Tag Archives: entertainment

This Kid Just Started Walking Off The Field, But He Was Pulling The Best Trick Play Ever

In an amazing display of brawn and brain, the quarterback of this peewee football team just pulled off an incredible trick play. Instead of running a normal play, he caught the snap and fooled everyone. The payoff? Peewee poetry in motion. Just when you think he’s quitting football forever and walking off the field, he turns and does something so awesome. It’s not too hard to score when there’s no one around to tackle you! Smart move, my man. Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/peewee-trick-play/

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He Yelled At His Daughter…When She Finally Listened, This Amazing Thing Happened

If you’ve ever visited a European country, you know that street performers are everywhere. If they’re particularly talented, it’s not uncommon to also find a large crowd gathered to watch and listen. But when one dad and his daughter came across a violinist in Trieste, Italy, they stopped for a different reason… He started yelling to her, “Do it!” Like any other teen, though, she was reluctant to listen to her dad. YouTube / ismet Thankfully for us all…she finally did. What took place next is nothing […]

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Listening To These Creepy Dolls Recite Rhymes Will Give You All The Nightmares

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTAT_ATF’); }); In today’s tech-savvy, on-demand world, the idea of talking dolls as a technological breakthrough just seems weird. But back in the late 1800s, the mechanical toys were at the height of consumer electronic achievements. And the man responsible for them? Well, of course it was the great Thomas Edison. Inside each of these talking dolls was a tiny tin phonograph cylinder that played a prerecorded lullaby or nursery rhyme. National Park Service googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCBM_BTF’); }); This is what the internal mechanism that […]

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