FOC your FOMO: CBSI Friday FOC with East meets West comics for 7/9-7/10

foreign [Music] [Music] yes you loud very loud loud in the intro dude I like I was like the first one to figure that out I did that on one of bigger shows I just like interrupted the thing because it just all it does is it doesn’t really block you out it just presses everyone’s mute button but you could still uncheck it yeah I know I’ve been with that um anyway guys welcome to from CBS size Friday FOC with East West man uh I am your guy Joker and I’m here with Josh what’s up Josh what’s up dude how’s everything what’s up dude everything good you red I know you read bro I read some things that was that was that was a hefty list bro what you read not really not like the week before I didn’t read it all I read most of it though I read the books pertinent to this show I’ll tell you that and some others that all right um how was your fourth of July my fourth of July yo like like like everybody knows but my mom my girl had uh back surgery so we was really nothing I was gonna go barbecue my mom’s house and bring us some barbecue food but you know because my mom lives not too far for me um but I was just so lazy and tired and stuff man um it was a shitty [ __ ] day up in the Northeast I’ll tell you it was it was it was cloudy rainy it was it was it cleared out in the afternoon yeah it was it was all [ __ ] up man um but yeah nonetheless man it was good to be home I I’d rather be home than work you know yeah um so that that was good that was fun I got my Call of Duty on with the Warriors um and that’s it man I wasn’t really doing much man just relaxing man so much sauce I relaxed so much that I had to take the day off on Wednesday I I had to because my my girl was having complications man yeah um we’re back man and um how was yours man how was yours well let me put it this way okay it’s a bit of a story okay so we did the thing on what Sundays or no no Tuesday after like early afternoon right it was Fourth of July I was supposed to talk yeah yeah and it kind of cleared up now I live in the city not not the city but a city but I live on a pretty quiet street all things considering um and I live off of Main Road too and it’s it’s I’ve lived here 11 years and it’s always quiet never have like like look if you’re if you live in the city or especially like if you live in like the hood or it doesn’t even necessarily need to be the hood but usually the hood people set off fireworks in the Middle Street in facts and and other things yes this year okay right outside this window right here is my driveway I’m up on the second floor I live in a three family house right outside this window is a parking lot this parking lot is in back of a main strip where there’s a bar there’s like a bodega and on top is Apartments like up on top okay there’s this guy I’m assuming he’s Puerto Rican his name is Angel that lived there mechanic real quiet respectable dude probably about my age except for he’s got a dope ass truck a dope ass brand new Silverado it’s [ __ ] awesome nice okay he’s got a really loud system in it which look don’t get me wrong I like loud music but there’s times when it’s appropriate and there’s times when it’s not meaning I don’t need to hear your music at four in the morning and I don’t want to hear it at one at night or one in the morning 12 at night whatever same with his Muffler I don’t know what it is with [ __ ] Puerto Ricans no no no no no no no music because it was Spanish music we’ll get to that okay all right I’m talking about the muffler why you guys and I’m not saying you guys because I know you’re not either of those things Mike where no but I I fall into that my you know my kids are Puerto Rico okay okay whatever well you better raise them the right way I mean I know you listen to some white music which that’s fine like look I love all types because white music is the right music that’s not what I’m saying but I’ll tell you what music is the wrong music is Puerto Rican and Dominican music nah you’re bugging you’re bugging no no shut the [ __ ] up but you know but like every music every time there’s a time and a place no wrong no X gets a spot no let me finish let me let me hear this [ __ ] in the comments let me know in the comments what they think either because I do it’s a fact because you are you you grew up in it so you don’t know what it sounds like to literally the rest of us first of all I’m not saying that there isn’t some good songs because there are but the majority are not and when I say Puerto Rican and Dominican music I don’t mean Spanish music meaning music from Spain I don’t mean Mexican music music from Mexico or other Latin countries I mean specifically from Puerto Rico or in Cuban music Love Cuban music too Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic your music sounds like [ __ ] hold on I’m not done no no wait no no no no no no no no no we’re gonna cut you off right there because I feel like it’s a genre of music not just Spanish not not Puerto Rican not because you’re not gonna say the same thing about Marc Anthony music and Marc Anthony is Puerto Rican okay that’s fair but I don’t really consider okay okay yeah fair so you’re talking about like more like a like Puerto Rican uh Spanish rap that’s what you mean yeah but it’s not really rap it’s just a bunch of guys [ __ ] yelling through bull horns that sound like they recorded on a [ __ ] a tape recorder from 1990 [ __ ] talking and I’m like I was gonna bring out my bullhorn out of the closet if there wasn’t back there so deep I’m not even kidding you and [ __ ] yeah [Music] [ __ ] get up dude [ __ ] okay we’ll come back to that though yo okay [ __ ] it oh my God I have so much to talk about this so mind you now the the parking lot is 15 feet down but it’s only like three feet across you know what I mean this guy’s got his box his sub box out of the truck up on the car up on the bed of the truck and at about five o’clock so okay whatever but that [ __ ] was so [ __ ] loud I had my windows closed the TV on almost full blast I’m not even kidding you I could not hear my TV standing in front of it it was so bad my neighbor two doors down this way who’s also Puerto Rican on the other side of the building on the other side yeah I go over there pretty often his name said dope ass dude built a bar outside on his deck [ __ ] awesome yo he called me up he asked me to shoot them I’m not kidding you he asked me to shoot these people I’m like dude why do you want why does it have to be me because I’m the only white dude on the street you go ask the crazy [ __ ] white dude to murder a bunch of Puerto Ricans why don’t you go shoot him man I don’t want to get flagged with his head okay look so I go over to his house I should have pulled up the video off my ring cameras for this because now his crew or not crew group is setting off some like baby fireworks you know bottle rockets in the middle of the street whatever well this [ __ ] across the street start setting off like mortars in the middle of the [ __ ] road I’m not even [ __ ] kidding you I went outside between the music and this is now we’re talking like nine o’clock at night between the music and the fireworks and now it’s competing boom boom boom I thought it was in [ __ ] Fallujah like I was at going to war dude I’m not kidding you I go outside because I’m gonna go to my neighbor’s house and this [ __ ] is raining down on me all over the ash burning [ __ ] caps [ __ ] everywhere and my house is the tallest house maybe on the street but certainly in the area where they’re lighting this [ __ ] off and it’s just raining down on my house I’m like these [ __ ] are gonna burn my house down to which then I will kill one of them haha okay um jokingly well maybe not but uh certainly someone’s gonna I’m gonna get a fight with someone that’s for sure but I should show you I should have brought the freaking the tape the footage from my ring cameras on here just this one of them’s hilarious because first of all the music is [ __ ] crazy loud and things boom boom boom like not like off fireworks like no look I love Fireworks I don’t want you setting off fireworks literally over my house yeah I’m more of a firework someone from a distance you know me yeah I don’t even mind being up close I don’t want you burning down my house and not giving a [ __ ] you know what I mean so anyway so I get back to my house it’s like 10 30 at night now the rest of the street is shut down like not shut down but dark everyone said he’s still got the [ __ ] music going now I’m getting [ __ ] pissed real pissed so I lean So eventually they go in all of them leave and the trucks just out there blasting and I actually like this guy finally he comes back out and he’s obviously [ __ ] feeling good and whatnot I’m like I lean on my window I’m like hey and I point like right below my window and he went running to his truck shut that [ __ ] down I go come here I’m like Angel I’m like yo don’t get me wrong I don’t mind you playing music I don’t even mind playing loud but that [ __ ] is [ __ ] loud for that long for that long 11 30 at night there’s people like edible ball boils down to this I just feel like most people do not have respect for other people plain and simple you know what I mean like there’s a park not 20 250 yards from my from here go [ __ ] have fun down there man why would you even want to do that in this [ __ ] parking lot that big yeah you know what I can’t stand man you told my music you know I can’t stand when you’re on a red light if this happens a lot in New York and they and these [ __ ] blast their [ __ ] music so loud that you hear their system going the Facebook the hooded the back uh yeah yeah like don’t get me wrong I like music loud music when it’s clear you know and it sounds good but when it sounds like [ __ ] yeah yeah I’m I I don’t like it I can’t stand that [ __ ] at all it’s like what’s the point man you can’t enjoy the music like that you know I don’t think that but like look it’s a different time like back when me and you were the same age we’re in our high school years like the big thing was everyone well maybe not you because you lived in the city you guys don’t really need cars but certainly around here and around most Parts it’s how fast and the furious really became famous too is we all freaking souped up our cars you know doing it ourselves putting in new systems yeah like literally every couple of months get changed out and that’s understandable that’s right but now it’s like I feel like that time has passed like all these cars come with nice clear systems you can still listen to it loud music like you know every one of my last three or four cars came with a sub in it and it’s nice it’s clear it’s as loud as it needs to be that is just ridiculously loud you know we’re not in a club I understand you’re outside and whatnot but you’re in range of a lot of houses man I’m not the type of person to be all loud and [ __ ] you know if we’re in the house party we’re good you know but not outside you’re interrupting everybody like your neighbors and [ __ ] I already can’t 7 30 at night on a weekday nonetheless I understand it’s Fourth of July don’t get me wrong but like everyone’s got to go to war or most people got to go to work tomorrow it’s not like this was Friday if it was Friday going on a Saturday I could understand a little bit more but still man that that music was yo I’m telling you like it brought a whole new meaning when they say it was so loud I couldn’t think it was so loud I couldn’t think and I had my window closed so I sometimes I couldn’t hear the words especially late at night all I could hear was the same [ __ ] stupid like four chord beat which I wish I could remember it at this point but it was just like at least play something good man yeah well that’s a wonderful way to spend your fourth of July I guess you know yeah and I’m sorry that music is the worst music there is no worse music to me it doesn’t sound good and I love literally every type of music you can think of I like it or at least can find something in it that I can actually respect I I don’t mean just music from a I mean of all across the world yeah can’t I just can’t get down with most of that just it just has nothing to do with not understanding the language so like I said plenty of music that I like that I don’t understand the language and I actually understand that more because I do speak Spanish not fluently but you know I took Spanish classes for six years so let me I I don’t mind it but when you’re [ __ ] blasting that [ __ ] that’s when it gets annoying that’s when it gets known to me you know what I mean but the music I don’t mind it you know some music I like it you know like Bad Bunny and some music I like not like old bad voting music but you know some some stuff from him are like you know but um I know you like Enrique Iglesias Ricky what are we 1989 bro yo bailamos dude bailamos yeah I was more of a Suavemente guy oh yeah yeah okay watch out man oh man all right so let’s get into the comics now man um so what what week is this for I don’t know what they what is the 10th the 10th and 11th 9th yeah ninth for DC and things to order through lunar Independence order through lunar and the 11th I’m sorry the 10th for Marvel and Independence order through uh diamond and make sure you’re over to for all your reported American Music information needs yeah make sure you do that yo tell Ben see that you want to see a whole list of Puerto Rican music top 10 Puerto Rican music and top 10 Dominican music Dominican what are you again I’m Ecuadorian man that’s right that’s right listen I grew up with both man and Puerto Ricans in Dominic is next door my Dominican neighbors my wife is you know Puerto Rican so yeah I mean I’m in the I’m in the middle of everything bro you know so yeah uh let’s get it rolling man let’s start off I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be some image yup there we go yeah spawn 344.

okay I mean can we like I said over here we don’t really say much about spawn I’m not reading spawn you know no I I really do like what spawn books are made out of the material literally you know yeah I really do um I like that you know has it changed because the issue 300 was just like regular paper oh yeah no it’s it’s changed it’s been this way for a while I mean I don’t remember exactly where it changed but it’s been this way for a while okay more card stocky um the only the only complaint I have about spawn books honest honestly other than you know I’m not reading them so I can’t speak to that but is the is the third cover you know the Virgin cover go back to a black and white cover I thought that was so dope yeah um I really did and all those black and white covers most of them are are valuable it’s not extremely valuable um is nice though yeah it is it’s nice it’s like a tattoo come on whatever went on I don’t know if it’s a tattoo if it is I feel like it’s like a like someone like an apprentice tattoo you know what I mean like someone who’s like just starting to tattoo people yeah sure all right so you got world tree number one fourth print world tree number two third print world tree number three second which is very surprising to me because I don’t hear anybody talk about this book you know what this is reminding me of what all these printings Department of Truth yeah how one two and three coming out with the sir second person third printing full printing yeah yeah you’re you’re you know what and you’re and you’re right about that because also too it’s the same cover for every single one of them like they didn’t change uh which like the first through the fourth print is almost indistinguishable yeah that’s why like something is killing the children is each print was a different something you know not these ones oh James tinian books so what are we talking about too yeah oh [ __ ] I mean let’s be real like his name carries so much weight you know it probably still does to some people but not as much as it did like a couple years ago or last year well think about it though he’s almost like Scott Snyder in a way where people will just order his [ __ ] just off his name alone now yeah I’m listen I was victim of that at one point you know well he hasn’t done anything that has impressed me in the last two years nothing not one what was the one that everybody was living in that one house oh nice house on the lake that [ __ ] that was a once I read the first issue I was like okay this could be something then this is so I thought that series was [ __ ] horrible I I know I never understood why people liked it why it was such like a oh my God it’s the Quattro baby that’s why yeah Grim number 12.

I missed 11 right there’s another one that came out this week yeah I doing this in noctara I I just don’t know how I think I’m done with not Terror I think I can safely say this I’m not done with grim yet because Grim’s story I’ve said this before Stephanie Phillips is very good at telling a very quick story that you can get through in two minutes and remember what happened okay which I do like that being said I just did this story is just not progressing fast enough it’s funny that you mentioned um grim and um what was the other book you talked about uh not Tara you know um I feel like both books they didn’t they lost themselves yeah you know um more noctera than Grim because Grim I feel like it’s more of a um the story arc is just getting I don’t know if this is the beginning of a new story from I think issue 10 or something like that I don’t know I forgot no oh for not Kara no for grim no not really oh okay and I I don’t know I have I’m behind Grim I I think I read issue 10 only um well at least nine I forgot what it was um but yeah like I said man I feel like they just lost themselves I feel like uh nature really lost itself uh that being said with that book mainly I think the reason why I lost itself so much um is because of uh I don’t know if it was because the covet or what but uh the timing with that book yeah is just off with that but this grim it’s considered more consistent than it is than Ontario is right yes by a mile I think right in every way possible in both release schedule in story in uh in everything and you know what the thing is you just kind of said this um I think you said that noctara has fallen harder I would almost argue that Grim has fallen harder than knock Tara I think Grim out the gate was more popular than noctera I really do but honestly speaking but no no no but noctera was more because everybody was you know because we knew Scott Snyder right when new Scott Snyder and he was amping it up and we was amped up in the storyline with the premises and all this you know Stephanie Phillips you know she’s not I’m not saying she’s not known but she was still she’s still new correct but you got to remember Grim was hyped up big time um not from boom so much but from people just purely off of the way the character looked and the way the font on the title looked everyone’s like something’s killing the children you know that’s what everyone kept saying and that the first like three issues were [ __ ] hot books yeah not Tara’s first three books were not the first one was but not so much out the gate it was more like one came out some people read it and were like this is good this is gonna be a TV series one day and that’s what pop this shoe won to me my thing I think what [ __ ] up not Tara because the characters are free some of them are pretty cool some pretty cool like blacktop builds pretty cool um but there’s a lot of one that I really do not like which is the main character Emery uh on the good side right um well Val’s the main character her brother Emery yes who I don’t like you’re right I’m like the hell either yeah I I kind of dig Val in the beginning you know I was like inval you know she was a cool she was a cool character you know um um what’s up what’s the Blondie chick with the grandfather I forgot how I can’t remember her and she changed she has a code name now see where it I can tell you exactly where it got bad when they brought on like a whole crew of characters out of nowhere that like drive like the food truck and like the other [ __ ] where it was like wait what like when they just had the like the three of them or well the four until the grandfather died you know that was cool blacktop Bill yes great character good character very very negan-esque yeah you know with the with the dark humor and the yeah you know [ __ ] like that but the rest of it I just I don’t think I’m going any further with not Kara yeah unfortunately right well it’s got slider too man you know yeah all right uh night terrors Batman number two so I read night terrors um first blood and night terrors uh Batman number one okay all right what’s the what’s the main type like the main storyline of the night terrors is it just the night terrors or I can’t remember if it if there’s a I think there is a just a night terrors but night terrors first blood is the thing that starts it off okay so okay that’s the kickoff all right so good okay so basically what happens is um what the [ __ ] is that guy’s name not Doctor Fate Dr Evil no no that Julian March covers all right I like that cover doctor and myself Pharaoh the muscle failure is a pretty it’s different I like it it’s a cow going on the [ __ ] is the guy’s name I always Dr destiny okay so Dr Destiny gets possessed by insomnia this new character and he’s looking for the dreamstone definitely still no he’s looking for I think it’s it’s one of the is it the dreamstone or Hang On You Gotta Give me a minute here I’m sorry no that’s all good I mean but like again man my thing is with these with DC yeah Marvel does it too you know when it comes to these storylines the main storyline like night terrors or whatever and they do these spin-offs with each character’s Batman Titans Superman and it’s just you you lose me because there’s so many books then you tell me I Gotta Buy each book of this [ __ ] so I can keep up with the main storyline of Night Terrors and you know what I mean just ah give me just like a trade paperback and I’ll be good yeah there there’s and as we’ve shown on a couple of focs there is a massive amount of these night terror books so basically whatever Stone he’s looking for the nightmare Stone he’s looking for the nightmare Stone and uh uh uh doctor what was his name Doctor Destiny yes um hid that stone in the dreams of one of the heroes uh that they don’t know where it is so he basically possesses Dr destiny and then after he does that manages to infect like everybody and makes them fall asleep and between the two stories I the the first blood was much better I think than Batman there’s good pieces Joshua Williamson wrote both of them there’s good the guy okay I can kind of get behind the concept but there’s certain things that just I don’t know I don’t I I first of all I don’t think this is gonna be well received I I just don’t number one I I think there is some potential in it um there were Parts I liked and then there’s just parts that’s like you know come on yeah here’s another thing right when did [ __ ] Batman in the comics become Batman from the 1966 television show meaning why is it that Batman has always thought of whatever the villain or the good guy thought of way before they ever thought of it every single [ __ ] time like what’s the [ __ ] point to this guy anymore you know like the purpose of him [ __ ] being Batman isn’t that he’s always one step ahead or not even one step that he’s 88 steps ahead of the bad guy it’s that he can be beat he’s a normal dude he is smart enough to figure it out and then beat them but like the whole Fail-Safe [ __ ] and you know like and again whatever apparently we’re past the whole him losing an arm thing he has his arm back well it’s been that apparently okay yeah like I don’t know we’ll get the remind me to I don’t want to get into this now but when we get to Thor at the end of this remind me to bring something up about continuity in comics now and continuity and Comics back then okay not feeling these covers no no I’m good your work is very trippy too like there’s pieces of it that I like there’s pieces of it that I don’t know very obviously dream nightmare-esque type of artwork um uh Wonder Woman 800 second print obviously this sold well enough um I forget the one one of the covers I think was a hot cover um from the first print um you know that cover a is pretty cool yeah there’s something about that recover I like it yeah I don’t know what it is but it’s just I don’t know it gives me the old school Vibe yeah you know I guess and then one of 25 is not bad either yeah but too bad they already uh it’s just a version of a variant from the first part yeah DC doing the same thing [ __ ] Marvel’s out there uh Ghost Rider Wolverine weapons of Vengeance Alpha number one um that’s a mouthful yeah actually they um the list got updated pretty late so there are there are more covers it’s just that it was easier for me to put this on its own slide and you’re gonna see more covers here in a minute but let me read the synopsis here this is a four-part series I believe okay um see let’s see let’s see okay uh it’s Ben Percy who I believe is actually writing uh Ghost Writer uh Logan and Blaze weapons of Vengeance Logan’s the best there is at what he does and what he does as the deadly Wolverine isn’t very nice when innocent blood is spelled Johnny Blaze becomes The Ghost Writer equipped a deal punishment with the power of Hellfire a demonic serial killer is murdering innocent mutants but what is it about this deadly new villain that forces our two Heroes to team up and what buried secret does he share with Wolverine and ghost writers never before seen first uh very first meeting in the past get ready for claws chains and violence as only Benjamin Percy uh who did who oh he’s writing both Wolverine and Ghost Rider and Jeff Shaw who did Thanos and Guardians of the Galaxy can bring in this four-part Epic um well damn oh my gosh didn’t we see that thank you just took the words right out of my mouth yes damn we did yo listen man I know I know we said something about uh like I think months ago about Frank Miller and somebody said in the comments you know Frank listen Franklin is a legendary when it comes to the comic artist comic cover artists all that you know but I think certain people need when everybody said a certain age need to just stop yeah you know he’s well past this Prime yeah not that he was ever a a great artist but he’s he he just had a style and you know he was recognized for it yeah but it it doesn’t sit with most people and now his [ __ ] is just bad horrible that that that is come on guys let me let me know in the comments that’s a good Wolverine cover is that a good frame Miller cover I want to know honestly in your opinion you know I mean I mean that looks like [ __ ] Wolverine on heroin yeah I got something something yo I’ll tell you one thing no man uh that Perez cup is really nice I would like that Perez cover yeah something about that because it’s really dope um I’ve seen better by him though I mean yeah but compared to what we have there oh damn okay and the 100.

I like that one in 100. yeah pretty cool now my thing is do these glow in the dark no I don’t think so no okay um I don’t think so they’re gonna get a little 90s Nostalgia I want to know who is going to buy this Golden Apple has I forget what they have this one for they have this one for 750 [ __ ] dollars don’t do it don’t do it I want to know I would literally love to know how many people they actually get sales on for that kind of thing I really would love to know I want to know who the Fool’s going to buy that [ __ ] 750 you are doubling the price of the ratio of the ratio more than double which the rule basically now is 50 of most ratios and some aren’t even that you know we’re not in that [ __ ] we’re not in 2020 2021 anymore gentlemen and ladies that’s the thing man I whatever man I’m I’m all right so before we get into this you say you guys something to say about Thor yeah well I’ll say it after I read the uh synopsis so Al Ewing doing the immortal Thor and Martin uh cocolo I’m the artist on the uh interior art I’m sorry and uh Alex Ross gonna be doing the main covers seemingly reminiscent of him all Immortal Hulk yes yeah okay uh was Cocoa on the on the art no Alice Ross was just on the cover Ace no no no no no no cocolo on the art on the interior on Immortal Hulk I don’t think so in the beginning no who did the interior ah yeah you know what I’ll take that back I don’t know I think he was well go ahead read I’ll try to look it up okay so uh the Norse myths they called him Thunder or I’m sorry in the Norse myths they called him Thunder viewer has been called wait has he been called viewer v-u-e-r has he been called and I don’t even know how you pronounce this name Lord I don’t even know I’ve never heard this name the gods know him as as asgard’s king keeper of mjolnir hero of the tales uh when Injustice grips the Earth and ancient Powers bring down the sky he fights for those who cannot and when the tale is done we will know what the cost uh what that cost him this is a story of The Immortal Thor plus a bonus page written by Jonathan Hickman who are the gods and gods is G period o period D period s period it was Joe Bennett oh that’s right so Thor annual came out this week which uh the first story was Lansing and uh Jackson Lansing and uh what’s his name partner and the other story which is like four pages of zal Ewing getting ready for the immortal Thor run where Thor has reverted back to his costume of old instead of the Donnie Cates looking costume and has repaired mjolnir no longer cracked Thor is now the all father Odin is in Valhalla he uses an Odin storm to completely repair mjolnir do you feel like this is a way of uh revamping and re-uh yes starting Thor yes okay um I would not be surprised and as a matter of fact I think they would be foolish if they do not somehow figure out how to bring black winter into this run everyone was waiting waiting and wanting for him to come back you need to bring him back in this dope ass character even though we got such little of him uh that being said back to the continuity [ __ ] I feel like back in the day all the way I would say maybe up to the 80s maybe a little later even though different writers came on they were all able to keep the continuity and it wasn’t like okay first issue in we’re reconing everything you the last guy just did you know I feel like that happens on every single freaking uh book certainly that Marvel does maybe not so much DC more Marvel but DC is also guilty of it that they just in the first issue do away with it whether it needs to be done away with or not they do it yeah it’s like there’s no there’s there’s no real point in reading these [ __ ] stories anymore as an overall series because this the one before is almost meaningless most of the time and here’s another thing um the other thing that Marvel specifically needs to get away from is why is every story have to be an end of the [ __ ] world an end of New York story where New York once again is ravaged by uh aliens or zombies or or whatever like they’re losing they’re losing their creativity oh they lost oh they lost it already but I’m just I’m just saying like it’s just being repetitive like why does everything have to be a world or universe or multiversal encompassing thing why can’t it just be something that just affects that character and the direct or indirect characters around instead of something that in theory should be affecting everybody but isn’t it’s like well wait a minute why is I’m using this as an example I’m not saying this is what’s happening right now but why is it in Spider-Man the end of the world is happening with [ __ ] uh uh uh whatever that with uh I forget his name now the God that was just coming in but yet other characters that are in New York it’s like that’s not going on so you can have these big things happening that aren’t affecting other people that are literally in the same [ __ ] City doesn’t make any sense get away from that bit not everything has to be and you know what that’s why I honestly think not to go off on a tangent here why I am personally liking Secret Wars on on Disney plus secret invasions for an invasion yo you saw last episode was good that [ __ ] was good yeah any episode none and kill my girl Khaleesi though man you know is she dead though is she I don’t know I feel like I feel like they were hovering on that last shot like she was gonna get up or something I felt like they were covering there I didn’t see the there was like a a post-crediting I don’t know no there wasn’t it wasn’t um how how cool is it though I dude all I want to see is is this is the super Scrolls oh did they mentioned them now they did yeah which is [ __ ] dope well you’ve seen him well he’s won obviously you see him after he gets stabbed in the hand yeah but yeah I mean it’s just cool when you think about it like when when when Talos is talking to Fury and he’s like literally everything that has happened like the whole Mystique behind Nick Fury is because fury it’s the Scrolls like you literally we’ve given you and done everything for you yeah I like yeah I like the fact that we we getting we getting to know more deep about Nick Fury because nobody really knew about his backstory right about the fury how he was in love with a scroll yeah you know she like that I like that I like the different [ __ ] you know that they bring into this sort of thing and listen man for the people that are understanding secret Invasion [ __ ] you because it’s like yeah seriously don’t don’t expect this [ __ ] to be the [ __ ] Avengers movies no man this is a different view this is like a a spy type thing if you got Fury if you got the shielded behind expected to be more Espionage type you know and and don’t expect to see Captain America and Iron Man in this [ __ ] is that what people see that’s what I’m trying to figure out out is I just keep reading articles about how everyone thinks it’s so bad but no one can exactly tell me what their what the problem is they have with it except the opening is CGI like I don’t even understand why that’s a problem I care less about the intro bro instead of missing ah I don’t know I I re I just I’m excited for the Scrolls I’m excited for the the mention of super scroll now that they’re in MCU now so now you could tell that Fantastic Four is gonna come into play because that that that that’s like a you know Nemesis for for um super scroll uh but that being said man I I love the show I think it’s uh this is the best show no you know but it’s a really good show yeah and I don’t know why I’ve been watching a lot of Captain America lately I really think I need to start getting into Captain America comic books I think the more grounded stuff is for me now and maybe that’s the problem you know um why people have such a problem with this is not all people but most of these people like if it’s not going boom if it’s not a fight if it’s not uh you know what I mean yeah yeah I call it I call it the Biggs effect okay explain explain Biggs is like that he he needs things to go even though I will say big said he does he does like uh so he goes for more of the shiny toy that’s what you’re trying to say yeah yeah not to say what I’m not saying so bigs don’t come at me I’m not saying Biggs doesn’t like uh secret Invasion or Captain America movies or things like that but he definitely likes the boom and for the people comparing the the book to the show don’t do that because it’s totally different how can it it’s like you know you know what I mean like that the things that have happened in movie need to connect to their shows need to connect to this there’s things in the book that like like I don’t understand how you ex like I think this is a perfect fit to what has been in the MCU so far I mean I don’t understand what you want them to do and I think the title is perfect for the show secret invasion you know so but Biggs kind of hit it on the head when we were talking about it the other day when he said you know a lot of people you know I think do just want to get popular off of just doing negative [ __ ] and negative reviews I agree man all right we’re going back to this man uh I like the Perez cup again I’m seeing a lot of pro I mentioned that last show I think uh the Perez I guess is I think it’s been like a year since he passed or something I don’t know the homage in them more um but I’m digging the Wolverine I’m digging the Thor one too it’s not a bad cover of the store yeah I’m not thinking the title though what like the font yeah or just the immortal Hulk no no no no no no I the just the font okay all right not to be quite Frank I have a problem with a lot of Alex Ross’s covers like they’re just too shiny I mean his armor is kind of shiny though right oh is his face armored no it’s not but I don’t know the reflection of it I don’t know I mean he’s got it’s too sh like his Iron Man covers right there’s it’s like the reflection has reflection yeah it’s almost too shiny unrealistically shiny you know all right uh oh Stone House 125 that’s a cool cover yeah but it looks like it but it doesn’t look like that head is yeah yeah I mean but I’m just saying it’s different it’s a different take of Thor I think you know we weak weak um I don’t know why they didn’t show you a picture of a version cover of what we just saw over here I don’t know why but coming soon guys in previous yeah Miles Morales Spider-Man number nine we got the Hobgoblin Return of the Hobgoblin I’m telling you need to be buying these Miles Morales books not even gonna lie yo not even gonna lie you put me on and I was like ah you know I think what if she wasn’t the issue seven that I read with the Carnage this yeah yeah it’s pretty good reading man I ain’t gonna lie man um so yeah get on it and now that I see hobgoblin I like I like the the I like Peter Parker’s villains into acting and crossing over with miles now you know uh it’s pretty cool you know I mean um I like the the old uh nostalgic characters with the new you know I’m not saying that not miles is New because it’s already 10 couple years old like 13 13 years old or 10 years old 2004 wait no I’m sorry 2011.

12 years this is 12 years so yeah uh you know so it’s been mainly new but uh I like the interaction with uh with the old characters with the new and it’s a pretty cool man how Goblin is one of those characters that I feel like needs to be brought up more in the Spider-Man book and I like the fact that he’s with uh with Miles and that that seat cover for me that Mercado [ __ ] is [ __ ] dope man sorry that’s not a seat cover that’s a 1 in 25. 125 That’s okay I see that as a one is 25. yeah good call yeah all right good even the the Matthias man hanini cover love them [Music] um uh Carnage uh rains uh Omega just uh the last book uh just happened uh last week um at first I’m like this is just taking too long I really liked it I thought it was a pretty good ending yeah it’s just something about this corner storyline it’s just I don’t know I really like it from the Commerce book to miles to to the Omega Alpha whatever the [ __ ] you want to call it uh I’m enjoying it I’m liking it yeah it’s not good it’s not like a great story it’s just solid it’s it’s not hard it’s not a hard read and when I mean a hard read I don’t mean it’s like hard to understand I mean it’s it’s just like oh come on can we get through this it’s not one of those you know it’s it’s just solid yeah and let me take that back because it was part of corn Carnage wasn’t like it wasn’t a straight line right Carnage was like and now it’s getting good with the tie-ins with Miles with this uh Omega Alpha red uh whatever the case you want to call it Goblin red Goblin uh which is a nice storyline too as it is um so yeah I’m enjoying whatever Carnage is right now the storyline but don’t drag it don’t drag it too long man well see what I’m worried about is we’re about to get another Carnage series um Carnage I can’t remember what it’s called Web of carnage oh okay yeah yeah which we’re getting Ram V back on which I do not want him back on even though the first three issues he did a Carnage were [ __ ] great and then killed not in a good way let’s see let’s see I’ll get it I’m gonna wait till to read it because so far I’m enjoying Carnage but let’s see I gotta say about Carnage I think I said this last time too is he’s just too op overpowered at this point where he’s like a God yeah as you said to a point that you know is coming right like a Nolan Carnage Facebook that’s exactly what’s happening I think yeah yeah yeah yeah they proven that and it’s you know because they you meant you they mentioned no coming back somehow so you know I don’t know when but he’s supposed to come back well I think between web of Carnage the Venom verse the end of the Venom verse I I think they said something is like a showdown is gonna happen I could be wrong about that but it seems like they prepping that because you know Carnage is like you said they overpower him it’s just he’s and it is he’s not lying man the Carnage is just I’m all like he’s he’s like a god basically yeah yeah um but yeah going back to these uh covers man dope cover I I really enjoyed that one to 25 that’s my favorite couple so far I like them all I mean there is never I would say with the exception of maybe one or maybe two uh covers this entire miles run that have been bad they’ve all been very good I I’ve gotten every single one some of them multiples and I’m telling you the interior artwork on this run is so good that’s the one to 25 right yes yes let me see what it’s doing red Goblin seven uh we are back to one cover on red Goblin and some other titles as well um you know the story is good don’t get me wrong but I feel like it’s falling off a bit and um you know it’s intersecting with Miles and with uh with Carnage um so maybe hopefully we’re coming back to just Normie which would be nice to see yeah the red Goblin was has been a really good story now what’s the other one with the with the girl um misery no no no no the book the book um oh uh Hallows Eve yes how to leave like oh these spin-offs with um with these Spider-Man characters man I’m enjoying it man I’m I’m thinking that at first when we started talking about oh red Goblin number one I was like yeah even that gold Goblin that gold Goblin I’m not digging that right there I don’t know but his series was pretty good was it all right there you go see I mean I’m enjoying red Goblin I mean I don’t leave man so uh so far Spider-Man you know it kind of like what DC is doing with Batman and like Nightwing and so far with because of the Batman family and they they holding they holding the flagship over there you know same thing with the Spider-Man uh anything Spider-Man related family is just yeah except Spider-Man yeah except Amazing Spider-Man yes yeah the same thing with with DC Batman 2 Batman’s for himself the main Batman title which was a [ __ ] thing it was holding up real strong for a long time too yeah about when I was reading night terrors Batman by the way the last two writers on Batman uh was Joshua Williamson and uh um oh my God thank you chip zadarski on it right now both of them very good writers very talented writers so I would say not great but solid both of them good writers yeah Joshua Williamson really I think picking up some steam uh in the past year and a half but I would arguably say the worst [ __ ] that they’ve written has been for rapping both of them this is that you know what it is some people fit the character and I feel like you know and I thought it’s a dark skin would fit real good with Batman right because to me Batman is kind of like a daredevil right yeah but uh and he you know he knocks it out the park when it comes to Daredevil but it’s not not this run though he’s by the way right right right yeah but when it comes to Batman it’s just like I don’t know he just can’t find I feel like he’s trying to find his rhythm because honestly speaking the [ __ ] that was with um Bruce Wayne when he was what was that book before that was it the night the night there you go it was a good it was a good starski book you know yeah but this is like him doing Batman the self-titled book is just like I don’t know he’s trying to find something and it’s just like I don’t know he he he’s I don’t know I don’t know if it’s because I really don’t know honestly I just don’t know how like these guys I understand artists want to be artists and [ __ ] like that but if you were a true comic fan number one or if you’re any sort of I don’t wanna when I say student of I don’t mean you necessarily went to school for it but a student of the way stories play out and the and the and the way human Minds receive things and just knowing what people will and won’t like kind of off the bat with a very high level [ __ ] how in the world these guys can do things that they know that one most people are just going to [ __ ] hate and two they cannot see it through meaning you know you cannot chop off Batman’s arm and see that through what so why would you do it yeah I I don’t know I didn’t like that where it’s like if I was together it’d be like absolutely not you know like like unless our plan is is Batman Forever and now forever and ever will now have either one arm or we’ll have a profit arm yeah we are not doing this yeah because it’s like how are you gonna how can yeah you’re right you’re right I can’t even argue man you know like in DC like Marvel it’s a little more acceptable a little more because Marvel is more DC is more grounded to me even though yes I know [ __ ] things happen in DC that can’t happen in the real world but it’s way more especially Batman way more grounded in reality I don’t know gonna end the [ __ ] Batman is a clone of some [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah the Clone what is it the clone saga for Batman at least during r or something like that you know uh so for self uh two or three was out this week two it was okay it’s kind of weird she’s uh it’s uh this brother and sister are somehow like sneaking to Silk’s apartment at night and like take over her mind as she’s dreaming and I don’t know what they’re really doing they’re from silk volume three I believe uh that very stupid run where she was being attacked by that like big like human tiger type thing pair from that I mean it’s just it’s stupid yeah you know I talked about um real quick you know I’m you see it was almost an hour already on this but I you know these Spider-Man characters or whatever um this is one of the characters I feel like they haven’t they’re having grasp you know what I’m saying with this this one here because character just didn’t I don’t know it hasn’t caught on to something it never has and the funny thing is is it’s arguably in terms of value yes I understand it’s dropped in price but it’s probably it’s certainly in the top five I want to say of spider characters but for no reason Heroes wise hero wise yeah yeah right for I mean spider family you know Spiderman Spider Gwen well Spider-Man mile spider-gwen what Spider Woman Ben Reilly no no 299 um yeah yeah yeah she’s up there she’s up there but all those characters that we just named there’s reasons why they’re up there they all have not all good stories but every one of them has at least one or multiple good stories I don’t know of a good silk story other than you know the telling of how she gets bitten but that’s very brief yeah uh that being said equipment covers though by Dave Johnson I really like it really yeah I do I like I like the pink in the background I like the effect that it is it’s just something I don’t know what’s going on in the book they look like some crazy [ __ ] is going on the books he’s dreaming and she keeps going between like like the old west or you know like kind of like a like an LA Noire type period and all right [ __ ] like that and they’re trying to keep her stable for what reason I don’t know but like I don’t know and her brother is aware by the way the font I don’t like the silver font I’ve never liked it yeah I never I never have either I think it’s it just doesn’t it doesn’t fit for some reason it’s it’s it’s off it needs to be revamped reworked i i as a matter of fact I don’t like her costume either never really have honestly that didn’t bother me yeah I I’m I’m I like them I like the mask I don’t really like her yeah she’s not that likable of a character to be honest with you she’s really not if any if you actually have read silk [ __ ] she’s she just doesn’t doesn’t latch on Spider-Man Annual number one now um they’re gonna be doing all the annuals and they’re all this this contest of chaos which uh I forget let me bring this up yeah the gelato one is [ __ ] dope any Spiderman any book that is a main well this is an Amazing Spider-Man though this is Spider-Man the dance slot series the one with spider boy in it that being said any Spider-Man book that the lotto was on that is a main book meaning any stories can buy it or order it I’m sorry you probably should buy it because every single one of his Spider-Man books is worth more than the the uh why can’t I think of not the sticker price the cover price thank you oh my God like he’s sorry okay um but the uh the contest the Champions um it’s gonna be all people facing off like one character facing off against each other um which is kind of very reminiscent of this of the 60s type Marvel [ __ ] you know Heroes uh you know facing off against each other Hulk thing you know Spider-Man Punisher type [ __ ] um so it’s gonna be um and that’s a big coven I don’t want a 25 yes that is a b cover crazy because it looked like a 125 cover it should be but it’s not even the eight covers though so Agatha Harkness is the one in charge of is uh chaos yeah yeah she’s building a new dark hole and she’s pitting Earth’s Mightiest Heroes against each other to do it okay yep ultimate Invasion number one second print um I read ultimate Invasion one it was okay the first third of the book it kind of goes in chapters um was really cool I thought with the maker escaping his prison um but he’s trying to get back to his uh Universe which is the universe that miles is from yeah the Universe um so he goes to Miles and he’s like well do you you know do you want to get back there which I’m not really sure why he would want to do that considering the fact that his parents got pulled into the 616 with him so I don’t really know why he would want to do that I honestly can’t remember much of the book other than the beginning so it wasn’t that good sounds good though all right moving on the maker is a very cool character the maker obviously is Reid Richards from that universe and the whole Council of reads thing you know that goes back you know a bunch of different stories with the Council of reads [ __ ] really really good uh so let’s see uh magic cards um you got a bunch of Night Terrors books uh on DC which I told you I would never again put them up on because it was on the slideshow because it’s just way too much but you got night terrors uh uh hmm oh they added another cover they added another glow in the dark wait a minute no this is just regular night terrors why is this here night terrors three that’s weird uh I don’t know a night terrors Black Adam these are all number two night terrors Joker I like this color the Ryan Brown cover poison ivy Natalie Sanders sexy yep ravager oh [ __ ] Lobo I’ve never understood what the attraction of local is what was one of those characters was like I feel like so many people yeah but they’ve never read a [ __ ] damn logo book ever you know oh yeah give you a good story arc logo yeah yeah name me one please I mean I I don’t he seems like a badass though Blue Beetle yeah okay cool I’m gonna go see the movie Man uh I don’t know if I’ll go to the movies and see it I’ll I’ll wait a month and it’ll come out on HBO man or Max whatever here we go here we go that image boom oh nothing much there quests no Walking Dead nothing like a lot of these places are taking breaks for like the summer for some reason how’s the slaughter anybody still reading House of Slaughter this is 16.

yeah let us know what’s going on there yeah wow for a spin-off that’s pretty deep right right 16 issues um that didn’t get that much uh you’re gonna foil 300 proximally yeah well you got the foil 181 you know the effects or whatever man affects them okay oh Avengers have you ever read ASM 300 uh to have I read I read I think 298 yeah but not 300 I don’t know I haven’t oh that’s a dope ass Captain Marvel cover though with the blonde yes yeah that’s Low cover the George Perez yeah yeah cool cover um the uh the issue one came out this week gotta say the artwork inside is very good no very good uh did you read the last issue of bloodline issue five no that was last week right with this one yeah last week oh no I didn’t I didn’t read it not good not good no I think it’s that was the last issue right yep it didn’t end well nope oh man [ __ ] okay I think they uh they could have done something really cool I think with that character and I just don’t think it’s going to happen I’m sorry to say they could have made that character like a like a mix between blade and and uh and uh Elsa Bloodstone that’s that’s where I saw it going in my mind and it just seems like it seems like they’re not they they didn’t put they didn’t take the character too serious more of uh like a light like ah it’s a woke agenda type character I I’m sorry to say yeah we have enough of that Marvel all right yeah I mean that’s I mean not to say that look I like the first two or three issues but you know they put specifically on that book a black female gay writer who obviously embodied a lot of herself into the character which is fine but you didn’t you damn well know the reasons you did that you didn’t do it and that happened to be a coincidence wow what else we got uh does Children of the vault which I am unfamiliar with I don’t know if this is the the same thing as children of the atom remember that thing came out yeah yeah something with X-Men though so it’s kind of similar yeah I need to get back to reading X-Men I think I told you I started reading X-Men from GSX up this is John Byrne right yeah okay then we talked about the Thor Guardians these Guardians covers are so good but again everything I leave the [ __ ] by this [ __ ] that I end up reading by Kelly and Lansing never ends up being very good you know it’s crazy you know Guardians of the Galaxy you know the storyline sounds pretty cool because I like a western you know what I mean but it seems like Guardian of the Galaxy Western like why you know yeah are they supposed to be in space you know what I mean I I it just I don’t know it doesn’t make sense to me okay like and back to the whole Kelly and Lansing thing like look I know there’s stuff they do that is good but kind of like with Jeff Johns I just never end up picking the right ones I guess like the Captain America stuff that the symbol of truth that’s going on right now like you know I hear excellent things or did hear excellent things about it um I Tried reading issue one I wasn’t in the right mind space to read it I do want to get back to it but like okay another thing they did that came the Conqueror uh books first issue the first two issues were really good the first issue especially that fell off big time yeah yeah Spider-Man by chip zadarski omnibus um I guess and I thought there was another on the bus they were that was coming out I guess I’m wrong we’re off by Night 33 facsimile and uh Wonder Man early years on the bus okay the Wonder Man Mike we really need a Wonder Man Omnibus how much could they [ __ ] do didn’t he die in the very first issue that he was in did he yeah I thought he did I’m sure they brought him back I don’t know that much about Wonder Man this character was so good he had to bring him back bro um yeah this show went why is it always the shows that I think are going to be really short end up going really really long like I’m starting to lose my voice oh no bro uh all right or else are you going to the Indie books not much there no nothing that’s it that’s it we’re on to the next one man on to the next one that’s it another week down you never even know where to catch it all right and then again make sure y’all hit up Ben c yeah for those Puerto Rican um music list and Dominican list yeah yeah that’s right uh another week man good uh good stuff got a lot of stuff to talk about we talked about it um definitely catch that man um wanted to do a little live show but we kind of did it already with the Warriors you know saying so we’re not much to talk about you know but or no last auction was I on there I think I was on there but I was bullshitting yeah I think I came late on the auction um yeah but it’s rough out there in auxes man yeah yeah it’s roughly I’m not saying that people ain’t buying people buying but this is I’ll tell you I’m getting excited for terrificon really yeah yeah I can’t make it man yep yep Richie uh Richie coming into a good amount of books recently um and as a matter of fact Richie at my behest uh went through and repriced every wall book and every graded book so they are either for the most part at GPA or less okay okay yeah that’s good he updated his [ __ ] yep and people’s getting some good deals with Richie you know what I mean yep but uh it’s good to see that man it’s good to see that I gotta go to surfacon enjoy that man definitely guys if y’all there man make sure I stop by um Richie’s Booth or Rich’s common Cabana guys you already know um tell them you know what’s up you know if you see Josh make sure you say what’s up Josh is e-rod selling at terrificon I think he was he is I think he was I think this is the first time he was going to sell a terrificon are you sure of that I’m not I’m not 100 sure so I’ll I’ll get back to you our last one whatever well I can go on the thing and see if he’s on the let me see yeah check if he’s a vendor you know but uh I’m not gonna keep everybody long man uh well it’s ready almost an hour and 15 minutes man um yeah make sure you catch this on you know put your orders that’s what I’m gonna say put your orders in uh on the dates before the dates listed below the ninth for DC and basically uh the 10th for Marvel and the rest right um other than that I ain’t got nothing else to say but uh God Bless America all right yes and uh spay and new to your pets yes make sure that right and and wu-tangs for the children right guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music]

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