happens
In school the true home school it doesn’t make a   difference it’s just something that happens so the
the idea that you should put your child in school just   so that they can socialize and for that reason you
can take you to know all the negatives and you know   that’s gonna be the overriding factor I mean
over your decision he doesn’t make any sense   at the end of the day I want my kids to have
a quality education both worldly knowledge and   religious knowledge I want them to become leaders
I want them to become thinkers on them to become   people who change this world and make this world
a better place and I know it’s your schooling   I think it than that but what the school system
There’s no real guarantee of whether they end up   getting there or not so I choose to move and for
Anyone out there who wants to home-school he   worried about the socialization issue don’t worry
about it that’s a natural quality that they will   get just find urban life you will see as he grows
You will meet people they would talk to Actually what you will find is that your child may be
Homeschooled generally tend to be a   lot more confident in being themselves so they’re
not going to be pretending to be suddenly not so   that they can be cool and footing with the gangs
and also have no confidence speaking to adults because   kids go to school I use the only anyhow it keeps
their age and between a thousand only and   authority figures while homeschooled kids are much
more confident and comfortable talking to people   of all ages so you may find them being
more sociable or mobile about but I don’t go there   and that’s fine it’s perfectly normal for a
child, so I see this as your findability   of music when people ask me this question I might
Even warm you can get it’s the number one concern   not how they going to go to college not how
they gonna get a job not how what are they   going to learn for people see more interested in
The socialization issue in all of that makes me wonder I did they sent us to school so
Yeah, that’s my answer, and who better to teach it? $69.⁰⁰ / bottle $49.⁰⁰ / bottle (6)
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