Class of 2022 Senior Fall Workshop


The frame I think I know is probably the most
of you guys watching this video   and for those of you that might be new I think
there are a few new seniors and families this year I’m looking forward to getting to spend this next
year with you all we have a lot to cover in this   afternoon session and just a couple of housekeeping
items before we kind of jump into the content   you’ll see my face on and off the screen as we go
though I’ll be transitioning to a PowerPoint that   most of the time we’ll probably be spending our
time walking through however I did want to just   kind of put a name to the face um so that if
you haven’t seen me in the last couple of years   because everything’s been digital uh
that’s probably why and um just a couple of housekeeping notes number one is this will this
is being recorded so if you’re jumping in late   if you’re unable to make it at the live event this
will be recorded and available both on youtube so   our Nortel high school youtube channel or
on our north tahoe high school counseling Facebook page so they’re both being broadcast
there and that’s pretty common that we’ll do in   this time frame we are uh going to be limiting
this to just the online version unfortunately   later this year hopefully we’ll be able
to do a couple of in-person events but this   provides the flexibility and just um lets us
place play a little safer where we’re able to   since much of this content can be easily
delivered through a digital medium so I’m looking forward to getting to spend some afternoon
time with us like I said we got a lot to cover   if you have questions I’ll kind of remind you guys
of this, as we go through uh but feel free to reach   out over email there are a couple of things that are
coming up that are gonna be good opportunities for   questions and answers and that kind of stuff I am
monitoring the youtube chat box as well here so if   you have questions feel free to type anything in
and I’ll be happy to try to answer those as best I can while we’re going or at the very end so hang
tight we’re going to try to do this in an hour or   less like I said there’s a lot of content and
we are going to cover a lot of different things   which I’ll highlight here in just a second if
you wanted to follow along I will post after   this is up I will post the pdf of the presentation
the material itself in both the Facebook post and the   youtube link which will then get emailed out to
everybody has a follow-up so just hang tight if   you don’t need to write down a bunch of notes if
you see it on the screen you’ll get a copy of it   but uh yeah so that that’s about it um we’re
going to jump back in you might see me kind   of flipping over here I’m kind of playing my own
director as well so we’ll kind of kind of bounce   back in and we’ll talk a little bit about some
of the stuff that’s upcoming so as we look at our year and our path to a successful senior
year there’s a lot of things that we have to kind of keep in mind and so a couple
of things that I’m hoping and looking forward   to doing with you are talking a little bit
about what are some general senior year tips   and tricks that will help make your senior
year the most successful that it possibly can be   we’ll touch a little bit on some of the social
emotional elements but the vast majority of   our time today will be primarily academic and
after high school items and we’ll talk briefly   about a couple of options but I will give you fair
warning right now that the vast majority of our   conversation will be revolved around the world
primarily of four-year college and it’s not to   say that um that nothing else matters and then
that we won’t get to those other items but this   uh time frame of senior year generally has the
most kind of clout associated with that world   in that application process so we have to jump
right in there so I’ll cover a little bit more about that later on dates and deadlines
some logistics of senior year some of the things   to be aware of different resources
that you have available to you throughout this upcoming year and the different things
that you kind of need to keep in mind and then   also kind of more specifics about what we talked about
and I would encourage you if you’re on youtube or Facebook to go back to the junior pre-summer
video uh that’s up and available for you on the   youtube page because that also has some good
things if you’re still in that pre-thinking   phase we’re not going to spend as much time
about like hey what are my what am I looking   for in the world of college but more moving
on to the action steps which many of you guys I’ll tell you from you know just kind of
getting back into the role of things this year um of 2022.


You guys are on top of it I’ve
gotten a lot of requests already of stuff that I’m kind of like well hold on we’re just getting
started with the school year so don’t panic you   guys that’s a big thing I know that we’re coming
off basically 18 months of panic in our society   and so I want to kind of encourage you guys that
this is it’s a fast but slow process okay we’ll   detail that a little bit more closely as we move
forward as well so as we kind of move forward here   uh we’re going to jump and I’m going to kind
of just briefly lay out some timelines for us   okay so that’s just that is something that
I want to kind of make sure that we are   spending some time on and I’ve kind of put
together this rough outline of some big important   items that a senior year will encompass all
right so at the top you kind of see a couple of key   flags and so the first one that’s coming up
is coming up this coming Friday from   the date of this recording which is September
13th which is a Monday so September night or September 17th is our add-drop deadline so that’s
an important date in that you want to have all of   your classes set by that day all right so that’s
an important one that’s coming up just less than   a week from now so if your classes aren’t set
and this week in pathways like I said we are   a little bit delayed and kind of uh pushed back
in terms of our year with the smoke days and stuff   and the fire warnings and whatnot so normally this
would have been the week that you would have re-reviewed your transcripts and then you would
have had I’m sorry last week would have been   a week that you would have reviewed transcripts
and so it is something that um you know we want   to make sure that uh you’re going to get an
opportunity in your pathways classes this week   to go through and get a printout of
the cup of your high school transcript to date   and you’re going to check it off against both
College requirements and high school graduation   requirements okay we do this for a couple of reasons
number one is I want you to be involved in the   process students I want you to have onus and skin
in the game but it also helps me triple-check my checks all right now and then people
catch things that I don’t catch for some reason   staring at a trans you know lots of transcripts
sometimes you can get kind of that transcript   blindness and so I need your eyes and
hands and experience in your school um   your school program so far to double-check our
work all right so you’ll be doing that the next   one that’s kind of a big one that’s coming up um
is the FAFSA well we won’t spend a ton of time on   financial aid the FAFSA is all associated
with financial aid that’s called the free   application for federal student aid that opens
up October 1st all right so that’s kind of a   magic start date we will have an entire so right
around that time frame so in another month or so   very close to October 1st we’ll be scheduling an
entire session kind of like this one just about   financial aid, okay it is complex it is also very
individualized and so we will talk more about what   are the processes what are the things we need to
look out for what is the stuff that you need to   have up as part of your plans okay so that’s a
big deal so that’s one up to put on there   we have on the far right we have ap exams so
just marking that date decision date would be   kind of what it’s kind of become a little
bit more gray area they don’t stick to the May first date in some circumstances anymore we
can talk about that individually but generally   that’s a good target date and many colleges do
have that and then graduation is on June 9th   this year so that’s kind of a big picture look and
then if you see down below there are some key items I’m not going to read them all off to you I’ve
mentioned a few of them you know just making sure   that you’re maintaining your academic performance
and it kind of windows out the two semesters you   also have the CSU application submission window
down there in the red and that’s the California state institutions so on October 1st through
November 30th those are the window when you   can apply to any of
the 23 census and then you have the uc application   window which has a much longer window of work
meaning it’s already open first for kind of   filling out the application but you can’t actually
apply by November first rolls   around both of them are due November 30th we’ll
speak more on that later and just a rough   outline of the kind of where we’re at in our process
so kind of August through you know generally October and um end of October is it can
be used for research many of you guys will do   active steps as well but this is still a research
you know a prime time for research and planning   it is not necessarily bad to continue researching
you don’t have to have all that done at this point   of your senior year the next phase is kind
of the actor do this is the big window of   time when you’re typically going to
be submitting maybe you’re doing some acting   and doing before that happens but this window the
kind of November 1st through December 31st is kind when the vast majority of four-year colleges
have their submission windows happening   we’ll break that down too and then follow through
this one is many times gets people in a   little bit of a bind the follow-through element
can cause a lot of problems for students and   so we’ll break down some tips on how to
avoid that you know when the early spring comes   around because it’s very easy to you know lose
track of the process there’s lots to do even then   most people focus only on the fall as their main
to-do items and then the junior college kind   of window we’ll brief as I said briefly
touch on some of that item as well usually that   process because it’s pretty different than the
four-year college application process the junior   college enrollment window is usually a little bit
shifted later on in the season usually you won’t   see many junior colleges enrolling for the next
upcoming fall until around December but the vast   majority it’s going to be kind of in that spring
time frame and most students February through April is when most students will go through
the enrollment process with junior colleges   so I’m going to kind of break down this chart
here and so in general what you’re seeing here   is I kind of charted to try to explain a little
bit about on the kind of up and down y-axis   this idea of effort and undertaking and on the
bottom is time throughout high school so we have   the 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade and 12th grade
and so this idea of how high school morphs   and changes is a pretty big one especially for
seniors so ninth grade most ninth graders take   a pretty standard set of classes there’s no ap
classes things like that usually in 10th grade   they kind of ramp it up a little bit maybe
they get more involved in their community   or more involved in school they might take an ap
class or two okay so so kind of effort and energy   associated with school increases the next
one kind of jumps into junior year and this   is one that I talk with the juniors about quite a bit because many juniors will kind of ramp   that effort undertaking up to 11 thinking that
this is the most important year of high school   and it’s they’re all important junior year is
very important but it’s it’s just something that   you know a lot of ap classes become available
and it’s just something we see happening   senior year kind of looks like this
and so a lot of times seniors tend to   not necessarily stay at that same peak okay maybe
they’re taking only five academic classes maybe   even four and so generally speaking the
effort undertaking about school   somewhat decreases they might you know you you
will have extra stuff that you’re doing outside of   school applications work different things that
come around with being 17 18 years old and going   through the process of senior year okay but here’s
the big thing that I’m trying to warn everybody   about because this is huge and I guarantee you
that almost all of you guys will see this in some   form or fashion at some point during senior year
and this is generally associated with spring all   right and so we will see this precipitous fall for
a vast majority of students for a lot of different   reasons okay we’re not going to break down each
of them but anything from just exhaustion to fear   to depression to anxiety to excitement even so
you know the spring rolls around the high school is almost over they kind of got maybe a college
admissions maybe they have a place where they’re   going or a thing that they’re going to do a
career to go into and they don’t see   the point of wrapping up high school as strongly
as maybe they’ve maintained throughout the school   year and they put a diagnosis on this and
it’s called senioritis all right and so it kind   of covers a lot of the stuff that we see in that
kind of springtime usually here in Tahoe with the   snow hopefully we have a good year this year but
hopefully, you know we see this happening pretty consistently across the board so I
want to give you guys an early heads up   okay this is an early screening for
both you seniors and senior families that we want to avoid senioritis at all costs
just because someone gets in does not mean that   someone is guaranteed a seat at a college
so I want to make sure that when you are   approaching that kind of February March the snow
starts to mouth the sun starts to come out the   beach is looking pretty good we want to avoid this
like the plague okay so we’ll have some tips   on how to do that and I’ll be working with some
students and it’s a conversation if we   start noticing this happening because there are some
pretty real ramifications of this coming into play   so I do want to talk a little about social
emotional supports this year before we   jump into kind of logistics college academics
that kind of stuff because those are all very   important but social-emotional components
are crucial and this year is going to be   a big one sometimes this senior year is
a doozy for students and families and so   maybe your student has never really struggled
social emotionally maybe they’re pretty solid the family’s pretty solid but sometimes
senior year can bring up some deep   like driven insecurities or questions or fear
or concerns and it is something that I want   you to be hyper-vigilant about for both in yourself
if you’re a student watching this but also for   you as families all right so just a couple of things
that is going to be happening at Northall High School this year include um so so all students are
going to be receiving a daily mindfulness lesson   from Hillary in our wellness center if you don’t
know Hillary she’s a wonderful colleague of ours   she’s part of our counseling team and really um
somebody who students really trust and we um are   super lucky to have on campus and so her her
space is a welcoming place for students so   um she’ll be leading some daily short like
one-minute mindfulness lessons for students   every day to start their day also students
will all students across all grade levels   will receive a monthly social-emotional learning
focus pathways lesson so that’s about a half-hour lesson that students will all get so we will be
focusing the senior year primarily on kind of like   transitions and things like that but um it’s going
to be customized for seniors so seniors don’t need   the same thing as freshmen my office and the
the wellness center is also available for the support   we work with I work especially in the springtime
with a lot of students about I don’t know what’s right for me I don’t know how to
make a decision I don’t know I’m not sure how I’m going to function on my own and so that is not
necessarily something that’s to be afraid of and   we’re available anytime to talk about that but we
see a lot of that come up for seniors generally in   that fall or they start in that spring time frame
in the fall a lot of it has to do with stress   just a lot of stuff to manage okay and then
building healthy habits so so starting the   habits now that you want to kind of see yourself
continue when you graduate all right so if that’s   healthy sleep habits if that’s a healthy evening
habits or exercising okay it’s easier to start now   and continue those things than to try to do that
when you’re in the midst of transition and change   and then know when some of the key stress windows
are for the senior class and so mid-November is a   big one okay right around when many of the college
applications might be due that’s a pretty stressful   time frame mid-January is usually stressful
for both kinds of the holiday sense and you know   sometimes that’s a stressful time frame as well as
finals um and then we have mid-April to mid-June so basically that entire spring time frame because
of both senioritis and also uh just things that   high school are coming to the to an end this
the big piece that’s been a part of the only   type of schooling that people have known is
coming to an end and they’re going to go off   into the big world and do hopefully great and
amazing things but it’s a very scary transition   all right and that transition tends to look um
like a couple of this kind of big uh big items   and so ultimately you know we have a myriad of
different options that students can do throughout   um and consider for their high school for after
their after high school careers all right and   so just a couple of them are up here and I want to
again emphasize that we are not a school that just   emphasizes and expects students to go to college
I think that sometimes it is maybe misinterpreted   as a focus of ours we do highly encourage it we
do think it’s a valuable option we do see many   of our students go on to that path however that
is by and far not the only path and many paths   require lots of loops and turns to get where you
want to go mine owning my own included and so I understand that there’s not a single strategy
a single path to everyone’s idea of success okay   so I want to encourage that um so we do have the
four-year college options and we’ll break down   each of those we have the community college route
and that is an increasingly popular route   for many of our students whether or not that’s
kind of initially on their plan I would encourage   all students whether or not a student has a 5.0
GPA and perfect sat scores I would encourage all   students to have a community college or two in
mind that they would see themselves should   something go that way or if they feel like that is
the right path for them after high school there are a lot of reasons to look at different different
routes from cost to availability to access and   convenience we have the trade and vocational
schools so that would be things like universal   technical institute for auto mechanics or culinary
institute of America if you want to be a pastry   chef things like that the military branches going
straight into a career path and also gap years so   so we’re going to not necessarily we will have
a specific community college event a little bit   later this fall and then I’m available just
because it’s generally not as widely utilized   I would love to connect with you guys if you
guys are interested in trader vocational schools   military career paths things like that and we will
have some upcoming opportunities that are related   to that in the future so so a couple of tricks and
tips that you might want to think about as we go   about your senior year all right um and so that
is something that when you guys are looking at   right now for example your senior schedule take
advantage of your opportunities one thing I always   like to remind people this is your last year of free
education all right after this year if you want to   go get educated on something apart from say like
youtube or things like that but a formal education   it’s going to cost you a lot of money all right
and so take advantage of this you know if you were   thinking about how much each class costs would
you take only four classes instead of five   okay so just think about that it’s a great way
to to and you know grow your mind and grow your   opportunities challenge yourself to explore new
things even this year all right so you’re about   to step out into a world and so trying to put
yourself in a little bit of an uncomfortable   situation from time to time try something new get
involved in a club that maybe you wouldn’t have   normally okay I still challenge you to do that
and then also again stay on top of your work those are big things it’s very easy to get
behind especially if you’re taking a large number   of academic courses so the other one is  really
learning how to give appropriate thanks is   one that is I think missing quite a bit from
our society in general but it’s something that   the art of thanks has changed and this is
something that as a senior expect to practice this   quite a bit this year the senior year requires a
a lot of support the senior year requires a lot of   help from people other than yourself students all
right so this is something that goes a long way this week during pathways I’ll be pushing in
and talking about letters of recommendation   we’re not going to spend a lot of time here but
students will be getting information this week on   letters of recommendation which is a huge thanks
opportunity okay because those are a   very big deal however it takes a lot of time and
energy and I’m not even speaking a part of myself   I can shut my door and take care of these
things but I’m talking about your teachers   okay your teachers are not paid extra to write
your letters your teachers are not allocated   time to write you letters so it is an important
the thing to start practicing that idea of thanks and   it can be as simple as just a heartfelt word of
thanks a quick note I can tell you some teachers like coffee, okay so I mean it’s all kinds
of things that just go it just shows that you care   okay because they pour their heart and energy
into it taking time to apply for financial aid   and scholarships this is an error that I see a lot
of students do it’s amazing how many we have trouble sometimes giving away scholarships
locally because no one qualified applied   if you can believe that we give away a lot of
money locally but some of it is earmarked for   certain pasts or certain programs or certain types
of students and so many times students won’t apply   I can almost guarantee you that if you apply for
scholarships at least locally you’re probably   going to get one okay so if you like money make
sure you apply for scholarships and we’ll talk   more about how to do some of that scholarship
process again closer to October when the FAFSA   opens up and we’ll lay out some of the kind
of ins and outs of how to make sure that your after-high school plans are as financially
approachable as possible and don’t wait to get   on it right away we want to kind of get this going
as soon as possible you want to spread it out so   you don’t need to stress the second but you don’t
want to just dilly dally and try to do it all the   last minute this is not a last-minute activity
this year all right so we want to keep that up   seniors this is going to be the piece that
I’m going to be talking about with you guys in   pathways this is called the senior profile it’s
kind of like an extended brag sheet, we will be   asking if you guys need letters or recommendations
for us from myself teachers administrators   anybody on campus we will be asking you for your
senior profile this is not intended to be extra   work but it is something that I do want you to
start working on because it can uh it’s information that’s very useful for our writing
however, it can feel a little bit like extra work   be smart about it I’m not looking for paragraphs
if you can answer in a couple of bullet points do   it okay we’re not trying to add extra things on
but it is very important and the   information on there is super valuable so please
don’t just kind of fluff it off another thing is   the explore so we do put a lot of resources up
on our counseling website and I would encourage you guys, uh to hop on there if
we have some time at the end I’ll show you a few key areas that you might
want to explore with this stuff in mind   just if we don’t get there if you’re not
kind of with me by the time we get there   just so you know underneath the menu towards
the top right under counseling support   there’s a college and career area and you
can explore all the other ones as well but   under college and career you’ll find some details
and there are menus underneath but if you just click   on college and career counseling there’s a link
in a bunch of different resources that you might   want to avail yourself of as we go through this year
including that senior profile sheet that you can   download on google drive so like I mentioned
we do think that post-secondary education and   training and I think that’s an important
designation training is not just college   training can be an apprenticeship training that can
be shadowing training can be getting on youtube   even and doing some massively online course
open courseware I mean there are all kinds of stuff   it’s really about bettering yourself okay but we
do know at least the data shows that many times   and you know and this is always thrown out there
and I always say there’s a lot you know data can   be skewed in a lot of ways so I don’t want to feel
like I’m kind of pulling the wool over your eyes   but in general the higher your education the lower
your unemployment employment so you’re more likely   to get a job and usually the higher you earn
okay it costs money to earn money sometimes   and so sometimes that you know we can make
a case that education matters but we also know   it’s not the whole picture okay so we
have the skilled trades and technical work   we haven’t seen many times when those fields
are in quite as high a demand as they are now I   mean you go look around just Tahoe and people are
trying to pay you know 20 25 an hour for something   that doesn’t even require a high school degree
sometimes and not to say that that’s not important   but I’m just saying you know there are times when
um particular fields are in very high demand and a limited quantity of workers are available in these
trades and technical skills that require some   additional training but maybe not a formal college
the degree is super in demand so I want to honor that and recognize that okay our model
here is that college should be available so we   push students to meet a3g and we push students to
be ready for college but it is not a path that we   recognize is for everyone and everyone will have
their past so I want to recognize that too   it’s all about knowing what you
want out of this upcoming experience   okay so we wanna we know that you know your
goals are important and the path to success   is all about your learning and innovation and
development of your mindset it’s not about a   particular program or major typically all right
and that can even go for students who are pursuing   college degrees okay it’s the degree that helps you
get in the get your foot in the door okay but   your innovation you’re learning your approach
to a problem is what helps you seal the deal   okay that’s what helps you keep your job
helps keep you makes you successful in your job   all right and helps you land that job
after you kind of have gotten through the door, okay this four-year college process is
super long and complex and so we’re going   to highlight a couple of roles and norms that
are going to be super crucial for all of us   to kind of work together on all right so so
parents and families if you’re watching this   one of the biggest things is letting go and this
one of the biggest mistakes I see parents make   or family members make is that you kind of
are living vicariously through your child   okay and there’s you know there’s a lot of
ways to do it from actually filling out the   applications and such for them I get it your child
might be busy they have a lot of activities and   it’s busy in school do not steal the epiphany
let me say that again do not steal the epiphany   if you need to look it up go ahead and pause it do
that now okay the epiphany is the aha moment   all right and so do not steal that from your
senior they need to struggle through this   your child cannot do everything there’s not
enough time for them to do everything don’t   enable them to do that that is not helpful okay
so I want you to let go of our job I’m including myself in this process and everyone here at school
are we cheerleaders we are encouragers but   we do not enable students okay so next time you
have a question or next time your student needs   something I want you to kind of put it through
this filter because a lot of times I see this   many times I’ll communicate more
with the parent then I will the student   and I don’t think that’s right so if you notice
you email me and I include your student in the   reply that’s why your student is involved and
they need to be a part of that conversation   you also need to separate the nuts and bolts so
the logistics of the process from the emotional   part of the process it’s very emotional and that’s
also goes for the student okay so so pick a time   when you want to talk about here’s the ins and
outs here’s the time frame here are the things   that we are going to be doing to help make this
process smoothly okay and then pick a time also   to talk about the emotions that are related to
the process I’m mad I’m frustrated with this I’m super   pissed because the school denied me whatever it
might be okay but try not to do them at the same   time it muddies the water okay and again support
but not do and then I even suggest like call   it a date call it a hangout whatever go get ice
cream set meetings to talk about this don’t just   let it happen naturally sometimes that’s the
case but like set purposeful meetings about it   because that will help go a long way in not
feeling like an ambush not feeling pressure   not feeling like nagging parents the students
often feel like they’re being nagged about things   okay but set some regular checkpoints you know
if you’re in business you know you know projects   don’t just happen right they have checkpoints
they have check-ins they go through this process   of development students always look at the
the process in light of what your goals are   what is your potential vocational career
path in the future what’s your purpose   don’t just look at the u.s news and world report
which by the way is a complete farce don’t   use that for anything it’s based on money and
advertising not any rankings okay there are some   other ones that I would encourage maybe looking
through but realistically rankings mean   nothing okay nobody pays attention to rankings
even college admissions officers themselves would   agree with that statement okay so simply just try
to avoid it puts this idea in people’s heads   of what’s good or not and realistically almost
all colleges are going to be great and it’s more   about what’s great for your child okay students I
want you to stay organized number one thing you   don’t have is a calendar okay a Google calendar
works paper calendar works a calendar that you   will use is the most important part okay because
in the world, there are things called deadlines   I know at north toll high school it sometimes
doesn’t feel like that okay but there are real   things out there called deadlines that have a
deadline meaning if you go past that you are not applying if you go past the state
you get no money for college if you do this other   thing bad things may happen okay so deadlines
are super crucial and there are going to   be a lot of them this year so get a calendar
and then also apply broadly but limit your   applications to a reasonable number okay I’m
going to break that down here on this next slide   so a lot of times when we’re talking about the
the idea of college this kind of like model will come   up and I kind of go back and forth between whether
I like it or not it’s this or that but   ultimately what I want you to think about is this
allows you to apply broadly and that you’re not   betting statistics against you okay but it
also applies broadly in that you are diverse excuse me for diversifying your application list all
right and you can call these things whatever you   want you’ll see different people call them what
they reach targets and meet different things like   that okay but the goal is if you have some schools
that is kind of in this reach category okay   schools that have five 10 20 admissions rates or
maybe you don’t meet the kind of ideal candidate   kind of 50 targets okay those schools are gonna
be harder than easier for you to get into those   are gonna be your reach schools okay they may
be reached for everybody okay if they have a 10   admissions rate they’re a reach school for anybody
I don’t care if you like cured cancer okay it is   something that you just have to account for if
your entire list is made up of reach schools   you’re playing statistics against you on the
other side of the spectrum you have the expected likelihood in the olden days we used to call them
safe schools no school is safe I will just warn   you there all right so no school is safe
we will just basically call them as we will   probably get into these schools these are good
to have too because it provides you a level of   comfort a level of stability maybe they’re
not your first choice school maybe they are   okay and then you have a couple that are meet
kind of fit schools where you kind of are in that   range where you know you may or may not get in but
they’re strong you’re a strong candidate for okay   at the bottom you see that all of them though must
be the first choice that’s probably a little confusing   the first choice here means out of all this list
if we had you know 11 schools on this list when all came down to it you might have a hierarchy
in terms of like hey if I got into all these   schools and the money was there here’s my first
choice second choice third choice etc however I got into one of these schools only would still
be happy going to that school that is what I mean   by first-choice schools okay it’s not that you
can’t have rankings and like which one’s higher up   on the list for me it’s just that I’m not adding
a school to my list because Mom or Dad wants me   to I’m not adding a school to my list because
it looks good on my applications I’m not adding   it because I know I can get in but I don’t really
want to go that’s just dumb okay just don’t do it   add schools that you want to go to and parents
this is challenging do not make your child   apply to schools they don’t want to go to
it’s really that simple okay and I’ll tell   you that too if I see a list and I talk to your
child and like I don’t want to go there I’m going to tell your parents so I’m going to
be honest with you and I’m going to encourage   your student to be honest with you too but you
no, I’m here to also advocate for them so I want you guys to know that as well um I’m going
to bump around uh here to a different slide I’m gonna skip a section um because I think it’s it’s
a little bit too in-depth for a conversation today   but what I’m gonna do is talk to you guys
because a lot of stuff has changed in this   idea of testing all right and so testing in the
world today has been something that you know we’ve   had to adapt to over the last 18 months of testing
kind of got turned on its head since coveting hit   and test centers got canceled and different
things were happening throughout the world, okay and I would probably if I was
speaking on behalf of my colleagues and most of   the admissions officers in the world I would say
almost everybody is very happy about that change   okay the s.a.t and act and that kind of stuff is
generally not loved in our profession it’s very   it’s very debatable in terms of its
validity in terms of its impact and so   when this change happened we kind of felt it
kind of forced the hand of a lot of colleges   which I think ended up well but let me discuss
a little bit of what that means so in the   world today we’re going to have three primary
Are things okay we’re going to have tests required   schools that require an exam for admissions
in the olden days like in 2019 and before   that would CSUS would be ucs and things
like that that has changed realistically speaking, there are very few schools and I’m talking like
less than a point zero one percent of colleges   out there that formally require an exam all right
and that will be an important thing for you to   check because you still have time to take tests if
you need to okay but most schools will not require   military academies I think Florida institutions so
some of the Florida state institutions and some of the Texas institutions from last I’ve heard still are
requiring it is a very fluid environment though   so check that regularly as you’re going through
the process the vast majority have transitioned   to two other models which are most prevalent now
okay probably the most prevalent is test optional   what that means is that you can take an exam and
you can choose whether or not you submit a score   all right if you submit a score they’re going
to evaluate your results with that included and   considered if you don’t they’re going to look more
closely at the other areas of your application   alright they have metrics and ways to evaluate
people fairly across the board whether you submit   a test or not right many schools were like
this already but it’s really kind of pushed   the hand and we like to see that because
it was huge I mean there are a   lot of reasons we’re not going to go into it
a lot of reasons why testing was impacting   college admissions negatively the third
an option that I think is the best   is something called test blind okay and this
is going to be most important because the vast   majority of where our students apply and go are
both test blind our CSU system and our uc system   are test-blind meaning even if you took an
sat exam or even if you took an act exam they will   not utilize the scores they will not look at it
they will not accept them they will not consider them in any fashion okay the only thing that they
would ever use that for is after any type of   admissions process potentially for some sort of
placement but realistically speaking most students   will place just fine if you get in through
your academic experience in high school is okay   so there are some opportunities to take a look
here so let me get back over to this there are   some pretty cool slides that you can take a look
in terms of websites you can take a look   at is a national organization that
keeps track of who takes tests and who doesn’t so as you can see from the screenshot and
it’s probably even more now there are over 1400   four-year colleges and universities with test
optional policies okay so it keeps getting   updated the screenshot is from April okay I’m sure
there’s more on there now um so you want to keep   in mind that uh that’s an important thing for us
to just keep abreast of um let me talk briefly   about applications actually before I get there
let me just mention one more thing about testing   because testing causes a lot of anxiety both
the actual test itself but like the impacts   and implications let me I always try to kind of
like give some context in terms of testing and so   generally speaking because everyone always wants
to know if should i take a test and if should i submit   it that takes a little bit of research on your
part all right if you look at a list of colleges   and you know if you’re if you say took a
past if you took a practice sat online or   something like that and even or even if you
took an SAT exam name do I want to send this in   you know you’re going to probably want to
score pretty highly in terms of their other   applicants to have it positively impact you
if that doesn’t make sense so if you want that   test score to reflect positively on you I mean
you’re talking 80 85 percentile of submitted test   scores or higher all right so that typically
means you need to be a very strong test taker   if you’re kind of feeling like tests aren’t really
your thing, if you have heavy test anxiety tests, and aren’t been successful in the past I would
probably just encourage you don’t add this extra   needed stress and focus on the other areas of your
application and just don’t worry about it okay   in almost all circumstances you’ll never need
it’s okay so it’s just one less thing for you   to worry about in this whole process especially
as you’re rolling into senior year you can take   most schools if you are going to be taking tests
most schools will take through around November or   December depending on the school and application
the type that we’re going to talk about   now so there are different applications out
there that students will use to apply as well   as different application time frames first let’s
talk about the types of applications and there are a   few common ones so the first one on this list you
see on the screen is called the common application   all right and I’m going to denote that that has
a big c big a formal organization the common app   okay and so that is a website that’s an
an organization that partners with tons of   mostly private out-of-state institutions you’re
not going to see any CSUS you see on there   you’ll see mostly private and out-of-state public
institutions available to apply but it’s a very   uh useful tool if you are going to be applying to
multiple schools if you’re going to apply to like   one or two private schools and most of the rest
are not on this application sometimes it’s easier to not use the common
app because it adds some extra steps we have   the school-specific application or in-house
application sometimes you’ll hear it called   and what that is is say Montana state
develops their application they want students   to submit they might give you options they might
say hey submit your common app or you can fill out   our in-house app the benefit of that they’re going
to only ask you the questions that matter to them so for example if they don’t think uh if they
don’t necessarily want recommendations they   might not ask you for them where the Comet app
may make you think about that kind of thing   or change a little bit of
the process to be simpler   the next three on there are pretty underutilized
in our school so universal application   um is not usually a thing a common black
application and we’re pretty underrepresented   with the African-American population here at the
campus so not usually usual not utilized   priority applications um sometimes you might
get those in the email or notices about that   if you’re going to get invited don’t it’s not
a for sure thing sometimes it goes to your head   but basically, it’s going to say hey we got your
name from some database and we think you might be   a good applicant we’ll just typically waive your
fee all right which is a good thing so if you’re   if you can get a free app out of it go ahead but
you know don’t necessarily apply just because   they say we think you’ll be a good applicant
here’s a free application with fast applications   kind of the same idea the last one is probably the
most common so it’s the first second   and last ones that are going to be probably the
most frequent ones you’ll see so the uc app   so you see um see the uc application itself and
the c I need to update that it’s called CSU apply   not CSU mentor anymore they changed it okay and I
said the first one is the common app big c big A the last two are also common applications little c
little they are a common app, not the common app   and what I mean by that is the uc application when
you fill out a uc you can apply to any of the ucs   through that application, okay so it’s common
to the UC system same thing as the CSU apply   application, it is common to the CSU system all
right so you only fill out one kind of true   application for each of those two university
systems okay I’m going to touch on a couple   of these things real quick you know a lot of
stuff you can find online so I’m just going   to highlight a couple of things we mentioned
the application window for the University of California is November 1st through the 30th
the application has been open since August 1st meaning students can log on and complete the
application things like that but they can’t hit submit and pay until November
1st rolls around so those of you that might   be rushing through the application process you
can hit the slow-down button and you know you   have time to spread that out okay I think
your application will probably benefit if you   do um it’s only online and then there are um a
fee per campus so it’s going to be a per-campus application fee and you do you can qualify through
the system itself for up to four fee waivers and   the system will determine if you qualify for
that based on the family income that you use   okay the last part test scores if you are well
that’s that can just be deleted now   um so I don’t think I updated this last year so
except we did a different format so ignore the   last check mark you can’t send test scores to the
ucs so don’t worry about it that’s a pretty simple   answer to that here’s a breakdown and I think
this is um better look to look at than kind of the   odd years of covid but this kind of just gives
you have an idea of stats, okay and again I don’t do   this to kind of like worry people to scare people
things like that but it gives you a breakdown so   the uc system is accessible okay it’s not
something that every campus is necessarily   easily accessible but if you want to attend a
uc you can it just might not be Berkeley or UCLA   all right so you can see it goes from very low
admissions rate more difficult to very high all   right and I think one of the biggest things I want
you to pay attention to is the difference between   how many students applied and this number I guaran
I participated in a UCLA session uh towards in   the last year and they highlighted their number
of applicants and they had over 130 000 applicants   last year okay and so the numbers are pretty
staggering and so just know that um it’s not   a lot of times and for as personal as it is
for families and students and us at school   it’s unfortunately not personal um there’s
so many different variables and we’ll break down   a few of them but so many different variables
involved in all college processes that it feels   very personal like they don’t like me when
it’s usually not that simple   if you don’t get in all right so I want to want
to just kind of give you that a little bit   of a reality take in that you know if you apply
broadly you’re probably not going to get into all   your schools that’s okay the goal is to get into
a few and have some choices from that so you’re   going to fill out the UC application itself and
your eligibility is based on your a3g coursework   and your GPA is calculated based on your 10th
and 11th-grade school years so your 9th-grade is not included in the GPA calculation
you do not use any letters or recommendations but   there are personal insight questions that are
writing short writing responses for the ucs is okay   during writing time in the upcoming year we’ll be having
different things I’ll be hosting … SAT workshops   we’ll be hosting college kind of just drop in
help with my application times so you’ll be   seeing some of that pop up here in the next couple
weeks most writings probably most Wednesdays okay   so take a look at some of those different
things again ignore the pieces about   reasoning tests and subject tests and stuff like
that that has gone away for this upcoming school   year this is a picture of a comprehensive review
I’m just going to you know if you want to pause   it and take a look at this I’ll let you do that
again test scores are off of this now so it’s reallocated the weighting of the test
score to other areas of the comprehensive review   another way to look at this is a holistic review
and that’s basically when students are not just   a piece of paper and a test score so they are
going to look at what are you doing in class and   senior year this quality of the senior year program of
the study they are going to look at what is your gpa   what did you take advantage of in comparison to
other peers did you show any improvement or did   you maintain your high level of achievement did
you do any special participation how about like   outside of school activities okay
they take into account all that stuff   okay I am not going to go through the personal
insight questions I have them listed here okay but   you can see that you’re gonna have eight to choose
from you’re gonna pick four and they’re limited to   350 words which sometimes is harder than you may
think a lot of times people try to write too much all right but it is something just keep in mind
um and they may have updated this I think they   were planning on keeping the same the only
the thing I might that could be in there might   be an additional covid question um so just
keep an eye out for that again filling out   the application then this can be applicable
to any application that you’re filling out   all right first and foremost read the instructions
I cannot emphasize this enough and, simply, it’s probably the most common thing that
I get it let’s see I don’t know how to do this   and I would pull up their computer and read
the instructions to them like oh so literally sit   down and read the question read the instructions
and then read them again if you’re still confused   all right there are legit questions I’m not saying
don’t ask questions but do yourself and everybody   else a favor by just doing your diligence and not
just kind of rushing and skipping some steps of   going and asking other people usually they’ve been
asked enough where there’s a faq option if you do   a Google search and find it on the uc website just
work on reading the instructions you can always   call the admissions department if it kind of gets
beyond my recognition of the problem or things   like that that’s my first go-to I’m gonna try to
get a hold of someone who knows from the inside   okay and please do let me help you I’m happy to
review applications you know sometimes I catch   little things like there’s number seven in your
first name that probably shouldn’t be there to   bigger things like hey you left out an entire year
of English on your application let’s fix that this   is your one shot you want it to be right don’t
rush it okay take the time to get it reviewed   and get it reviewed several times I’m happy to do
that we just need to kind of set it up in advance so the common application has a couple of common
questions around it different websites most of your students are probably familiar with
if you’re doing in that application system okay   but there are a few differences and you know you’re
going to have longer form writing components of it   um but another thing that uh is often comes up is
we do not report class rank all right so on many   of the applications that may ask you this you
just either hit not applicable we don’t report   leave it blank different applications will have
you do different things with it all right so we do   not report that and we will not so if you ask us
we don’t have it so we can’t even give it to you   you uc and CSU applications do not this is
important probably one of the biggest errors I see   on those two applications do not want your a3 to do
not want your non-a3 courses okay in your course   history or your GPA calculation so that would
be like P.Ed. learning center strength development   pathways don’t enter them okay if you generally
do not see your course in on your list of courses   usually shouldn’t go on there with the exception
if you like came from an out-of-state school that   didn’t maintain an a through g course list again
if you have a complicated you know history at   different schools that kind of stuff again ask
for help, I’m happy to support you guys with that   census probably the easiest application out there
all right so they’re very simple the application   window and the application itself is not even
even open yet so you can’t log on to CSU and apply   until October 1st but you can submit from October
1st to November 30th so you can start it submit it   and do it all if you were dumb on the first
day I’m just kidding but you know you can get it   all done the first day it opens because it’s open
to submit during that window you should not it’s   all online again you have 23 campuses 55 bucks
per campus and just note that many campuses are   what are called impacted meaning that they have
too many students okay and that’s going to help   lower their admissions rate which causes problems
not getting in so you know places like cal poly   long beach san diego state, especially in Pert you
know some of them are campus-wide and programs so   like cal poly engineering campus-wide impaction
too many kids on campus and too many kids in   engineering all right so they are having to
increase their eligibility requirements for that   there is no essay no writing no personal
statement all right no letters or recommendation   your eligibility is based on grades and just like
these are the UC’s ucs on their recalculated gpa when   you’re looking at a transcript the best kind of
uh assumption and calculation is the one that is   uh in the academic gpa 10 through 12 is what
you’ll see on it that’s probably the best guess of   your GPA again they’re going to recalculate it and
many colleges do so try not to think too deeply about it it is what it is you can’t change
it’s okay again no sat or a ct scores are accepted in some of the most competitive schools in the
CSU is cal poly long beach san diego state   some of the least competitive
more open and available Sonoma Humboldt l😳king at Stanley Claus el chico in San
Bernardino Sonoma state in particular has   a large cadre of north tahoe high school
students and a lot of students do like   looking at Sonoma State and have found it a very
welcoming campus chico is another one and many   of our teachers are chico alum so it’s
a great school to consider as well I would say   Sacramento state is probably the closest as well
as the least or sorry the most favorable campus   to take us they’re what are called our local
census so they would probably be the simplest tips for CSU since we
have most students apply there   don’t try and just remember your classes get your
app to get your transcript up you’re going to use   a copy of that when you’re filling it out and
you’re going to be matching it okay and it’s   something that you’re going to be matching with
and if you have to type in classes from north   high school especially you’re probably doing
something wrong okay so it’s going to match and   so you want to match your classes successfully
and again it’s more about entering that   information right okay you’re not going to be
entering tons like extracurriculars and writing   a lot of stuff it’s just about kind of putting
in your information, private colleges again have very   very widely very different deadlines all right you
can have anything the next slide is actually about   different types of applications which
I’ll highlight kind of why that matters   for deadlines but you are in charge of kind
of knowing when their deadlines are and you   might see a myriad of options we’ll break down
all these different admissions types here next to many of the private colleges again if you’re
going to be doing common apps or some other   applications many of them will do require
letters of recommendation for the common   app letters recommendation are me I am
pretty much required for all students um we are going to talk about letters of recommendation
like I said in Pathways this week   a couple of notes for parents if you’re watching
so nobody is required to write a letter   and I will never write a letter
that I can’t write a positive letter   for all right so if I ever said like hey sorry
I can’t write a letter it’s either because   we’ve had pretty poor interactions in
the past and my letter would not be super   glowing on your behalf and so no letter is
better than that letter or I don’t know you   and that’s a problem, especially for students
who just recently maybe moved to our school   it’s going to be a little bit more challenging
this year and that’s why I’m kind of embedding   a couple of things to help with that I’m putting in
some specific connection time in my week to just   call students in and spend 15 to 20 minutes talking
to them finding out more about who they are   because we haven’t had that in the last
you know since they were 10th graders   and they barely were on my caseload at that
point so it’s been a little bit tougher but especially if I you know I know many of
our students but especially if you’re new   many times in that circumstance I might ask hey
is there someone else that might be better to   write this and you can submit one on my behalf
my only requirement with that is I have to be   able to read it I’m not willing to submit
a blind letter of recommendation with my name on it   and then two teachers is what’s most common okay
Stu you know parents just let us work with this   with your students um they’re responsible for
this so in pathways students we’ll get to that   student they also get a secondary
school report so that’s going to be a transcript an overview kind of a little bit of
information about our school they also get a   mid-year report census UCs they don’t actually
get typical updates from your first semester   of senior year most private schools will mean
they’re going to see your first semester grades   before they’re making decisions about you all
right however you know it’s something that we’re   going to generally do pretty seamlessly as
we go through high school all right let me kind   of highlight a little bit about this I know we’re
probably going to be a little over our time today   um but uh do not worry most of the stuff
we will cover pretty much as we expected to   so there are several different
ways that students will be applying I would say the most common one kind of going from
left to right is that regular decision okay it’s   kind of put in two categories non-restrictive and
restrictive application plans the non-restrictive   this regular decision that would be what most
people consider regular applications all right   meaning they have a start date say it opens like
CSU’s uh on october 1st and the decision date is November 30th census and UC’s are
only regular decision schools do not have any other application type
okay don’t let anybody tell you otherwise okay   submitting your application on November 1st is the
same thing as submitting your application on November 30th all right and so that’s something just to
be aware of so it’s you know it’s just   kind of a window of time typically
but they usually have a deadline for rolling admissions Montana State’s a
a great example of rolling admissions   rolling admissions means they’re going to
process your application as you submit it all right so when Montana state gets you to know
starts their school year they open up their   application on a certain date and usually
have a very long extensive window to submit   many times it’s like we’ll take it starting
october 1st and you can submit it through April 30th right they have that window of
time and they’re going to process as they come   in so say you apply in November
usually, within a couple of weeks, they’re going to   turn around and let you know if you’re in or not
usually schools like this it’s not so much of   you’re competing for a seat necessarily it’s so
much are you qualified or not all right and so   this is a nice one often if you have
a rolling admissions it’s kind of nice and kind of   a nice chip off your shoulder to have a school
that already knows you can go there all right   early action um is a benefit for you
the student or family and that’s really where   they might have an early deadline that says
if you meet the ea or early action deadline we will send out an earlier notification
of acceptance or denial or deferral all right   it does not benefit students okay other
then the informational piece okay it does not   help your application process doing this and
sometimes it can hurt in the sense   that sometimes students are rushing to submit
an early action application and you might not   submit the best application because you were in a
hurry okay but it has no impact on your admissions   kind of likelihood all right where
the other side see early decision these are what are called restrictive application
plans and what that means is you’re often limited   to only one and you are kind of legally entering
a contract basically with that school that says   if you let me in I’m going to meet this early
deadline many times it’s pretty early November sometimes you know that you have to
apply if I submit this I’m only going to apply to one other early
decision school I can apply anywhere else regularly rolling but only one
another place early or the decision or early   act or restrictive early action and if you let me
in I’m going to withdraw all my other applications   and I’m going to place a deposit immediately okay
and so this is a big deal okay this is one that a   lot of people I think kind of rush through and
think oh I’m just going to play your decision   it’s going to help me and it does okay it does
help the admissions process they’re looking if we had some time I’d take you through
the enrollment management process but I don’t   if you’re curious about it let me know we can talk
it is through but an early decision is a for   sure seat they are looking for yield at the end of
the process means how many students are going to show up on day one of school this early
the decision is a sure bet for people who are   going through admissions so what that means is
they’re going to look at you a little bit more   fondly it’s not going to generally take you from
an admissible student to admissible student it   usually just helps you get over the hump all right
but it’s going to allow you to look be looked at   a little bit more favorably by the school which
can help you get in potentially the downside is if you get in you don’t get to choose
and look at other options you’re going to have to   withdraw those things you also have to know that
you can afford and pay for it there are a few kinds of finagling ways out that you can kind of you
know if they offer you a 40 000 difference in   terms of your costs they oftentimes might let you
out of that decision but it’s up to the college, okay so it is a big deal it’s something
that parents have to sign off on I have   to sign off that we’ve had a conversation
about it, so it’s not something to be taken   lightly so do that with caution and restrictive
early action is kind of the same thing except   you don’t have to typically place a decision
in a deposit immediately like you do an early   decision okay but you still can’t apply
other places in that early time frame   we talked a little bit about the common
application but what do we do if we’re   still looking for schools okay so what if we’re
still like developing our list which is not a   bad thing necessarily okay but it’s something
that you want to definitely kind of work towards   all right a couple of questions that you might
want to ask yourself on the screen here   number one how much does it cost to attend do you
qualify for financial aid all right most if not   all colleges that most people are going to look at
will have a net price calculator you can google it   cal poly net price calculator usually has you
ballpark your income and things like that and it will   kind of spit out a rough idea again keep it think
of it as rough we’re not when we go over financial   aid we kind of do it backward we reverse shop
figure out where we want to go and then we   figure out how much it’s going to cost herein
America it’s not the best but that’s the way it   goes generally speaking the sticker price is
not how much you’re going to pay however college is an investment and it’s expensive okay so
you have to kind of get at least some general   ballpark directions to kind of make sure again
you’re diversifying not only admissions you don’t   want to all reach schools all safe schools you
also don’t want all private schools that are going   to be super expensive you want to spread the love
we’ll break down how that happens in october but   what other resources are available to students
okay you might know do they have study groups have health on health support on campus
do they have tutoring do you have a library do   you have intramural sports do they have support
for students um with disabilities I mean there’s   all kinds of things that you might want to know
about what kind of activities to make things   um enjoyable and fun for students around campus
because it’s not just about academics it’s also   about the environment it’s about location
it’s about how students feel on campus   what are the housing different options you know
sometimes that’s a secondary question that people   ask okay yes of course you have to get in
first, before you look at housing right looking at   housing before you get in is kind of a non-starter
but you should probably do something   some exploration at least to make sure that you
know the kind of what you’re getting yourself into   that’s also important for junior college
because most junior colleges don’t have   dorms so you need to kind of know what the living
experience is going to be like placement offices   things like that are all going to be awesome
visits are tough and they have been tough   given the lack of openness lack of transportation
things like that worrying about covet and travel   and that kind of thing so if you’re able to
awesome if not at least do some virtual tours   most colleges have done virtual tour
experiences that you can find online   we talked about doing the FAFSA
already in the net price calculator   just the one thing that I want while you’re
in this process of kind of like applying refining   things like that again diversity is important
you won’t know how much college is going to cost   until you kind of get a full picture back all
right so usually I want people to kind of start   their initial list without considering cost but
at this point you want to start having it come   into play in families this is a good opportunity
for you to sit down with your students say here’s   what we maybe have available here’s what we need
you to kind of work hard on Okay we have   nothing set aside you know you know depending on
your income the government says you need to have   some stuff to decide so you might have to kind
of looking at your financial situation a little bit   but you know you might just have that frank
conversation like this is real this is reality   okay and the other piece about finance is
you want to have a four-year perspective   all right this is not something
that happens once this is at least   four years in the making all right and so
you don’t you can’t make a decision based   on well we can swing it for a year
okay it wipes out your savings or you know the loan doesn’t sound too bad but it’s
only one year and then you multiply it by four or   five and it’s kind of astronomical or not possible
all right so you do have to kind of consider the longer-term impact of applying to certain colleges
and consider different alternatives if some of   them are maybe outside of the realm of possibility
we’re going to kind of skip through some of the   deciding elements to kind of get through
we can cover this at another date but   let me talk briefly about what happens
after we submit since students might get   there pretty quickly all right so when a
student hits submit on their application   in the past we’ve done a college
admissions case study maybe you’ve participated in   that we haven’t been able to do that since covid
and not going to be able to do that this year but   hopefully, in the future, we can for younger
students but student you know when they hit   submit many times that the colleges are going to
have to go through and read them and every college   does read the applications all right ucs like you
saw 108 130 000 applications every single one of   those applications gets read by a human being
at least twice okay it might only take four or   five minutes per read but every single one does
get read all right so it’s very quick they don’t   have a lot of time, okay but they are purposeful
they’re in their reading and process   okay um students might have to follow up with some
additional items that are that follow-up component I mentioned on the timeline you know they might
ask for if you submit test scores for   them to submit those officially they might ask
for transcripts, they might ask for additional   letters or recommendations for other pieces of
detail that they might need from you that’s where   checking emails checking portals things like that
all become super crucial in this process   usually in mid-spring anywhere typically from
around January through generally April you   start to see the admissions results come back in
they usually come back digitally through a portal   as well okay very rarely see anything in
the mail is kind of like the good old days and then   usually after that admission you’ll start getting
notices about financial aid and that’s the offer that they’re going to be giving you and
that’s kind of where you start to again go through   this other evaluation process you kind of evaluate
where you get in then you have to reevaluate and   look at where it looks like we
can go because your first choice school might not   be your first choice after looking at the finances
so you have to kind of re-evaluate that process   okay we’re going to look at that comparison and
again may 1st has kind of been this target date   in the past some laws and rules and court
stuff happens and may first can no longer   necessarily be the date other schools might look
at different dates but it’s a good kind of window   of time and kind of a target for most schools and
I would say many schools still do apply on that date   we’re gonna skip wait lists um but just know
that if your student gets on a waitlist um   it’s a good practice to kind of view that as
a denial and here’s some data that come just   from like ucs for example ucs “b” for example had 4
800 students on a waitlist eight of those 4 800   students were admitted so it’s really kind of a
the cruel unfortunate way that they approach it but   sometimes it happens I mean the best way
to get off the wait list is to get on it   but the reality is most students don’t so it’s
good to kind of just move on from that if you do   and then denials do happen in this process all
right and like I mentioned earlier if you apply the kind of like like we suggest a good chance you do
get denied from school and that’s not the end of   the world the goal is not to get denied by all
of them, the goal is to find one that will want you   and hopefully several because that’s
that’s kind of the best-case scenario so I’m going to kind of just highlight briefly a
couple of different how-to’s and then I am going to   just walk you through two different tools one of
them is Naviance and one of them is our website just highlight a couple of resources
that you might want to poke around there   remember this is a very general overview we
are going to be starting here in the next week and a half two weeks booking
our post-secondary planning meetings   okay what those are going to be individual
meetings that’s where we can get more specific   with each of you about your process about
your interests about where you’re at about   questions that you have okay but we’re going to be
booking those and those about half-hour 45 minutes   long with the student and pr you know preferably
a family member or a trusted adult of some type   who can come and be in person or on the computer
for our conversation and so you’ll be getting some   information about that here in the next week or
two about booking that and those will go those   will happen throughout the fall and we’ll be doing
a couple usually we’ll have a couple of slots a day, unfortunately, I can’t just do those all day but
um we’ll have a couple of time frames throughout each   day that you can get online and book and then we
will probably hopefully target having those done   before Thanksgiving all right and so we’ll have
met with all the seniors hopefully by that point   okay so you might be getting some more calls or
information from your student about that as well   so just a heads up on that and that’s another
a great place where we can talk more specifically   about some of these questions maybe you have
and take this information and kind of kind of   consolidate that down into what applies to your
particular situation and child because this is   general it’s hard to address large pieces of
information to everybody because everyone’s   going to be different you’ll see the same thing
with some of our financial aid information too   we’re kind of covering the basics and kind of the
overview but everyone’s going to kind of have a   slightly different flavor on it so some tools just
to mention so you can look them up but college   board’s big future is a good search tool if you’re
still building that list or need to find some data   excuse me for the Naviance search which I’ll just pull
up here briefly in a second has is another great   opportunity to find data and also find similar
or schools that maybe you want to consider that   maybe you weren’t talking with me
a lot of people work with independent   consultants that kind of stuff go
for it if you have the means and desire to do so   what they will do is they will
provide some additional kind of one-on-one support in a more frequent kind
of the more consistent type way unfortunately with   even just the 11th grade 11th and 12th grade
students I’m not able to meet as frequently as   some students might like and that’s fine
I don’t fault anybody it doesn’t hurt my feelings   but you don’t have to do that I’m happy
to help you guys throughout this process   one of the biggest things that I need
from you guys as students and family is to   show some of that initiative if I have to
track you down to do that it’s tough   if you kind of want to talk more frequently set
up some meetings and we can do that all right   but you don’t necessarily spend money to do that
but if you do I’m happy to work with them as best   they can I do encourage you if you are finding a
consultant or a college counselor as they might   call them they usually call iecs or independent
educational consultants make sure they’re part   of an association like Knickknack or similar whack
ac because they hold them to high expectations   and then also make sure that they understand that
there’s a team process I’m open to   communicating with them but um many times they’re
a little unfamiliar sometimes with our policies   procedures expectations at school and so sometimes
they kind of you know most of the ones I’ve worked   with most commonly are good sometimes
if they’re new they just kind of come barge   on the door and expect us to kind of like take
every single piece of advice that they give us   or you that’s not always the case that’s possible
but we try to work closely and hand in   hand with them when possible and so we definitely
if you want to pursue that you absolutely can   let me show you the two tools and then we’ll
wrap up for today like I said we’ll have   some additional information coming up about
junior college information some of the other   resources and opportunities after high school
as well as we will be doing the rti sessions   um every week for at least throughout the fall
as well as uh different pathways lessons that   you’ll be getting so I know you guys missed out
on pathways last year so we’re going to kind of   try to get going on that right away and get
some important information into your guy’s hands so   please do ask questions please do you know
come and seek some of that stuff out so   let me kind of just I might have to
adjust here real quick so let me um see how I want to do this I want to add my browser here so bear with me one
second while I pull this into my system here and then we will do so I’m going
to show this here on the screen   and I’m going to show you guys your
naviance system first and this is a   system that’s available to all students at
north high school including non-seniors so let’s see if we can get this up
here on screen now I think it is   awesome cool let me get out of
here so I can see it all right so when we’re looking at Naviance
I’m going to pull this demo account so what we’re looking at um just getting it open a new screen for me let’s do this instead all right so this is a demo
we’re going to make this a senior and so what you’re seeing on the screen is what
students look at when they log in they log in   with clever which is our Google that account
all right and there are a few key pieces up here   we do not use this to apply to college
that’s an important note but students may be say   for example requesting transcripts here and
we’ll kind of highlight that primarily with   the students but the key pieces that are going
to be helpful in this college process especially up here underneath this colleges area
if you click on it it’s going to kind of like take   you through a generally advisable process of finding
schools that fit you if you’re still doing   some of the research diving more specifically into
some research processes applying to college okay   again we’re going to be mainly looking at managing
your transcript here and then we will be updating   scholarships lists for our lo some of our local
scholarships that are not part of our kind of   common scholarship process on this link here
so one of the biggest things if you’re looking   at say extending your college list be like i
have a couple that I probably should add a few   more the super match called search is pretty
excellent so it’ll take a second to load up   and I’m just going to click start
over to kind of clear everything out and there are a couple of different things
these different items on the top   will bring up different kinds of interfaces
that you can choose from and these are going   to be the search criteria okay we have student
life diversity institution characteristics   right size cost if they have athletics academic
elements things like that okay and if we   click on this it’s going to extend and
let us pick majors all right and so what this   will do is down here as we add so add any major as
we add colleges it’s going to populate this list   down below and so say for example we wanted to
stay on the west coast or stay in California okay we can do California and as we can see as we
do that it’s going to populate this list  there are a lot of schools in California and that’s
the only search criteria they’re looking for so   it’s going to find a lot of matches and it’s going
to say this is your match because everything   is in California everything matches however if we
start adding a few more and you want to kind of fine-tune this to maybe three to five you don’t
want to overdo it doing it kind of limits things but if you start with like even two
to three that’s a pretty good starting place if you   say academics all right so let’s say we want to
stay in California and we want to study nursing and see if it’ll let me type it’s not like my typing hang on oh come on I’m gonna scroll so if we
go down we find n look for nursing   okay what you’ll One thing you’ll notice is that
it’s going to have a lot of different options   okay same thing with like engineering or other
items like that so you’ll have different um   specific majors and so if we said
um let’s just say nursing education we’ll see how close that comes
up you might want to add maybe   a couple more on there if you were
finding different nursing or if you want to add health or things like that so like
biomedical science as well all right so we’ll   do that so it’s got those two this area here
has information about so when it’s in this area   it’s going to filter anything out that’s not
matching if we’re like California is important   but not a deal breaker you can click
the arrow and it’s going to move it over here   what that says is it’s going to like rank higher
if it’s in California but it’s not going to   weed out schools if it’s not okay same any
of these things can be moved between the two   so think of this like it’s an all or nothing
the thing this is like uh we’ll just consider it   but it’s not you know that’s the end of the
world all right if you say admissions you   know if you say your gpo this is out of 4.0
so it’s not weighted so if we said like 3.7 okay we did that so it’s going to kind of roll down and
it’s going to say okay it’s saying you   see riverside all right average GPA looks like
about a 3.61 okay and your GPA is above that   if you had sat scores they can do that and
you can pick out different things   up here so you set admissions info all right so
it’ll say acceptance rate 51 app fee 70 kind of a rough estimate of tuition and room and board again
this is before any type of aid just in the state, okay   and you can see why this is a
match so you can see okay it’s got   biomedical sciences it’s located in California so
it’s a match now this is nice it kind of gives us   the list to explore but if we want to kind of dive
into more specific details you want to click on it   you’re going to hit riverside and
it’s going to pull up this window   once it loads and again you’re going
to be able to dive more deeply into   what other schools are okay how do you compare
against others who applied say if you said your   weighted gpa you said it’s like that range
if you’re in a student’s account we upload gpa’s   semi-regularly so if it’s not quite up
to date probably needs an update but   you can get a rough estimate of scores of things like
that so you can kind of get yourself compared when   you have that you can understand a little bit more
about what majors they might offer so if you’re   like I don’t know what majors uc riverside offers
so let me kind of scroll through and you kind of   see it broken down by college so engineering
here’s all the engineering programs all right   you can do a student life again this is the stuff
that makes people happy on campus how big is it   how far away from home is it okay different
types of the breakdown of ethnicity on campus   admissions are probably the number one and cost is
probably the number two tab that people look at   okay admissions deadlines it shows you also
this is key information about our school   okay so this will break down and show you details about where students who attended north
Tahoe high school got in or not okay and it breaks   down you know as we go through this year unless
people take the s a t or a c t this graph on this   side is going to be a little less reliable but
the GPA should still be accurate who gets in I believe these students were wait-listed all
right so you can kind of see GPA test scores may be   wise where people are getting in or not and these
are normal high school students so that goes a lot   you know very different away from kind of
where we look at maybe larger scale data   okay it breaks down the overall cost
again estimates ballpark figures all right   um if we go where there was one other one so
this one is on the overview tab if you’re like hey I like riverside’s on my list
but I’m kind of trying to explore some   other options this is also kind of
cool so this college overlaps an area I think it might open in a new window
oh there we go it’s going to work cool what this does is it says from
our historical data in Naviance   of the students who applied to the riverside
students also applied to the following schools   many times students who apply to certain
institutions maybe have a similar kind of focus or   areas of taste all right so you can get some data
here as well and this is again all of our students   here at north tele high school data so how many
students were accepted at any individual campus where their average scores were average GPAs and so
on so good data points here all right and can   you can do this with any type of school there’s
there are probably almost four thousand schools in   their database so I’d encourage you to do that the
another one that I want to kind of highlight is just   showing you where some information is about um
college about counseling and that kind of stuff   that you mentioned on our website so
again up here at the top counseling support, you can look through all of this stuff if you’re
curious about working with a college counselor   there’s some advice that I’ve written there
okay but if you just click on this menu item   it’s probably the best place to start that
a junior workshop that I mentioned is here   if you want to kind of get an idea about a FAFSA
demo it probably won’t be too wildly different   it’s not available so don’t start it now but if
If you want to kind of get a preview you can use that   but these links are all here okay there’s an
application spreadsheet which I’ve shown students and I talk about in this video as well there is
also, a link to the senior profile some of these   items are only available to the students when
they’re logged into their account okay but it   just provides a lot of things information about
rankings if you’re curious about why that is   read college in Oregon wrote this up and I just
linked to it because it’s pretty great   okay so if you want to understand why people
don’t like rankings and why it’s not a good fit, okay but you can get a ton of details here so I
don’t I would encourage you to explore if you’re   if you have the bandwidth to do that um like I
said post-secondary plan meetings coming up here   in the next couple of weeks lots of stuff coming your
the way that’s probably the biggest thing about this   year is it can be very much information overload
I’m sorry for doing that to you today as well okay   but it is very very crucial for us to really
kind of jump into it and make sure that we are   starting this process together we are starting
broadly and we will get more specific as we go   trust the process trust the systems it’s its it’s
scary because of all the media and experiences that   people have had however it is something that i
would you know very few students have ever been   disappointed all right some people might not
necessarily make it to their number one school   but will make sure that your student is okay
okay if they do their part you guys do your part   we’re going to do our part and generally speaking
the college is also going to do its part they’re   going to recognize the hard work okay and
as long as we do that well we do it wisely   and diversely we’re going to get you to a very
great place when you graduate so thank you for   hanging in there with me a little bit over our
the hour-long goal sometimes I’m long-winded but   thanks for hanging in there if you guys have any
questions feel free to shoot me any emails as well I’m happy to do that phone calls are a little bit
tough just because I can’t typically answer them I’m in meetings out of the office that kind of
stuff but emails are preferred and then   students will be meeting here very very shortly
thank you for hanging in there you guys and have   a wonderful wonderful whatever part of the day
that you’re in when you’re watching this cheers

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