welcome to the eighth episode already 
of gesture site Isles I'm Al Demetrius   and um yeah looking forward to uh to this episode 
um the previous episode we've um started thinking   about uh planning for a future development and 
um we created a the canal and two areas I want to use for this future development 
at the moment we have a   lot of residential demand where 
I want to to look into and connect up the first interchange we made up to 
the road laymond we had in the previous episode   so um I think um yeah it's 
just a time to get started so let's see well what I was talking about I 
want to have this interchange connect up with   this road over here then maybe Workshop more on 
this um service Island um yeah I like to call   it service Island um and start with development 
on this area if I'm correctly Zone an area here   that um I want to be working on and maybe an 
episode after that I want to look into our um uh I'll put the person name again pedestrian area yeah sorry for that 
I've been uh it's been a long day at   work but first what I want to do with 
this uh interchange is change this road   in this uh um I actually don't like how this uh 
connects so I'll first let's pause today because   this is still the only way in and out of the 
city at the moment and let's get our dude groats um we'll also like is that we have if we can 
see our um terrain here it's also a bit of a dip   could be nice to um just have some uh some water 
in here with the North bird used at all maybe uh   raise this road a bit that way 
um change this up because uh   I think this is uh yeah this is ugly 
um yeah make it the same height uh   raise the terrain here a bit and then 
make a bit of a Waterway here foreign and yes is it possible to would be nice to have some 
sort of too much Bridge here foreign foreign foreign start on the development of this neighborhood but she would be a nice road to go around it let's 
just start with our normal uh two-way Road this song foreign interesting uh Road layout I think we'll have some nice areas for some residential development I have made this a bit more with a grit 
because I am we can use some of the   um service buildings over here um maybe a bit 
of a commercial area or something and for the   most part we can make a bit of a park here um that 
would be nice maybe uh along here and for the most   part of my residential maybe some commissioner 
commercial uses here and there sorry for that   um maybe some officers here could be uh could 
be nice but um first I think we should get   um some water pipes here and let's place 
them underneath the road right wherever that should do it and now and lift it up over here let's see so we can 
get rid of and place it up there and I do think   that this will be replaced a bit more over 
here because uh it's a bit close to the uh recycling center so at some point I think 
we could have um pollution in the water   let's see you this year later guys um let's see um about our services in here and I think now we can 
do we don't make that much money yet so I think   we will work with these for this area let's see maybe more along here maybe just a bit more of this trip which we also 
can use for a lot of um commercial uh activities   let's see Fire Department that are here at least another headquarters let's see we would definitely need a Elementary School in this area to maybe 
even two elementary schools in this area then I think another connection here okay and I think we need a that's cool here as well you 
can keep that off the main road good I should make it here but also would like to use this asset or it's possible I don't think we have this in our 
build yet let's see we could place this one here   almost covered the uh Tire Zone here so do that yes then let's see um we could use a cemetery around here um we have our elementary school here so we 
can have our Child Care here as well and   um that's a bit more way to uh yeah that's to 
work too much the elder care just across the uh   give it a bit away from there like that um
what do I I want to have this community pool close to the school maybe a cross and this 
one here as well see maybe like this and that should be nice they should get us started um also thing is I want this European superbia and also let's see here have um
Chelsea fishing buildings in this area I think weird he could a bit of zooming and we could do it here let's see can we have the post office in here let's see like I know this looks on the corner um we could have it maybe this would be a bit please look how 
this I like how this corner Building looks let's see let's continue with our let's keep this right open but you will mix it all up a bit like this it's a start off with 
that let's see it also want to do a bit of a foreign like that the consumer activity around here to work here okay you can do that later um let's start with zooming here you think I want to get in a temporary power line see Let's cross the road here should do it for him do it like that so let's see which is in here really big demand for that but okay foreign foreign foreign foreign thank you industrial area over here let's 
see where do we have it here foreign thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign I am I think we're off to a good 
start with this uh this area   um and maybe for the the next episode I would 
like to do detailing at this area and think about   either replacing the fairy line here or anything 
in a an extra stop along the way um not sure if   what I want to do there but yeah maybe uh some 
of you haven't have an idea about that um if you   have an idea about that please uh please let me 
know in the comments and uh I'll look into that   and um yeah from now I uh again I want 
to thank you all for your uh your time   um also having my own Discord server at the 
moment I'll uh you can see the link link up here   um if you want to join there please come um if you like what you've seen please hit that 
like button if you want to see more of me in the   future please hit that subscribe button and um 
for now it's just a brief City tour of the stuff   that we've created today um again thanks for your 
time and see you on the next one take care bye bye foreign thank you

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